Just Bought Factions and....

Elwe Fingolfin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Noldor


I have guildwars prophecies already - do I just add the factions key to my existing account

also can I then use my prophecies character and travel to cantha via the quests available in temple of balthazar?

Do I still only get 4 charcater slots even though I have bought factions ?

thanks for any advice I could not find it in the FAQ - but I am a little well very hungover lol....

The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


You get 2 extra character slots and you only need to take the Mhenlo's Request quest from Firstwatch Sergio in Lion's Arch to get a Tyrian to Cantha


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


What Pointless said only happens if you add the key to an existing account.

Elwe Fingolfin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Noldor


cheers can you then go on with that character and complete factions aswell?

I assume there is no benefit to not adding it to an existing account ?

Wrath Of Dragons

Wrath Of Dragons

Burninate Stuff

Join Date: Aug 2005

New Mexico


I would say DEFINITELY add it. You get all the skills from both, all the missions for both, and all the profession/weapon/armor choices for both.
The only drawback? 2 char slots instead of 4, but i see no reason to not link anyway

Star Asia

Star Asia

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

New York, NY


Originally Posted by Elwe Fingolfin
cheers can you then go on with that character and complete factions aswell?

Yes, if you add the Factions key to your existing Prophecies account, you can take your Tyrian born characters into Cantha doing all the quests and missions there AND you can take your Canthan born characters into Tyria as well (via quest at Kaineng Center), and complete missions and quests as well.
Your Canthan born character will get 1000 exp points and 1 skill point for missions done AFTER your character makes it to Lions Arch.

I assume there is no benefit to not adding it to an existing account ?
If you play Factions as a "stand-alone" game, you will not be able to go into Tyria, and vice-versa, and you will not have access to the some important Tyrian skills, and elite captures.
IMO I would add the Factions key to my Prophecies account--you have a better advantage that way with all your characters be they Canthan or Tyrian. Hope this helped.

Cheers, Star Asia



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005


Lords of the Pit


Originally Posted by Wrath Of Dragons
The only drawback? 2 char slots instead of 4, but i see no reason to not link anyway
To clarify that, it would be an additional 2 slots which would bring your total to 6, instead of two seperate 4 slot accounts. You miss out on two slots but then you are able to bring your other 4 characters to Cantha. IMO that is more than a fair trade off, unless you want each accounts characters to be land locked on whichever continent they are on. Link the chapters.

Elwe Fingolfin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Noldor


thank you - think i will be adding it to my existing account.

cheers all for the advice - top bunch o' lads and lasses on here




Join Date: Dec 2005




benefit of making a new account for factions only: you get 4 slots, and on your other account , 4 more slots, so 8 in total , but not linked together
OR, 6, but linked together. your pick!