which class is the easiest to make money with?
I am too stupid / incompetent to troll/hydra/whatever farm with my wammo, despite having looked on tons of guides and videos.
im just gonna start a new character, which only goal is to make alot of money in the fastest way possible! what is the safest, easiest and best class to make money with?
im just gonna start a new character, which only goal is to make alot of money in the fastest way possible! what is the safest, easiest and best class to make money with?
Well, here's the problem. Farming with a wammo isn't exactly rocket science. So if you can't do that, your gonna find most(if not all) farming builds hard to run. I use a 55hp monk, but I dont really find it that much easier/harder than farming with my warrior. Good Luck.
Monkey Blonde
Well, if you don't have skills to farm with a warrior, you won't be able to farm, I'm afraid.
As for what profession. Try a female elementalist. Try the /dance emote. Sorry I don't have a video, but it should be easy enough to figure out.
As for what profession. Try a female elementalist. Try the /dance emote. Sorry I don't have a video, but it should be easy enough to figure out.
Depends how you like to farm...
Farming bosses for greens? UW Farming? Repetitive mob farming?
Farming bosses for greens? UW Farming? Repetitive mob farming?
You buy seeds. You dig a hole in the ground. Put some seeds in it. Rinse and repeat. Water all holes. Wait a couple of months. Harvest. GOGO FARMING!!!111111111111oneoenoenoeoenoen
As for what profession. Try a female elementalist. Try the /dance emote. Sorry I don't have a video, but it should be easy enough to figure out. |
Yes...the Wammo is infamous for being perhaps the most noob-friendly profession, as well as being a good farmer. You should try troll farming to get started - it follows a basic stance-farming strategy, which is how much W/Mo farming is done. It rakes in only one or two plat a run, but it's a good way to get introduced to the farming world.
And no, I'm not giving you a link - there's several instances of Troll Farming guides on the forum. :P
Yanman - LMAO!
And no, I'm not giving you a link - there's several instances of Troll Farming guides on the forum. :P
Yanman - LMAO!
I use an SS 55 Necro to farm Hydras and Trolls, and a full health SS Necro in the UW Due team for money, or SS or MM in SF Oro Farming.
Plus Necros are always wanted, be it ORO, ToPK, UW etc etc etc. SS or MM.

But if you cant farm with a warrior, give up trying to farm lol.
Plus Necros are always wanted, be it ORO, ToPK, UW etc etc etc. SS or MM.

But if you cant farm with a warrior, give up trying to farm lol.
Silly Warrior
Just farm fow
The Abbott
monks are the best!!!
this reminds me of yesterday when a guy pm'ed me saying "so where is this farm everyone is on about?"
this reminds me of yesterday when a guy pm'ed me saying "so where is this farm everyone is on about?"
Originally Posted by Eldin
Yes...the Wammo is infamous for being perhaps the most noob-friendly profession, as well as being a good farmer. You should try troll farming to get started - it follows a basic stance-farming strategy, which is how much W/Mo farming is done. It rakes in only one or two plat a run, but it's a good way to get introduced to the farming world.
And no, I'm not giving you a link - there's several instances of Troll Farming guides on the forum. :P Yanman - LMAO! |
Terra Xin
i have done it four times, and almost no gold has dropped:/ |
You'll probrably only get golds if you take keys with you, there's usually a chest inside that cave.
"so where is this farm everyone is on about?" |
know but i have done the hole cave 4-5 times now and almost all of them i didnt get a single gold drop. at most i got 200.
when you say rakes in 1-2 plat, do you mean all the items that i get that im selling?
I tried using the same build(the bread and butter, cyclone axe, gladiator defense, live victoriously) with minotaurs. again no coin. just alot of minotaur horns.
can anyone suggest anything similiar to these type of mobs? easy not hard hitting mobs? I dont want things that knock me down, remove my enchantments and stuff.
Please please please mate... I'll die if I dont get my 15k armor. I just want my 15k. Please, help.. oh god, why wont you help???
when you say rakes in 1-2 plat, do you mean all the items that i get that im selling?
