Where U Get Best Drop


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ruik Drops The Soap [sOap]


I would like to ask u guys where u get these drops items that are worth 60k+ or like 100k+ and stuff like that where u get htem i mean i farmed all ower inever got somehitng like that like lets say mursat hamer where can u get that drop i farmed so many places i never got that good item please tell me . Iam back to vpe after long time . Tho i have lvl20 war lvl20monk lvl 20 necro lvl 20 ranger lvl20 ele all rdy for farming all have fow armor . If u ask how i got all the gold for
armor was pvp /sigls,golds .... had 400 silgs ^^ and i also made some ppl hapy what was left .. now iam back to fun in pve plzz asist

Apple Ipod

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


Makina Fifth (Difm)


Wait wait wait, you have 5 characters with full FoW armor? What do you need to go farming for?

Realistically speaking, the chances of an item worth 100k+ dropping is REALLY low. It's a lot more profitable to:

1.) Farm for merch food from Vermin, Mountain Trolls, Pongmei Valley stuff, etc.

2.) Farm for Ectos in the Underworld.

But, if you really want to get those rare items, I would recommend either farming Ice Floe, Abbadon's Mouth, or Hell's Precipice for Mursaat Bows and Hammers or do chest runs in the Fissure of Woe.

Dr Strangelove

Dr Strangelove

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Dec 2005

Wasting away again in Margaritaville


1: Reading this was like bashing my head against the wall. Your post is chock full of misspellings, bad grammar, and bad punctuation. I don't think I could write a post more poorly if I tried.

2: Things worth a lot of money are worth a lot because the are rare. If lots of people knew how to get those rare items with any regularity, they wouldn't be worth much. If a small number of people know, they aren't telling because they don't want to kill their cash cow.

3. Your story about getting all of them FoW armor without farming sounds a little suspect. To be honest, if you had the several million gold to buy 5 sets of FoW, a gold worth 60k should be chump change.

The Real Roy Keane

The Real Roy Keane

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Dublin, Ireland

This'll be closed, doncha know.

Anarion Silverhand

Anarion Silverhand

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005



I like how he even mispelled his guild name

You could try playing the game? Or not focusing on building personal wealth. You have 5 characters with FoW armor (according to you). Isn't that enough?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

Abstract Ambition [Fame]


He sounds like an Ebayer cause once you go hardcore pvp you never go back. And I doubt its possible to get 400 sigils, they dont drop for you everytime you won HOH.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

We are all pretty [Ugly]


400 sigils wouldnt pay for 5 sets of FOW fyi.

Young Hero

Young Hero

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005



Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
1: Reading this was like bashing my head against the wall. Your post is chock full of misspellings, bad grammar, and bad punctuation. I don't think I could write a post more poorly if I tried.
Lol, it was very hard to get through that.

Do some chest runs.Probally get a bunch of grapes but ya never know.

Divinus Stella

Divinus Stella

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Steel Phoenix

All that cash from sigils alone? :P
Even the players that hold for insane consecutives during the noob times of day dont have 5 fissure armours worth of sigils, infact, nowhere near that.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
1: Reading this was like bashing my head against the wall. Your post is chock full of misspellings, bad grammar, and bad punctuation. I don't think I could write a post more poorly if I tried.
Did you expect anything less from someone with a handle like "Thugbeatz"?

Probably one of those wannabe 'Gangsta' types who dnt 'do' skool b cuz itz nt kool.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Tho i have lvl20 war lvl20monk lvl 20 necro lvl 20 ranger lvl20 lee all ready for farming all have fow armor
Yea...you should stick to buying gold online..posting you have 5 sets of fissure armor but then admitting you never got a decent gold drop and don't know how to farm....plain stupid.




Join Date: Oct 2005

Ogmios Graybeards


There's a Q and A forum.......... oh nevermind. In before lock. Sheesh.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Manchester, England

The Monstrous Fangs (fang)


Please lock this thread.

It hurts to be around people who make these kind of posts...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


Mo Mo Patty Blinks [MoMo]


Originally Posted by Byzantine
He sounds like an Ebayer cause once you go hardcore pvp you never go back. And I doubt its possible to get 400 sigils, they dont drop for you everytime you won HOH.
Not really true. I was hardcore PvP for a long time then I came back to PvE.
Admittedly though most of it's for the sake of building up perfect PvE chars that I can take into PvP :P

For those doubting that someone can make tons of money from just being successful in HA, you've gotta keep in mind that:

> Sigils weren't always worth just 10k. They used to be worth a ton more.
> More than just sigils drop in HoH. There are runed armors (many of which used to be worth a lot, and still are worth a decent ammount.
> Weapons drop. Sometimes crap, but sometimes leet weapons. All you need is that one leet weapon drop to instantly add 200k+ gold to your account.
> Most importantly. Look at the evidence; the hardcore PvP players. They're all decked out in 15k and rare skins like nobodies business. Where else could they have gotten all this money if most all they do is PvP? (And this is assuming that all PvPers aren't ebayers, because they aren't.)

All of that being said. Close this thread. The bad grammar knocked 5 yrs. off my life.

Sword Of Cheese

Sword Of Cheese

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


Seekers Of The Holy Grail


dude ur just plain flat out dumb i mean at least my problem makes sense ive got over 1mil xp and never gotten a good gold drop no fow armor one piece of 15k hell ive never been all the way through fow



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005


Scars Meadows [SMS]


Originally Posted by Anarion Silverhand
I like how he even misspelled his guild name
Based on his post I'm surprised he only made 1 mistake.