Hello. im wondering if anyone would have any idea why my character and sometimes others would look like this?
its really getting to be annoying. Ive tried running GW with dx8 rather than 9 and it didnt help any. Also when i open my inventory and if i move an item the graphics mess up there too. It will just show a bright white box where the item should be. Im running with an NVidia GeForce 6100
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks =D
Graphics help
I think its your graphics card since Gw is known to have problems with Nvidia cards. Your card is also very outdated. I would recommed that you try playing the game with a different card and see if it works. An upgrade might be needed, the 6600 is pretty good bang for buck.
the 6100 is not very outdated. there are people playing GW with far older cards. i even run it on a Ti-200 and a 5600. i've seen posts from people using gf2's even and they arent complaining.
what is happening with the OP is that his character's skin has not yet loaded. either his HDD is slow or his files are in dire need of defragging.
what is happening with the OP is that his character's skin has not yet loaded. either his HDD is slow or his files are in dire need of defragging.
Yup, there were problems with the old fx range of cards but that is easily correctable, other than that I play guild wars with either an nvidia 7800gs, or my beloved ati x1900xt :}, and there is no noticable difference, so saying there is a problem with nvidia and gw is a bit presumptious, to Hippaul I would say there are a few possibilities why this is happening, the most probable could be you do not have enough ram, in my opinion you need at least 1 gig of ram to be able to load all textures and areas quicker, "how much ram does your PC have?". A defrag of your system wont hurt either, and as posted it may solve your issue. You can also try different driver versions, though at the minute i'm using the most recent and I don't have any problems.
^ First of all 6100 is not an FX , i didnt know that nvidia cards have problems with Guild Wars me and all my buddies run nvidia without problems. Maybe try to get some new drivers or something. Good Luck.
The white box thing ... i had them on my 6600gt but they were fixed with new drivers so...
Currently running 91.47 drivers without problems.
The white box thing ... i had them on my 6600gt but they were fixed with new drivers so...
Currently running 91.47 drivers without problems.
woot updated my drivers and am now running with 91.47 and its working fine. Thanks for the help =D
Grats =)