I tried using the same build(the bread and butter, cyclone axe, gladiator defense, live victoriously) with minotaurs. again no coin. just alot of minotaur horns.
can anyone suggest anything similiar to these type of mobs? easy not hard hitting mobs? I dont want things that knock me down, remove my enchantments and stuff.
Please please please mate... I'll die if I dont get my 15k armor. I just want my 15k. Please, help.. oh god, why wont you help???
guys.. help.. please help... or I will have to make my own begging guild.
"because we are cheaper than ebay"
"because we are cheaper than ebay"

Ashford Abbey :P
And trolls isnt very good for golds, just plat after selling your items that youve amassed.
And trolls isnt very good for golds, just plat after selling your items that youve amassed.
Originally Posted by Monkey Blonde
Well, if you don't have skills to farm with a warrior, you won't be able to farm, I'm afraid.
As for what profession. Try a female elementalist. Try the /dance emote. Sorry I don't have a video, but it should be easy enough to figure out. |
Even though it's so cliche, I'd still say the 55 monk/spirit bond monk is the easiest to farm things with. If you're going for green farming though it's not really made for bosses of course. There are a lot of things the monk can't farm, but since a really important thing is rotating through different runs, there are a lot of different places you can farm with the same build, or with nearly the same build when you're rotating runs. This is good because you don't have to spend so much time changing around attributes and skills each run.
No matter what key to it is crop rotation. Farming the same thing over and over again exclusively will never earn you much money. And I'd give up on the trolls. Try farming things in the crystal desert. Basically you want to just keep trying to find more and more places to farm so you won't get "flags" on your account.
If you wanna try farming things with your warrior, try hydras and other things in the desert with it. Stop farming trolls right away because so many people farm it that you're never gonna get much good out of it.
isamu kurosawa
The idea isnt realy to make money from direct money drops, but by selling the mino horns etc to the merchant (or salvage then trader). And as was stated before if you can't even solo with a W/Mo you'll never be able to do anything more advanced.
Originally Posted by TheMosesPHD
Just because he can't farm with a warrior doesn't mean he can't farm at all. I'm quite incompetent when it comes to farming with warriors but I can farm with most other characters just fine.
Even though it's so cliche, I'd still say the 55 monk/spirit bond monk is the easiest to farm things with. If you're going for green farming though it's not really made for bosses of course. There are a lot of things the monk can't farm, but since a really important thing is rotating through different runs, there are a lot of different places you can farm with the same build, or with nearly the same build when you're rotating runs. This is good because you don't have to spend so much time changing around attributes and skills each run. No matter what key to it is crop rotation. Farming the same thing over and over again exclusively will never earn you much money. And I'd give up on the trolls. Try farming things in the crystal desert. Basically you want to just keep trying to find more and more places to farm so you won't get "flags" on your account. If you wanna try farming things with your warrior, try hydras and other things in the desert with it. Stop farming trolls right away because so many people farm it that you're never gonna get much good out of it. |
i just want my 15k... i dont care about drops... i just need 15k... now. im impassionate, and feel I cant move on before i get the 15k urge out of my system. sigh

so trolls dont drop anything because everyone else does them? is there anything in cantha i can do that is similiar?
I tried kirin and stuff in pongmei valley... they dropped virtually nothing of value. same with dark brotherhood.'
tried with skaii, and outcasts.. didnt turn out to good.
i devours and chars and mursaat wont work either.
I need something like trolls and minotaur. something that is passive and almost wants to be killed.
The Abbott
if making money was as easy as you want it to be everyone would be rich
Don't sweat, man. I could never farm trolls with my war. either. However, I do use him elsewhere. As far as classes go, I've prob. done the most farming with my ranger (trap, vamp., etc.), followed by mesmer (55), and my new monk (spirit bonder) is catching them fast.
