Ritualist getting to Droks via Dragons Lair

Dr Wu

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

I have got my Cantha Rit to the desert in Tyria, and travelled to all 7 places. I am starting the missions and completed Thirsty, When I have finished, do I still have to fight the Doppleganger to get to the Dragons Lair befor getting to Droks ?
...also what spells do I need to fight the Dopp;eganger if needed ?

Dr Wu

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Canthan characters ascend just like Tyrian ones. Yes, you beat your doppleganger, Dragons Lair, thne you end up in Droknars.

Use your secondary and the strategy with them if you are having trouble with Rit spells.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


You could also just look on guildwiki, there is a rit build there that is very effective, I'm including it here.


* Equip Soothing, Shelter, Shadowsong, Pain, Bloodsong and Dissonance and bring your Communing attribute as high as possible. As soon as the fight begins start summoning spirits, starting with Dissonance (to keep him from summoning a spirit army himself) and going backwards in the list. You don't need Soothing and Shelter, they are only equipped to keep the Doppelganger busy and reduce the chance, that he also starts with Dissonance. Typically he will be dead within 25 seconds.

Throw in soul twisting before you actually enter the mesa and you can be 100% certain of getting your spirit down before the doppleganger.


* Equip only Vengeful Weapon, and have max restoration magic. Repeatedly spam on yourself for an easy win.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

equip useless spirits that take a long time to cast, then kill him with spirit rift while he sits there and casts.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


Vengeful was Kanxaih (E) and Vengeful Weapon as well as Tigers Furry or an attack speed modifyer can get you a 10 second win.