Prot Barrier

Dean Harper

Dean Harper

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


The Killer Clan Musketeers [TKCM]


OK, im really not a monk kind of person, at least not with healing. I prefer protection prayers when i do play a monk, and i was looking through the skills on guild wiki, and noticed Life Barrier under elites. It was the first time i had seen the skill, so i read it and a few skills later, i had this build. Its purpose, like all protection builds is to stop party members from taking damage. This one does just that, and more....


Protection Prayers: 12+1+3
Divine Favor: 9+1
Inspiration: 9
Healing: None
Smiting: None


Life Barrier {E}
Reversal of Fortune
Mend Ailment
Reverse Hex
Protective Spirt
Channeling/Energy Tap/Spirit of Failure

Explanation: The purpose of this build is, as i stated, to stop allies from taking damage, while healing them when they do, as well as removing harmful hexes and conditions. Reverse Hex could be replaced with one of the mesmer skills that substitutes the hex removed with the skill, i think its called inspired hex, and theres another one, but anyways.... Protective Spirit and Guardian are to stop allies from taking damage, while Life Barrier and Reversal of Fortune heal as well as reduce damage. Its a pretty simple build, with Rebirth as the res skill, and a standard energy managment skills, like channeling, energy tap, and spirit of failure. Spirit of Failure might be best suited for this build since it protects allies as well as giving you energy.

Now, plz give me your thoughts on this, it may have been posted before, or something like this, but i need you not to criticize me on that too much, cuz i spend most of my time in the mesmer archive, not the monks. Thanks all!




Look into the Eye.

Join Date: Oct 2005

Detroit, Mi

Oh No Not These Guys [uhoh]


One thing you need to realize is that there is a very large difference between active protection and passive protection. Active prot involves using single cast enchantments to mitigate damage, while passive prot uses maintained enchantments to cover the team (or at least those taking damage) and mitigate usually much more damage.

Trying to build around both active prot and passive prot is quite dangerous, as if you have maintained enchantments without any energy management, you won't have any energy to cast the rest of your skills. In short, this build will never even hope to work. sorry