Also, when people say 1-2k per run, that includes picking up gold coins, selling all the white raven staffs (either ID them and they'll gain value, or expert salvage, collect the 10-11 wood each, and go to the crafter and turn to parchment, then sell), and collecting the troll tusks to take to the collector and trade for items worth 125 gold each. Even with all this, though, I'd say this number is a bit of an overestimation.
Also, when people say 1-2k per run, that includes picking up gold coins, selling all the white raven staffs (either ID them and they'll gain value, or expert salvage, collect the 10-11 wood each, and go to the crafter and turn to parchment, then sell), and collecting the troll tusks to take to the collector and trade for items worth 125 gold each. Even with all this, though, I'd say this number is a bit of an overestimation.
it has taken me 13 hours to earn 10k... I cant do this anymore... I need to find something better to farm or might actually go insane.
insane for life.
insane for life.
Sereng Amaranth
Harvest Temple.
20 Shiro'ken.
And if you're only getting drops and no gold, maybe you need to rotate to another spot.
Harvest Temple.
20 Shiro'ken.
And if you're only getting drops and no gold, maybe you need to rotate to another spot.
I second shiroken farming with my mesmer. Paid for FoW Chest and Boots in about 2.5 weeks of casual farming.
As for your wammo, vermin farming is really 1.4k to 2.2k a run depending on your luck, drop etc. At that rate, you could pull 10k+ an hour without trying too hard. The build(s) are in the farming forum.
As for your wammo, vermin farming is really 1.4k to 2.2k a run depending on your luck, drop etc. At that rate, you could pull 10k+ an hour without trying too hard. The build(s) are in the farming forum.
Oh a GW forum
Originally Posted by Yanman.be
You buy seeds. You dig a hole in the ground. Put some seeds in it. Rinse and repeat. Water all holes. Wait a couple of months. Harvest. GOGO FARMING!!!111111111111oneoenoenoeoenoen
I like to farm Hydras in the desert with my 55 hp monk.
It's not really hard, and it rakes in 10k-13k an hour.
By the way, what is considered a good income per hour (or minute) when farming?
It's not really hard, and it rakes in 10k-13k an hour.
By the way, what is considered a good income per hour (or minute) when farming?
Everyone has their opinion about what is the best build to farm with. I have experimented with several classes and different builds in each class. I suggest, pick a class you like and then build it with the weapons, skills, and attributes set to what works for you. Then just keep using it until you know what to use and when. It takes time and lots of practice to be good at anything. You can't build a Tank and just jump in and go to war. You have to know how to use it.
I love my Nuker for farming. That is because I use her for everything and have learned how to use her.
I love my Nuker for farming. That is because I use her for everything and have learned how to use her.
scorpio 698
Alrighty, he goes my ultra secret farm list
mo/e or e/mo Ghial solo- found in the Farming section, staff sells for 25-30k.
mo/x UW tank in duo team- I'm sure this isn't hard to find...
SS necro in Duo team- Probably in the same area as the Monk tank
w/mo vermin farming- solo farms thread in the farming subsection of "the campfire"
running elona reach mission- very easy, pay a runner to show you. 5k a run if you run a full group.
ritualist (personal favorite)- solo UW, Vermin, Oni, others
w/x- rajazan farming
r/a rajazan farming
mo/me or me/mo shiro'ken.
Sorrows furnace
Fissure of Woe
and that's my lineup right now. I like to rotate so I don't get bored and because of the anti-farm code (
). Even better, just go to the "the campfire" section, go to the farming subsection and click the thread "solo farming, list of builds". You can find everything you've ever wanted from there.

mo/e or e/mo Ghial solo- found in the Farming section, staff sells for 25-30k.
mo/x UW tank in duo team- I'm sure this isn't hard to find...
SS necro in Duo team- Probably in the same area as the Monk tank
w/mo vermin farming- solo farms thread in the farming subsection of "the campfire"
running elona reach mission- very easy, pay a runner to show you. 5k a run if you run a full group.
ritualist (personal favorite)- solo UW, Vermin, Oni, others
w/x- rajazan farming
r/a rajazan farming
mo/me or me/mo shiro'ken.
