Undercity map


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006



So, I go into the undercity right, to do various missions/get explorer % up. I take a look where I am on the main city map when I first go in, under the 'nd' in 'Undercity'.
Wander round for abit, kill the Am Fah leader fella, and check where I am. Still under the 'nd'. Check my explorer percentage. Still the same. Not uncovered on the map either.
I have been gone from GW for around a month and a bit, so I suspect it may be something to do with the new updates as I used to be able to explore properly in the undercity with the very same character(havent tried it with any others, they keep getting reset :P).
But, does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
(i'll post screenshots later if you want, although as i took them just then I don't even get an "Undercity" map title when I'm in there :/)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Hit 'u' while in Undercity.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006



That works but that doesn't give me the percentage for explorer, or fix the overhead map ;/



Tech Monkeh Mod

Join Date: May 2005

Good Old North East of England


Moved to correct forum, this is not for technical assistance.




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


The map for the undercity and the skyway are the same, if you explore one you get both. There are some spots you need to find from the undercity, and some from the skyway to get 100% though.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Pacific NW, USA

Team of Oblivious Targets [TOOT]

There was an update recently that changed the mapping of certain areas like The Undercity (as well as areas like Dragon's Throat, Sorrow's Furnace, The Underworld, etc.). These areas were previously unmappable and only ever showed black on the Mini Map (the U-key map). It is now possible to map these areas on the Mini Map.

The side effect of this is that, while going through The Undercity, it no longer uncovers on the Overview Map (M); you have to clear it from Xaquang Skyway. One particular problem of this is that there is an area in the SE corner of Xaquang Skyway/The Undercity that was previously only uncovered by mapping in The Undercity which can no longer be uncovered.

From this thread (3rd post):
Originally Posted by Livingston
1) Does the Undercity and Skyway count as two separate areas?

No. Any area that has multiple levels only counts as one area, they do not stack. However, if a portion of one area sticks out from the area below or above it, you will need to get that area. For instance the SE corner of the Undercity juts out and thus cannot be uncovered from the Skyway area of the map.
Edit from Shyft The Pyro: I have just personally confirmed that it is no longer possible (since a recent update) to uncover the SE corner of Undercity. The map marker (green circle with a pointer) remains in the center of the Skyway on the overview map regardless of where your character travels in the Undercity, so Undercity is now as "glitched" as Dragon's Throat outpost in that you cannot uncover the overview map from it.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


There is not real map for the undercity like there is no real map for the UW and FoW.