i have a problem, which i really want to be solved. for some reason my secound proffesion has changed. anyways here is the story behind it:
my ranger was the 1337'st of them all

. he was a Ranger/necro, and owned everything he saw. one day when the Nightfall Preview came, the GW interface changed, and in that interface u could "hide" ur nr2 proffesion, when pressing "H" i did this for fun, since atm i didnt need my secound proffesion: necro. But then i forgot to switch it back, and when the nightfall rpeview was over, i was stuck with a Ranger without a secound proffesion. since the Preview until today, my ranger has just had 1 proffesion, but today when i logged on my nr2 proffesion was an Ele??
is there a way of me getting my necro back? i really dont want ele, and ppl will laugh ast me when they see im a ranger/ele

here are the best screens i have, to proove my situation:
ty vm in advanced