Sorrows furnace
Fissure of Woe
and that's my lineup right now. I like to rotate so I don't get bored and because of the anti-farm code (

scorpio 698
oopsy, double post. Darn laggy computer.
Thats a good link with a lot of builds. Also, if I were you, I wouldn't farm with a warrior. All the farming things I can ever find for warrior usually are really nerfed and therefore hardly get any money. If I were you, I would make a 55 necro or 55 monk. Then go farming for lots of materials and white items. Identify the white items with the cheapest salvage kit posible and sell those to the merchant. Then look through the links below and try to salvage the items that give materials that are selling for a lot, or ones that you want.
That is currently the best way that I've found to make money. (although it is slow, unfortunately)
Another way to do it is to just play through the game normally doing all the missions and quests and things you can with your characters. It isn't accual farming, and its way slower than farming, but its also a lot funner than farming.
Thats a good link with a lot of builds. Also, if I were you, I wouldn't farm with a warrior. All the farming things I can ever find for warrior usually are really nerfed and therefore hardly get any money. If I were you, I would make a 55 necro or 55 monk. Then go farming for lots of materials and white items. Identify the white items with the cheapest salvage kit posible and sell those to the merchant. Then look through the links below and try to salvage the items that give materials that are selling for a lot, or ones that you want.
That is currently the best way that I've found to make money. (although it is slow, unfortunately)
Another way to do it is to just play through the game normally doing all the missions and quests and things you can with your characters. It isn't accual farming, and its way slower than farming, but its also a lot funner than farming.
Poison Ivy
Ebay XD
Dude honestly, I've been farming with my first Warrior since I learned how, and I never got the knack of making uber amounts of money in short periods of time. No matter how you look at it, it's going to take time, maybe less for some but there's going to be some patience needed in general.
Work your way up, that's what I've always been told.
Start with trolls, whether they provide good drops or not, that'll give you a decent understanding of how stance warriors work. At least for farming, because farming trolls is easy as hell after you do it about 3 times.
Trolls don't drop rare items usually, maybe a few purples, OCCASIONALLY a gold, but mostly they drop GP and amassable items that you can build up over time and sell. In 2-5 troll runs, I get about 2-5k depending on how good and how many the drops are. But if you keep at it, NOT ALL DAY, take breaks, please. Just know that the more you farm something, the less valuable the drops will be, and there's also a limit on how much you can farm, eventually the drops will just stop. I believe someone stated that already.
Hydra farming in the Crystal Desert is good, well, it used to be. I find that's dying down a lot too, but it still rakes in a few grand if you keep at it. Hydra farming takes a bit of getting used to and relies more on timing than troll farming, the only real timing you need for troll farming is throwing up your defensive stances and hoping to Mishakal that they don't disrupt any of your skills.
Vermin farming is decent, someone told me about that, I haven't made much but that's because I'm still getting used to doing it. I would also say try ettin farming in Kryta. If you're lucky, they'll drop decent runes. They used to drop a lot of Superior Vigor runes, but everyone pretty much robbed the concept of that, sooo yeah. I find a lot of Superior Divine Favour runes and Superior Healing runes, those go for a good 4-5k each at the vendor, maybe 6 or 7 if you find a gullable noob waltzing around.
[This is really long and pretty redundant seeing as it's all been stated before]
You may wish to try FoW and UW farming when you feel you are capable.
It's so fun when you get the hang of it, the only problem is that initial 1k payment to enter into the area. Luckily, if you're in a guild with generous members who like to farm the same areas, they might pay for you (as in my case), but usually, if you do a LOT of it, you should try to put aside a certain amount of money to be spent on ENTERING FoW and UW, and then save up all the rest of your money for 15k armor.
It all adds up eventually, it just takes time.
I get fed up, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people get fed up with waiting, but when the day comes to buy your first set of 15k armor (or FoW armor in my case ... SAVESAVESAVEguhh), it's glorious.
