1.in factions can you ascend armour or do you have to buy it?
2.where is the best place to get high amber % drops?
3.what is the best overall Assassin build? im a A/W
4.how much do gold max oni daggers usually sell for?
5.do i have to get full kurzick faction to buy or wear kurzick armour?
6.how come there are no quests for me in old ascalon?
7.if your luxon faction can you still buy kurzick armour?
8.wheres the best place to farm on factions for an assassin?
9.im really poor could you help me get gold?
10.could youhelp me on quests please?
P.S. the reason i ask questions 6 is because when i got a run to old ascalon from factions side i tryed talked to some npc's and they didnt give me quests.