Ii want some Opinions on My Kicking from a guild

Solar Light

Solar Light

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Teutonic Warriors {TW}


To begin with background

The guild mostly has people from the preceding allience that broke up, plus some new recruits

At the guilds founding, there was the leader, a good friend of mine, and me, then some other oldies joined, i was one of the officers of this guild.

the guild is about a month old currently, now has 27ish members

the allience we joined up with was trashy im my opinion, basicly some guilds full of immature people, I and a friend have tried to help them with gvgs, but they refuse to even follow basics like bringing rez signets. despite repeat attempts to help and advise we get ignored and shrugged of, and that guilds leader even swore and us, and got my friend kicked from our guild, even when any actions he taken had not deserved it in my opinon, and what he done was very little.

that was some days ago, and for the other part of the situation, my friend and i, along with some others, expressed desire to GvG, and despite many trys over times, we could not get ANY guild activtys going, let alone gvging.

i often complained and griped about the lack of activitys and about the allience we joined. I have to admit that i wasnt always my kindest to them, but i doubt that many of you would have been better then me in my situation....


We have about eight to nine people on, i express wanting to gvg or some sort of activty again, to get nothing done. Me and my friend decide then that we want to get four guildies and do a henchway (this guild still has not done one gvg to date) and one of the fellow officers says that he will kick both me and my friend if we henchway, (they have the opinion that henchway is nooby and waste of time, ect *its a damm game, why cant i have fun now when the guilds not even rated?* and most of these guys came from a old pvp guild) and i basicly mouth back some stuff about that being riduculus and stupid, and i start calling for people,

and a few seconds later, my friend and i get kicked from the guild. WE get deleted off our chat friends list, frozen off the website, complete freezeout for everything.

i tried to make this as non biased as i could, you can disbelive me or not, but in the context of this situation, and assuming this is everything pertenent to what occured, do you think i was kicked fairly?

At worst, i acted pessemstic, complained about some things, tried to do things that couldnt get anywhere, and disliked immature allies, and acted rude to them somewhat.

My friend at worst is hard to get along with, but he done nothing that warranted a kick in my opinion.

My purpose for this post is to find out what general thought on these things are.

I dont know if this belongs in guild area, but i thoguht riverside would help as its more public so it gets some attention

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Better off as you are now, your former guildies were a complete waste of space. Search for a more active and GvG based guild.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


This probably belongs in the guild section if anywhere at all. If the officers of a guild have rules about gvg like no henchway, then follow the rules or be prepared to be punished for not following them. It was kinda stupid of them but frankly, you should've quit long before you got kicked anyway.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


Cry more. Or, stop crying, be thankfull to whoever kicked you, and find a half descent guild that can at least get enough on to GvG.

The later is the better option.

Kern Wolf

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006



You know what the good thing about gaming is? if you dont like the people you're gaming with, find some other people that want to play the way you want to play. It's definitely not worth the headache to guild with people you're developing a dislike towards. Besides, with so many people playing GW, it shouldnt take you too long to get another guild going. You have an idea of what you wanted the guild/alliance to do, they had some other idea. Since it seems that there was no middle ground, look at them kicking you as a blessing, because you were gonna just get more frustrated by by staying in a situation that wasnt to your liking...

Solar Light

Solar Light

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Teutonic Warriors {TW}


The reason i was there was that many were friends of mine, even the leader, since we used to be guildies/ allience mates.

i was helping to build the guild out of commitment

this honestly feels like a betrayl to me.

I am no saint, but I do not feel that i deserve the treatment they gave me today, complete ignores from all of my former friends and guildies that havent done this, at the worst aside from waht i described above, i just havent been feeling good of late, and being depressed over life junk. i might be willing to think that i could deserve demotion, but a kick?

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


Well next time, you guys should lay down the guild rules early on so everyone's on the same page.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Etereal Guard


How many guilds have you joined already?

Here's my story...

My 1st guild: became inactive
My 2nd guild: bunch of a-holes
My 3rd guild: not much activites
My 4th guild: rank #100+ on world ladder, couldn't get in any GvG
My 5th guild: My current one, [TeG], many mature player...we say hi to our guild and alliance whenever we log in; we get help from people in guild/alliance on difficult missions. People in this alliance age range from 15 to 35.

Moral of the story? Keep trying and find a guild that fits you. If your current guild are bunch of a-holes, just leave and find a new one. Be cool about it.