Browse GWGuru though, seriously. This forum helps more than most people tend to believe.
Good luck.
[Edit: Another thing you might want to get into the habit of doing, is salvaging absolutely everything that doesn't have a decent price on it for material purposes. Materials add up like crazy, and if you get a few stacks you'll make some good money. Don't waste money on salvage kits though, there's a collector right outside Shing Jea Monastery that collects Mantid Pincers (I believe), I think it's 3 and you get a salvage kit. Make use of that if you don't care for Expert or Superior kits. Cheers]
Work your way up, that's what I've always been told.
Start with trolls, whether they provide good drops or not, that'll give you a decent understanding of how stance warriors work. At least for farming, because farming trolls is easy as hell after you do it about 3 times.
Trolls don't drop rare items usually, maybe a few purples, OCCASIONALLY a gold, but mostly they drop GP and amassable items that you can build up over time and sell. In 2-5 troll runs, I get about 2-5k depending on how good and how many the drops are. But if you keep at it, NOT ALL DAY, take breaks, please. Just know that the more you farm something, the less valuable the drops will be, and there's also a limit on how much you can farm, eventually the drops will just stop. I believe someone stated that already.
Hydra farming in the Crystal Desert is good, well, it used to be. I find that's dying down a lot too, but it still rakes in a few grand if you keep at it. Hydra farming takes a bit of getting used to and relies more on timing than troll farming, the only real timing you need for troll farming is throwing up your defensive stances and hoping to Mishakal that they don't disrupt any of your skills.
Vermin farming is decent, someone told me about that, I haven't made much but that's because I'm still getting used to doing it. I would also say try ettin farming in Kryta. If you're lucky, they'll drop decent runes. They used to drop a lot of Superior Vigor runes, but everyone pretty much robbed the concept of that, sooo yeah. I find a lot of Superior Divine Favour runes and Superior Healing runes, those go for a good 4-5k each at the vendor, maybe 6 or 7 if you find a gullable noob waltzing around.
[This is really long and pretty redundant seeing as it's all been stated before]
You may wish to try FoW and UW farming when you feel you are capable.
It's so fun when you get the hang of it, the only problem is that initial 1k payment to enter into the area. Luckily, if you're in a guild with generous members who like to farm the same areas, they might pay for you (as in my case), but usually, if you do a LOT of it, you should try to put aside a certain amount of money to be spent on ENTERING FoW and UW, and then save up all the rest of your money for 15k armor.
It all adds up eventually, it just takes time.
I get fed up, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people get fed up with waiting, but when the day comes to buy your first set of 15k armor (or FoW armor in my case ... SAVESAVESAVEguhh), it's glorious.
Browse GWGuru though, seriously. This forum helps more than most people tend to believe.
Good luck.
[Edit: Another thing you might want to get into the habit of doing, is salvaging absolutely everything that doesn't have a decent price on it for material purposes. Materials add up like crazy, and if you get a few stacks you'll make some good money. Don't waste money on salvage kits though, there's a collector right outside Shing Jea Monastery that collects Mantid Pincers (I believe), I think it's 3 and you get a salvage kit. Make use of that if you don't care for Expert or Superior kits. Cheers]
What's so difficult about farming trolls outside droks? i dont get it, the skills are simple enough to use. its almost like button smashing. I use a combo of cyclone axe + triple chop(elite) and bonettis stance (of coz live vicariously is on) the rest is just sprint and nothing else. Get a elemental prefix on ur axe and start chopping and turning with ur axe skills. Hit bons when u have adren up.
If u do it correctly, 1k minimum per run or so, sometimes its 1.4k. Silver dyes, gold drops, gold runes, keys (whether u choose to merchant it or use it to open the chest inside or near the cave) will further increase ur returns. I don't think its matter of u suck at warrior troll farming, i think its either u didnt put enough into it or u are getting some wrong info. 1 run being 3~5mins, 1hour should get 12 to 15k at least.
