question for Gaile Gray



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Antioch, CA


Hello. I was at my local video game retailer and had pre ordered Guild Wars Nightfall the said they were out of the Pre order disks because, they told me, That NCsoft had said the disks were onlu t ooffered to Pre orders for the Collecters edition or sold for $4.99 +tax each, and had some one come in and buy their entire shipment for the $4.99 +tax, leaving out any one who had or planned on pre ordering. I had thought the disk came with the pre order only standard or CE. i was just hoping you could clairfy this for me.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


The Disk doesn't come with the preorder AT ALL (either edition) unless the SPECIFIC store offers it like that (some do, some dont). If someone bought all the prerelease bonus packs at that'll have to find another store to buy it at.

NCsoft has nothing to do with that, They just distribute them. The stores decide how they handle selling them.

This is all answered in the Nightfall section.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Antioch, CA


thanks i did a search but didnt find anyhting i need



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006


It's A Trick Get An [Axe]

Just to clarify, it is a Pre-Release Bonus Pack, and not a pre-order pack (reading the text off the cover of mine right here). It's intended both for people that already play Guild Wars, and for those that have yet to buy/play it, as it contains both promotional material, and a trial key for the first 2 chapters. It has nothing to do with pre-ordering, unless the store you choose to get it at requires you to pre-order before they give it to you. If they do that, then just find another store that doesn't.

I got mine for $4.99 CAD each (bought half a dozen, and no, only one of them was for me), with no requirement to pre-order anything (though I did anyways, but a week later).

(Someone might want to move this thread, or merge it, or something. )



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Antioch, CA


or deleate it im finished with it



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Take me where I cannot stand.

The Better Part of Valor


Here's what I was told:

Although NCSoft advertises the pre-order pack as being free when you pre-order your game, there is a clause in fine-print that says retailers may, at their discretion, choose to sell the pre-order packs for any amount they see fit.

These retailers are greedy bastards. NCSoft gives them free paraphernalia to distribute and they decide to sell it for infinite profit.

When I found out about this, I pulled my preorder and used the money from that to pay for the preorder pack. The clerk said that everyone who has come in asking about the pack has done the same thing. He got an email from his boss not 5 minutes before I came in asking why 73 people had all canceled their preorders for Nightfall on the same day.

So yeah. If they don't give you the preorder pack, it's just greedy bastard syndrome.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Remember, it's NOT a preorder package this time, but rather a PRERELEASE package. As for the guy who bought all the stock, I'm sure he's gonna be super disappointed when he can't get multiple character slots.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

Meh, the shops around here didn't offer the prerelease thingy with CE preorders, only with regular Nightfalls. Not going to bother ordering it separately, so no prerelease boxes for me.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Song of the Forsaken


Originally Posted by ShadowStorm
Here's what I was told:

Although NCSoft advertises the pre-order pack as being free when you pre-order your game...
that part is very incorect. It has always been NCSoft/ANet's stance that this is a stand-alone product that would cost extra and not be included with the purchase of the game. If a retailer wanted to charge less, or give it free to people that pre-ordered, that was totally up to each retailer.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

in my room behind my pc

Guilty Guild [GG]

i got the pre release for free: i bought it for 10 euro BUT when i go get my full game i will get a 10 euro discount when i show them the orderproof.

Sereng Amaranth

Sereng Amaranth

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Amazon Basin [AB]

Originally Posted by dargon
Remember, it's NOT a preorder package this time, but rather a PRERELEASE package. As for the guy who bought all the stock, I'm sure he's gonna be super disappointed when he can't get multiple character slots.
ever heard of eBay?

and the retailer should have never done something like box per person per visit or something


Join Date: Dec 2005




My local FNAC store sells 'm at 1 euroCENT ( slightly more than 0.01 $ ) Maybe you have to register though.... but the first few days, you could just buy'm off the shelf and hit the register.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Originally Posted by Sereng Amaranth
ever heard of eBay?

and the retailer should have never done something like box per person per visit or something
Yes I have heard of EBay, but I've also heard of several people on these very forums that bought several copies thinking they could get several character slots.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Over here, every games store I visited in an attemt to get one of the pre-release packs had never even heard of them! Not one, and I must've visited at least 30 different stores.

All I kept hearing is, "You can pre-order the game but there's no such thing as a pre-release package". Someone, somewhere screwed up royally.

Legolas Ravenwood

Legolas Ravenwood

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005



Originally Posted by Drithlan
or deleate it im finished with it
There's really no need to delete threads that contain information because I can garuntee that this thread will be searched in the future by someone with the same question as you. The only time a thread is deleted is in the case that they contain vast amounts of profanity (they could be editted) or are generally not welcome at all (they could be closed).



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006


It's A Trick Get An [Axe]

Originally Posted by Azagoth
Over here, every games store I visited in an attemt to get one of the pre-release packs had never even heard of them! Not one, and I must've visited at least 30 different stores.

All I kept hearing is, "You can pre-order the game but there's no such thing as a pre-release package". Someone, somewhere screwed up royally.
*shrug* Most customers know more about what's going on than the game store employees do, and not just in this case. That's why I hate shopping at EB - I've never gone into one and not received at least one "I don't know" while there about something that they really should know. :P

Swinging Fists

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by ShadowStorm
Here's what I was told:

Although NCSoft advertises the pre-order pack as being free when you pre-order your game, there is a clause in fine-print that says retailers may, at their discretion, choose to sell the pre-order packs for any amount they see fit.

These retailers are greedy bastards. NCSoft gives them free paraphernalia to distribute and they decide to sell it for infinite profit.

When I found out about this, I pulled my preorder and used the money from that to pay for the preorder pack. The clerk said that everyone who has come in asking about the pack has done the same thing. He got an email from his boss not 5 minutes before I came in asking why 73 people had all canceled their preorders for Nightfall on the same day.

So yeah. If they don't give you the preorder pack, it's just greedy bastard syndrome.
If a retailer doesn't markup their prices, how do they stay in business ?

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Note this time around the pack is not a "PREORDER pack" - They named it "PRERELEASE Bonus Pack"...For a Retailers could sell it seperately. It isn't only for people that preorder the game >_>