Solar Light

Solar Light

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Teutonic Warriors {TW}


there is no pint in kicking me over wanting to henchway a gvg with friends, considor the guilds state, its lack of having a single gvg at all, ect

i am ticked at my *old Friend* being so intolerant

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


We see that you didn't appreciate being kicked, but another whiny mopey thread is the last thing guru needs. You can ask him to be reinvited (since you seem to want to be there for some reason...) Or just move on already; this discussion will not change the past.

Solar Light

Solar Light

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Teutonic Warriors {TW}


I just seek opinions on it, askingto be reinvited doesnt help when im frozen out, i may not stay there, but i want justice.

I want to prove to him he made a mistake in kicking me, and move on on whatever direction i chose.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Ive been in 30+ guilds, finding a guild is easy finding a decent guild that fits your needs is hard...I found only one on my travels and that died because like 99% of all PvE guilds people move on to form their own or they move into PvP.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


Story time!

My husband, brother, and myself bought the game to play with friends. Friends were boyfriend and girlfriend and they ran the guild. Everytime they had personal issues in their relationship it came into play in the guild. They wanted a more active guild but were rarely on and when they were on we always walked on eggshells. Finally the boyfriend logs on right as my bro is giving warrior tips to our newest recruit and tells my brother he doesn't know shit even though the boyfriend has never played warrior.........
Girlfriend then logs on and starts getting into it with my bro, they kick my bro because he tells them what he thinks of them. My husband and I leave, taking two of the recruits we got with us. We form [MEEP] that night as a temp guild and to date we for the most part HATE edrama and wont put up with it, we have a ton of members and we all enjoy being together and playing together. Our previous guildmates disbanded their guild and guild hopped for the longest time and still are on rarely. Our guild is in full flurish with lots of friends and reliable people.
Eventually we joined an alliance, some of them good people... others not so much... We left that alliance due to just general not getting along and never having AC on because of some of the spam and stupidity and joined another out of sheer fun and enjoyment. We enjoy thier company, and for the most part we all get along great.

I know its upsetting right now, but trust me its for the best. Make your own guild or join one that has more of the same interests as you. The game is not about the drama, its about being able to play and have fun. Don't let others ruin that for you and your friends.

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006




Solar Light,

I've also been in a Guild before that gone through the same thing. When I joined, it was a nice small Guild, I was pretty nub back then so I still wasn't intent on judging anyone. However, the Guild turned out to be awesome, we were constantly active, did countless (and pointless) things together in PvE, also GvGed and Iwayed quite a bit together. After a few months after I've been promoted officer, the Guild started to get much bigger, eventually turning into some bigass 3 Guild Alliance (full of randomly invited nubs).

Well things went downhill, I got better at the game, and started to realize the whole guild was pretty much a bunch of nublets that are a total waste of my time, and bought my leave by doing some actions against the Guild rules (not being allowed to kick members without our 1 week afk leader's permission) and posted some facts about the Guild on the forum which they didn't take well.

That was the best decision I've ever made, now I actually know what PvP means, and my old guild is completely falling apart.

The thing is, justice will come, you just need to give it some time, he will know he's made a big mistake by kicking you when his guild goes down the drain.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


Originally Posted by Solar Light
The reason i was there was that many were friends of mine, even the leader, since we used to be guildies/ allience mates.

i was helping to build the guild out of commitment

this honestly feels like a betrayl to me.

I am no saint, but I do not feel that i deserve the treatment they gave me today, complete ignores from all of my former friends and guildies that havent done this, at the worst aside from waht i described above, i just havent been feeling good of late, and being depressed over life junk. i might be willing to think that i could deserve demotion, but a kick?
They kicked you. Over somthing you feel you didn't even deserve. Examine your actions leading up to you being kicked, pick better friends, or do both.

You may not have deserved what happened. You may have. We only have your account to go on, and even though you may feel that your statments are entirely accurate, they are most probably not even close, because it's very unlikely you are unable to look at what transpired objectively, or see the whole picture. By the way, no offense intended, even though you most likely find what I said offensive.

Originally Posted by Solar Light
there is no pint in kicking me over wanting to henchway a gvg with friends, considor the guilds state, its lack of having a single gvg at all, ect

i am ticked at my *old Friend* being so intolerant
The person who kicked you obviously felt there was some reason to do so. They would not have kicked you otherwise. Even though I don't have any where near all the facts, I'd be willing to place a bet that it was not due to one single action on your part, and instead due to your behaviour over the last several weeks, and how the person who kicked you perceived said behaviour.

Originally Posted by Solar Light
I just seek opinions on it, askingto be reinvited doesnt help when im frozen out, i may not stay there, but i want justice.

