Noob question....+1 hat?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Here is what I am sure many of you are going to consider a noob question, but since I only got the game two days ago I have no problem admitting I am a I have seen many posts regarding builds and I have noticed +1 hat in many of them. Can someone tell me what the means? I have figured out +1 rune, but not +1 hat. Thank you in advance

Gert Butterfing

Gert Butterfing

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

New Dragons [NDR]


Some headgear can have a +1 attribute modifier (e.g. Dragon Helm has +1 to Strength and is part of the Dragon Armour Warrior) - good starting point is the Armour page on GWWiki

Legolas Ravenwood

Legolas Ravenwood

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005



It's just a Helmet or "armour for your head" that has a built in +1 point in your skills. For each profession they are a wide range of "head armours" for the different Attribute Chains (Attrib Chain= Swordsmanship, Expertise, Fire Magic etc).

Let's say I had a Level 10 Monk with 6 in Healing Prayers, I can craft a "hat" with a +1 Healing Prayers built into it.

When I wear this hat my Healing Prayers is boosted to 7, because of the +1.

Basically it is exactly the same as a minor rune. Runes don't add together if they are the same Attrib Chain (You can't add 2 minor runes of healingand get +2, you will only get +1), but the special hats do add to runes to boost the Attrib Chain even more.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


Check in major cities for “armor” crafters they have the headpieces for all classes. You have to be out of pre-searing In Prophesies and make it to Seitung Harbor In Factions to get them. The crafters should be available in every major town after that.




Join Date: Jul 2006




Basicly a atribute hat it gives you +1, thats how you get certain atributes to 16 , helm and sup rune combined.