PvE 1-20 guide?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

I'm pretty new to the game, having only played for a month after initial release, and beta. I've come back just recently where I had a lvl 14 ranger/mesmer left from previously, and have just gotten a monk/mes to 12 in the last week or so. I've been playing a generic monk/mes lvl 20 build to get me used to healing in the pve game on a quicker learning curve.

I've decided on trying a warrior out, and wanted to go ele for a secondary and use hammers for melee dmg. Someone told me then that hammer and elem were great for pvp, but horrible for pvp. So my question is, what secondaries compliment a warrior well as far as pve is concerned. I'm starting him in Cantha, as I finally got Factions today, and want to explore a bit of this new area. I'm interested in necro/elem/assassin atm for secondaries, but I'd hate to start with one of those if it's going to make the 1-20 pve not s enjoyable for me. I don't want to make a war/mo simply becuase I have had my fill of the monk class for a bit on the 2 other chars.

Thanks for any help.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

War/Mes - mesmer is a good 2nd proffestion because of physical resistance and other such spells.

War/Nec - I quite enjoyed playing this but you standard PuG team wont be interested in a W/Nec

Legolas Ravenwood

Legolas Ravenwood

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005



Warrior/Ranger? Troll Unguent, a Pet, Stormchaser. I guess they are more for the solo player but you said you want to explore.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


Heavenly Shadows [milf]


I just did a W/Me through factions! It's so far my favorite combo of all time! I even got to level 1 survivor on it and wasn't even trying. I have tried the W/N for PvE - blah, might have been me but this is not a PvE character IMHO. I switched it to W/R and enjoy playing it every now and then. W/Mo - First character ever made in this game 15 months later and I still play it as a Vigorous Paladin. I have not tried W/E so I can't really comment on it. But with elemental damage being what it is a warrior with a fire ice or ebon mode and a conjure skill would do allot of extra damage, I would think. W/A I have an A/Mo have not tried the W/A. Could be interesting to see a warrior with Shiro's Blades on.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Don't really worry about what other players say is best. You get to change your secondary as many times as you want early in the game (at least early in factions). Just choose your secondary by whatever you personally think would be the most helpful for your playing style.

If you want to look at the skills for each class thin you can should look at these two links.