I want to prove to him he made a mistake in kicking me, and move on on whatever direction i chose.
You are not seeking opionions. You are seeking people to commiserate with you. You want people to feel sympathy for you, or to pity you. You're also seeking vengeance. This thread was created to serve both purposes, to have people pity you, and to get your "revenge" by trying to publicly humilate whoever kicked you.

You have absolutly no intrest in true justice. Justice would require them getting what they deserve, which is absolutly nothing. As I see it, the Guild Leader had every right to kick you. Does it mean that he was entirely correct in his reasoning for every action taken, or for actualy taking those actions? No. But it doesn't mean he did anything that should be punished, either.

Solar Light

Solar Light

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Teutonic Warriors {TW}


You can stick to whatever you think, but it doesnt change a thing, I have the right to want to prove him wrong, you know nothing ot me either, or what i have gone through.

do you know what its like to be betrayed for the umpteenth time? or have your friends go bad? im sure everyone has had it at some point in their life.

I am just majoirly sick of trying constantly to find a place and people that i can fit in with and have fun. I have been looking for YEARS over various games that i have played, so please, say whatever you like, but it doesnt change a thing, and i will still pursue what i want.

Lady Frost Bite

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


Dark Wing Cadre


if you were in my guild and tried to do a henchway gvg because you were bored, then you would be kicked before you could add the healer henchie to your party. reguardless if your guild is unranked or not doing a henchway without the guild leaders say is just wrong. its even more wrong if an officer told you not to and you tried to anyway.

i know that in my guild at least friendship goes out the door if your an asshat and your doing something you shouldn't be doing.

the guild leader might have just demoted you, but if you were causing other troubles(which i'm guessing you were)then he and or an officer had every right to boot you out.

if you had such a problem with this guild/allinace, then you had other options like leaving and finding a new guild or starting your own. or better yet asking for a guild leader/alliance leader meeting to talk about your problems.

if you are really in to pvp and your guild is not, then you really need to find a more pvp based guild.

i think your being a bit of a baby about the whole thing, just admit you screwed up by trying to start the gvg and move on, accept that the freeze out was a direct result of your actions and get over it.

Tien ak

Tien ak

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Crystal Indignation


Well my friend this is the reason I know treat Guild wars as a single player game.

Yes your guild do sound like bunch of arse holes and kicking you was uncalled for. But really think about it why do you want to GVG if your feeling down and deppresed the last thing you want is to PvP. It's ok now and again but after the millionth "ZOMG NOOB" and other Arse hole comments you think " ah sod it"

Just save up for Nightfall get some decent hero's personalise them do all the missions then do all the chalanges then try and set the top record in those thingys in Factions.

I would recomend playing PvE with your mates and maybe some random players. Unfortuntly most games now are all You must be the best kill anyone that gets in your way mentality there are hardly any work as team unless you play with some good mates.

On the bright side with Nightfalls heros coming it'll be loads easier to help out your friends and do the challenges.

though Zui comment was a bit odd it did make some sense and there is no harm in looking for people to sympathise with other people, I take it that Solar Light is proberly in his 14-16 stage coming to grips of what reality is and what type of person he is. I defintly think that if Solar light is looking for sympathy then why not give him it? I do feel sorry he got kicked out of guild beacuse some snobby players didn't want to play GvG it's not as if they actually wanted to play and the were not even rated so who cares if they lost. The players who did kick obviously have issues themselves you get it all the time on these games certainly online games. Anyone that calls anyone a name online eg noob has some issues as they are either nasty beacuse they have alot of anger that havn't got out of their system or their sheep and say noob to fit in.

I came to this conclusion when I played WoW on a RP server there you did have people who were addicted and played literly 24/7 but at least they are nice people as there is no competive atmosphere. As soon as a ranking system or any way a player can say "im the best at this look at my rank proff im the best ever!" thats when they angry arse hole people move in and unfortuntly guild wars is MMOCRPG so it's devoted to the commpetitve side of gamming.

My advice is to join a Guild that will appreicate you be nice all the time take note that everyone has a point of view relax and play competive games once and a while also stick up for people that are in your situation and are upset, think "when I was like that I would of really liked someone to say this to me"

No when
No want
No worry

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


One thing I dont get, You were an Officer right...

Officers can't kick or Demote other officers, so the LEADER had to Kick you...

Does that change your outlook on the situation? It wasn't some random jerk, The leader had to be the one to kick you from the guild (as I already said, officers cant kick other officers).

Better off without them if the one guy you said you stayed there for is the one to kick you >_>



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu] www.teamlove.us

Sorry but I really don't see the point of this thread and how it benefits the community.
