Vizunah Square Foreign and my Canthan Monk....
Ok, let me preface this by saying my Canthan monk has competed the Factions storyline through the Kurzick side, killed Shiro, blah-de-blah-de-blah. So, why can't I go to Vizunah Square Foreign? Every time, the gate is closed. What am I dong wrong?
This doesn't really answer your question, but you can tag along with someone doing the "Welcome to Cantha" quest and get in when they talk to Guardsman Chow.
I have a Factions character, he can get into Foreign. dont know why your faction char cant.
Originally Posted by dansamy
Ok, let me preface this by saying my Canthan monk has competed the Factions storyline through the Kurzick side, killed Shiro, blah-de-blah-de-blah. So, why can't I go to Vizunah Square Foreign? Every time, the gate is closed. What am I dong wrong?

As for being able to tag along with someone with the 'welcome to cantha quest' I don't think that would work either. Far as i know it'll put them in the outpost but you'll be left standing outside the gate in the explorable area.
-that said i'm not 110% sure as i rarely play factions, played the storyline once on a Tyrian character and i haven't been back since-
Former Ruling
GuildWiki notes that after a certian mission (N. Quarter?) you should be able to run in if you just run there, yea, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been patched and noone has went back to the page and corrected it.
GuildWiki's pages have a habit of not getting updated with minor stuff like that, anda habit of getting OVEReditted with stupid stuff.
Example: There was a page where someone was rewording a sentence over and over again (that sentence was different every day), yet the page contained an error due to the updates...that wasn't editted out for a week.
GuildWiki's pages have a habit of not getting updated with minor stuff like that, anda habit of getting OVEReditted with stupid stuff.
Example: There was a page where someone was rewording a sentence over and over again (that sentence was different every day), yet the page contained an error due to the updates...that wasn't editted out for a week.
I've done Vizunah Local and Nahpui both. The gate is still closed. Would anyone else be willing to check with their Canthan that's finished the game and see if you can get in? It's possible it's been patched and we weren't told of the patch.
My rit has finished the game (factions) and CAN get to Vizunah Square Foreign. he just walked there
I found the problem. I had Masters on Nahpui, but I had expert on Vizunah Square (Local). I got together a group and got Master's on (Local), ran to (Foreign) from Kaineng and voila! Open Sesame! You need master's on Vizunah Local. It's not enough to have simply gone through it and gotten standard or expert.
Terra Xin
ah ok, then the information needs to be updated^^. I know this is gonna sounds dumb, and I dont mean to be rude, but thanks for answering your own question for all of us^^.
I got expert in Vizunah Local with my Canthan war and walked right into Foreign. It also had the Expert completion logo upon my walking in.
EDIT: This was after completing the game, so that may have something to do with it.
EDIT: This was after completing the game, so that may have something to do with it.
Hyper Cutter
Originally Posted by dansamy
I found the problem. I had Masters on Nahpui, but I had expert on Vizunah Square (Local). I got together a group and got Master's on (Local), ran to (Foreign) from Kaineng and voila! Open Sesame! You need master's on Vizunah Local. It's not enough to have simply gone through it and gotten standard or expert.
I speak more from word of mouth than fact, but as I understand it aNet made it so if you have other quests you won't be able to enter into Vizunah square. So if you abandon or finish off any excess quests you should be able to get in. If I was at home I would confirm for you. Perhaps I will try later tonight and post results.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter
I don't think that's it. I got Expert on Vizunah Local with Hinata and she got into Vizunah Foreign just fine. Kurenai did even worse, and I'm pretty sure she could get in too...
The only thing different between attempts 1-3 and attempt 4 was the fact that I went back and got Master's on Vizunah Local.
Read my first post. I have completed the game, but thank you for that.
Originally Posted by Relambrien
EDIT: This was after completing the game, so that may have something to do with it.
Same here it has something to do with somthing else that is basicaly all I know.
Originally Posted by dansamy
The only thing different between attempts 1-3 and attempt 4 was the fact that I went back and got Master's on Vizunah Local.
Read my first post. I have completed the game, but thank you for that. |