I don't think the OP can do the shiroken farming using mes/mo or mo/mes protsp + spiritbond. So let him try something simple like trolls or minos, when he's up to them, den move on to vermins, or boss farming, and so on.
If u do it correctly, 1k minimum per run or so, sometimes its 1.4k. Silver dyes, gold drops, gold runes, keys (whether u choose to merchant it or use it to open the chest inside or near the cave) will further increase ur returns. I don't think its matter of u suck at warrior troll farming, i think its either u didnt put enough into it or u are getting some wrong info. 1 run being 3~5mins, 1hour should get 12 to 15k at least.
I don't think the OP can do the shiroken farming using mes/mo or mo/mes protsp + spiritbond. So let him try something simple like trolls or minos, when he's up to them, den move on to vermins, or boss farming, and so on.
Maria The Princess
Originally Posted by Lawnmower
I am too stupid / incompetent to troll/hydra/whatever farm with my wammo, despite having looked on tons of guides and videos.
im just gonna start a new character, which only goal is to make alot of money in the fastest way possible! what is the safest, easiest and best class to make money with? |
and in general, i think that every account should have a monk on it

Come on people, do you not recognize a troll when you see one? I would have given the benefit of doubt the first post or two, but after that they person is just stringing you along. It's so obvious it's amusing - either that or the original poster is so cliche it is *really* sad.
If anyone doing a search for this finds it - there is a farming forum - go there. Best is to just peruse that, look up eviscerate warriors and 55 monks. Outside of that - everything gets harder and more specific to a general area.
If anyone doing a search for this finds it - there is a farming forum - go there. Best is to just peruse that, look up eviscerate warriors and 55 monks. Outside of that - everything gets harder and more specific to a general area.
Florence Cortista
like many people who have replied to this and many of these before.
This doesn't have a simple or complex answer. This is the best i have for class.
1) The best class to be for farming is Monk hands downs.
a) 55 Solo // 2 man
b) every party needs a healer.
Class isn't the main factor in making money, but overall, if u can afford 5 sets of armor, monks are the best. However if you can afford 5 sets of armor, i beg to ask why you would be asking in the first place. If this is a question asked by a first time player, i would have to reccomend offensive casting in teams, currently ele nukers and SS necros seem to be the most common.
This doesn't have a simple or complex answer. This is the best i have for class.
1) The best class to be for farming is Monk hands downs.
a) 55 Solo // 2 man
b) every party needs a healer.
Class isn't the main factor in making money, but overall, if u can afford 5 sets of armor, monks are the best. However if you can afford 5 sets of armor, i beg to ask why you would be asking in the first place. If this is a question asked by a first time player, i would have to reccomend offensive casting in teams, currently ele nukers and SS necros seem to be the most common.
IMO vermins outside senjis are one of the best low lvl farm spots, you can get 2.5-3k selling all the stuff that drops and it takes like 15-20 mins max, its an easy run that can be taken in baby steps, once you "master" it, you can aggro all the vermins at once and save time ^_^
by the way with all the mino horns you can trade 5 of them for armor outside augury and sell the pieces 125g ea or recycle and get tanned hides to sell the materials
by the way with all the mino horns you can trade 5 of them for armor outside augury and sell the pieces 125g ea or recycle and get tanned hides to sell the materials
Originally Posted by Silly Warrior
Just farm fow
unless you are being sarcastic then thats a different thing.
Anyway to the op, a monk would have an easier time farming stuff.
I find it faster when I fram with a monk/necro/mesmer
Go to Droks and follow my short guide;
Honestly Farming Trolls with a warrior was at first hard for me but then a light went off one day and it is now it is easy. (it is my only money maker I use)
1. Start Live Vicariously as soon as you enter the Talus Chute
2. Run to cave (if birds follow you run till you break agro) If they are standing right outside the entrance of cave rezone
3. Target and agro trolls. When they get close to you hit Vigorous spirit
4. Do not look at the trolls and numbers flashing (They will mesmerize you) Look at skills and you Targets Health bar.
5. Hit Cyclone axe
6. Hit Bonnetties defense
7. Hit Cyclone axe
8. Hit Bonnetties defense
9. Hit Cyclone axe
10. Hit Vigorous spirit
11. Hit Bonnetties defense
12. Repeat till they die
Goal is to always have always have Vigorous spirit up and Always hit Bonnetties defense after you attack.
