Guild wars began to run with low FPS after about a month or two ago.
First off, I have an AMD Athlon 2000+, 1 Gig of ram and a Geforce 5200 FX, going on a 2mb connection. I have tried doing the -nosound, -dx8 etc. But none have worked. I have also tried turning all the graphics and resolution to the lowest but nothing works either.
Please help, thanks.
Slowed down
i have a similar system and also experienced the same issues, i tried everything to no avail. finally i took the side cover off my pc and viola, everything cleared up. it really sounds like a heat issue. i currently have the side panel still off my pc and with a little 7" desk fan constantly bloowing into the pc i experience no more lag/slow down issues. btw. i use the exact same video card, p4 1.8g, 768 rdram. just so u can see the comparison. good luck i hope it helps.
Thanks but I would just like to ask one question, did overheating affect any other of your games? Since only Guild Wars has been affected.
it was only a GW issue btw. no other games were affected, but i also think my other games do not demand as much as GW does.
Strange thing is that I getter better FPS with CS:S