im still trying to figure out how to upload an avatar
ty for ur help in advance
guru avatars
1: Go find a cool picture on or select one already on your PC.
2: Click "User CP", at the left top of this page.
3: Click "Edit Avatar" in the "Settings & Options" menu.
4: Select the "Use Custom Avatar" box, and upload the cool image you selected at step 1.
5: Click "Save Changes"
6: Enjoy
2: Click "User CP", at the left top of this page.
3: Click "Edit Avatar" in the "Settings & Options" menu.
4: Select the "Use Custom Avatar" box, and upload the cool image you selected at step 1.
5: Click "Save Changes"
6: Enjoy
Ignore point #1... stealing images isn't that good an idea....
Trvth Jvstice
There are tons of free to use pictures on the internet. Or just take a few screenshots of your character and use an image editor like Adobe Photoshop or a free one called Gimp(as good as Adobe imo) to create your own avatar.
I found my avatar on a site that offers free avatars. Go to google, images, then type avatars. I used micosoft paint to match the background to gwgurus forum background. Also I think the avatar has to be 100 x 100 pixels for this forum.
I found my avatar on a site that offers free avatars. Go to google, images, then type avatars. I used micosoft paint to match the background to gwgurus forum background. Also I think the avatar has to be 100 x 100 pixels for this forum.