ok since the 10/7 maintence thing, i couldnt connect and im wondering why so then i c the maintence sign so im all ok, i go on later that night, still cant connect. when i click play on the charcater i want and it stays at connecting.... so i figured maintence still going. it is now the 8th, and it still happens. i type my password, get in, click my char, click play and then it just stays at "connecting...". anyone know wats wrong? anyone else having this problem? is maintence still going on? =( please help. do i gota reinstall or somthing? my firewall says Guild Wars has full acess. =( help please.
Thank you
Please Help, Connecting Probs =(
I had exactly the same problem and in the end I had to reinstall the game. Now everything is working perfectly again. I think the the problem was that the .dat file got corrupted during the update. I'm making regular backups of mine since Sunday. That way I won't need to reinstall when it hapen again - I can just drop the backup in my Guildwars folder and hopefully everything should be fine.
Hope it helps you. Good luck