Is this a glitch in the Character Selection screen?
Two of my characters always show with their masks on in the character selection screen even I have set their preferences to always hide or always hide in towns/outposts.
The only exception is when I have used either of these characters.
When I log off they both show without their masks, but when I log off completely, and then return OR log onto and then off a different character
they still show with their masks on.
One char is a lvl 20 mezmer - this char still has Shing Jea Armor, he's on the mainland but not too far beyond Mayhem in the MArket.
The second character is a lvl 3 Assasin, obviously with starter armor.
This is not a big deal. I only bring it up because it appears to be a glitch of some sort.
In-game their masks do not show it's only in the character selection screen.
Glitch in the character selection screen?
Mine does the same thing and I think it has more to do with how it loads the character previews. I don't think that it actually checks to see if your character should be wearing their headpeice when it first loads the game, but then after you play it just loads whatever was last in the cache. That's what makes sense to me.
And, yeah. It's mildly annoying. I should just break down and get the right mask to go with my armor. Then it wouldn't bug me so much.
And, yeah. It's mildly annoying. I should just break down and get the right mask to go with my armor. Then it wouldn't bug me so much.
My ranger also has this issue. I've just taken to removing her mask and placing it in her backpack before logging out. Kind of annoying, but it's not game-breaking or anything.
The Pointless
My Warrior has his helm constantly hidden in both outposts and combat areas (It's still on his head, but it's just hidden... think of it as some crazy stealth magic
) but the helm never shows on Character Select.

It's normal. All of my characters may or may not appear with their head gear on, whether I've played them or not. (I have all of their headgear always hidden in-game)
Common. I even log in and have my armor looking like it is undyed at times (or no armor at all)
Warmaster Patton
Wait for awhile and usually it switches, sometimes for me it shows my guys in starter armor too.
Hyper Cutter
The character selection screem tends to do that.
I have a character whose headgear shows even though I have it set not to (ranger), one whose headgear never shows even though it IS set to (ele), and one whose headgear reverts to default color at random(necro)...
I have a character whose headgear shows even though I have it set not to (ranger), one whose headgear never shows even though it IS set to (ele), and one whose headgear reverts to default color at random(necro)...