If you kill your target. Hit “C” and Target another foe and keep following the above till they all die. If for some reason they get an interruption on you and you die retry it. You can still kill them with a negative 15%-30% on you.
(Totem axe is a good choice for farming Trolls + 20% enchantments / Tactics Max Shield with health)
Level 20 Attributes and extra attributes quests done
Axe- 16
Healing- enough to get 9 healing of off Vig Spirit
Tactics- Balance of points
Str- if you have any spill over
If you have Factions it is even easier change the above to
1. Hit Cyclone axe
2. Hit Triple Chop
3. Hit Bonnetties defense
4. Hit Cyclone axe
5. Hit Bonnetties defense
6. Hit Cyclone axe
7. Hit Triple Chop
8. Hit Vigorous spirit
Hopefully you get the picture
Skills that I use
Cyclone Axe
Triple Chop Elite From Factions
Live Vicariously
Vigorous spirit
Bonetties Defense
Drunken blow (For Warrior boss)
Honestly Farming Trolls with a warrior was at first hard for me but then a light went off one day and it is now it is easy. (it is my only money maker I use)
1. Start Live Vicariously as soon as you enter the Talus Chute
2. Run to cave (if birds follow you run till you break agro) If they are standing right outside the entrance of cave rezone
3. Target and agro trolls. When they get close to you hit Vigorous spirit
4. Do not look at the trolls and numbers flashing (They will mesmerize you) Look at skills and you Targets Health bar.
5. Hit Cyclone axe
6. Hit Bonnetties defense
7. Hit Cyclone axe
8. Hit Bonnetties defense
9. Hit Cyclone axe
10. Hit Vigorous spirit
11. Hit Bonnetties defense
12. Repeat till they die
Goal is to always have always have Vigorous spirit up and Always hit Bonnetties defense after you attack.
If you kill your target. Hit “C” and Target another foe and keep following the above till they all die. If for some reason they get an interruption on you and you die retry it. You can still kill them with a negative 15%-30% on you.
(Totem axe is a good choice for farming Trolls + 20% enchantments / Tactics Max Shield with health)
Level 20 Attributes and extra attributes quests done
Axe- 16
Healing- enough to get 9 healing of off Vig Spirit
Tactics- Balance of points
Str- if you have any spill over
If you have Factions it is even easier change the above to
1. Hit Cyclone axe
2. Hit Triple Chop
3. Hit Bonnetties defense
4. Hit Cyclone axe
5. Hit Bonnetties defense
6. Hit Cyclone axe
7. Hit Triple Chop
8. Hit Vigorous spirit
Hopefully you get the picture
Skills that I use
Cyclone Axe
Triple Chop Elite From Factions
Live Vicariously
Vigorous spirit
Bonetties Defense
Drunken blow (For Warrior boss)
Forgot to mention Save your troll Tusks and run to collector in Snake Dance. Trade him troll tusks for items them merch the items. Helps to make a little more coin. Refer to Wiki and search under mountain troll tusks for more info. Edit - Sell all drops and you should get close to 1 k a run. I kill the larger group of trolls then I go after the Warrior Boss. Hope for Rare scrolls to drop from him. Salvage an sell any Highly salvagable Item and hope for Rares components like Steel. Go to the respective trader and trade them for cash.
wtf troll farming ur suposed to tell him how to make money =P
if u want quick cash either
1.vermin farming or
2. learn how to farm them hydras
both with wammo
if u want quick cash either
1.vermin farming or
2. learn how to farm them hydras
both with wammo