I'm not sure how balanced this would be, but how about if Anet gave mesmers a skill of some sort (maybe a maintained enchantment) that lets them see how much energy an opponent has. It wouldn't tell them the exact amount; it'd be a blue bar like the health bar everyone can already see. Since mesmers can do energy draining and energy denial, this would be a skill to help them choose targets and decide who to act on.
Similar skills would be a monk skill Diagnosis maybe that lets a monk see what hexes or conditions are on an ally. Or maybe the top one if there are more than one. This skill would probably be better in PvE since in PvP, a lot of teams use TS or Vent. Another skill idea along these lines would be a skill to see what enchantments an enemy has on him or the top enchantment.
Mesmer skill idea
Malice Black
Seems another way to make PvE even easier.
Darth Animal
As someone who plays as an Order necro sometimes, it would be nice to be able to see how the monk's energy was going, so that I could do "Blood Ritual" before he started to spam "My energy is 3 of 45!"

/not signed
You could just be aware of what's happening in the damn game instead.
You could just be aware of what's happening in the damn game instead.
The truth itself
There is no reason to make a skill, just to make up for lack of communication.
There is no reason to make a skill, just to make up for lack of communication.
Umm, this skill wouldn't be for primarily your team, it'd be so the mesmer can spy on the *other* team's energy.
Dean Harper
First of all, being a shutdown/interrupt mes, i dont really care how much energy a foe has, its just one other thing i have to keep track of while trying to stop them from casting anything. So i think, if they were gonna do something like this, save a skill space and do it permamentally to the game, only in pve becuase that would make pvp too easy. But, on another note, heres a way to kind of "keep track" of opponents energy.... First, cast spirit shackles, then cast mind wrack (this works especially well on wars and low energy/energy pip chars). Then, all you have to do is wait till you see them take some 60 or so damage and you know their energy is at zero. However, this doesnt always work becasue of necros and their energy managment skills, as well as eles, but overall, it works quite nicely. Peace
Terra Xin
I don't see how this skill is worth taking up a skill slot if it does so little. The best thing I can suggest would be to have a skill that works based on how much energy a target has. See Mind Wrack has similar properties to your suggestion, as it will tell you when the target reaches zero, and that will be seen when that foe takes damage that is specific to Mind Wrack. Perhaps if there was a skill that had a similar effect but say it would come when target foe drops belo 20 energy or something, then maybe such e-denial tactics would come in more handy.