Originally Posted by IllusiveMind
I don't believe in this anti-farming code.
You don't have to. But there are plenty of "coincidences" to warrant a conspiracy theory
Originally Posted by Lady Ana Stacia
I have to disagree with this. I do the deep daily 3-4 times minimum.
You're farming. I'm describing a phenomenon inversely proportional to farming. When farming, you want to minimize downtime instead of waiting months before reentering a zone. Drops will always approach the "fair and random" more closely with more runs, especially when doing as many runs as you say you are. Since you're farming with a consistent team to repeatedly manage 9-man runs, none of you are coming off a long hiatus that could skew drops in the way I've experienced.
Originally Posted by Loki Seiguro
mm i don't think this is true as i solo fow almost every day and get an average of 5 shards a run
Solo. Meaning it doesn't matter who gets assigned drops, since you're the only one there. I'm talking as much about the
quality of drops as about their
I highly doubt regular anti-farming code (which triggers the well-known Hint pop-up) can reduce the drops for long farming runs like solo FoW. It's possible that it triggers on fast smite runs, which is why I usually try to go as far as I can on each quarter... err, 1k fee
Originally Posted by Skyy High
The OP is very funny, or very egotistical. You're basing an incredibly broad assumption on anecdotal evidence, and not even that many anecdotes, while there have been countless attempts before you by different people to quantify the drop system. It's not a simple thing, and it can't be summed up by, "Stay away for a while and your drops will improve," because as you can see from this thread, that isn't always the case.
Do you see numbers here? Do you see firm, undeniable, scientific proof of the way the anti-farming code works? The only way I could actually provide the accurate formula for the anti-farming code would be if I (a) worked for ANet and (b) broke the NDA by releasing game code or information on how game code works. As you point out yourself, lots of people have tried to figure out what influences the drop rate; it's human nature to seek order in chaos, especially mechanized chaos which is never purely random by design (as anyone who's programmed a random number generator will tell you

) Since none of us fit both (a) and (b) above, all we can do is look for correlations in game play and create theories that elevate correllations to the level of causations. Of course, further testing is always required to validate any theory, and as some people have posted experiences contrary to mine the corellation I've drawn isn't an infallible causation. Still, the number of similar experiences warrants a closer look at the phenomenon.
Originally Posted by disarm76
Been out of UW since before Factions.
Went there last week in a 2 man, and got crap.
(He hadn't gone there in a while also).
Originally Posted by QoH
i haven't played my warrior for like 3-4 months, i did some uw solo last week, well on the first run i got 6-7 purple items. wow
Originally Posted by explodemyheart
Been there, done that. I was away from the game entirely for over a month. Came back, went to uw. I got a bunch of whites, a couple of blues, a bunch of demonic remains and a purple from a chest. I didn't get a single ecto for almost an entire week after being back (this is a week of many runs) while ecto were dropping regularly for the 2 people that I duo'd with.
Hmm. In both of my experiences of "beginner's luck," the "beginner" had at least one "farmer" partner (my teammates in Tombs runs, myself in UW runs). Perhaps the "farming status" of teammates influences drop quality and assignment?
explodemyheart's experiences contradict this, though
Originally Posted by Trakata
I'd disagree with this. I alternate farming areas all over the place, over different characters, and no matter what, I usually end up getting screwed in groups and getting no good drops during solo. And I don't farm 24/7 either. Basically, it looks like the best bet is to just farm merch food from trolls or vermin or something.
I can personally attest that prolonged solo farming outside Realms of the Gods nets little if anything of value, as I regularly farm minotaurs with my E/Mo (a few runs at a time, until I get bored

). What I'd suggest are longer runs, like doing a "grand tour" Hydra farming run in a big circle in Skyward Reach. Even if statistically your drops stay the same, you might have a smaller chance to trigger anti-farming code since each run will take longer. Even if that's not the case, you can feel better about the run since the more items you pick up the more likely one of them is to be good
Originally Posted by El Presidente
I agree with the above; however, I find that I get an ecto almost every UW trip (out of the last 25 trips, I've gotten zero ectos 2x)...have had 2-3 ectos per farm quite often, as have guildies...with 6 ectos for one guildie on one run as our current guild record...we hit it every night and usually get 6-10 ectos as a group (4-5 man trap team) every trip there...
You've got to be talking more than a simple smite run here. I've personally never seen more than 3 ecto drop out of smites + aatxes in a single run, but then again, it's been a long while since I've taken my ranger into UW for a trap run. Hmm... perhaps I should go test my theory
Originally Posted by Evilsod
What are you talking about?
You haven't farmed there for a while = your drops are normal.
Your partner has farmed there alot = his drops suck.
Put 2 and 2 together and your drops seem 'magnificant' because your comparing it to someone with massive amounts of flags on them.
What I mean is this: if you say that staying away from an area doesn't affect drops, then you must mean there is additional, "hidden" anti-farming code in place because "beginner's luck" is just that - it does not repeat itself consistently. Coming back for a second or third run shouldn't trigger the anti-farming "hint" (and presumably the
confirmed anti-farming code), yet drop quality will decrease compared to the initial run. If you're calling drop quality during the initial run normal, subsequent drop quality has to be inferior and therefore "nerfed" rather than authentic (the way it was during the first run). What follows is a "three-step" drop system:
1) "Normal" drops (initial run)
2) "Reduced" drops (subsequent runs)
3) "Horrible" drops (post-hint runs)
You're saying (1) and (2) are the same when they're clearly not. My view of the drop system is less of a "nerf it down" than a "reward and punishment" scheme:
1) "Good" drops (initial run)
2) "Normal" drops (subsequent runs)
3) "Reduced" drops (post-hint runs)
My theory is that just as there is anti-farming code that moves drops from (2) to (3), there is "incentive" code that moves drops from (2) to (1) that is responsible for "beginner's luck."