Ascended Armour Questions In Cantha
My first character in Cantha is a female Ritualist, and basically I just want peoples opinions on here for the best looking 15k female Ritualist armour in Cantha.
Choices are : Canthan, Exotic, Imperial, Luxxon and Kurzick.
So, basically, which do YOU think is the best looking?
Again, this is all about opinions, there is no need for flaming etc, I just want to guage peoples opinions.
Secondly, I know for Canthan, Exotic and Imperial I must complete the game, and is it correct that for the Luxxon//Kurzick armour I have to choose THAT sides missions?
And to be honest, it will probably be out of the Luxxon//Kurzick as they are more expensive, therefore rarer... So probably out of those two, and this will govern my choice as to what side I pick I imagine! But then again, I don't want to be labelled as picking this side or the other, if you get me.
So, opinions please?
(btw, I think the best looking female rit armour is the 1.5k Luxxon, but Im getting 15k so please choose out of them :P)
Choices are : Canthan, Exotic, Imperial, Luxxon and Kurzick.
So, basically, which do YOU think is the best looking?
Again, this is all about opinions, there is no need for flaming etc, I just want to guage peoples opinions.
Secondly, I know for Canthan, Exotic and Imperial I must complete the game, and is it correct that for the Luxxon//Kurzick armour I have to choose THAT sides missions?
And to be honest, it will probably be out of the Luxxon//Kurzick as they are more expensive, therefore rarer... So probably out of those two, and this will govern my choice as to what side I pick I imagine! But then again, I don't want to be labelled as picking this side or the other, if you get me.
So, opinions please?
(btw, I think the best looking female rit armour is the 1.5k Luxxon, but Im getting 15k so please choose out of them :P)
Lady Ana Stacia
I would have to say it really is a personal choice. You should go for what you like not what is the coolest, rarest whatever.
Armor is a personal choice. My rit has 15k luxon but that is because that is the one I like. I have multiple 15 on all my chars except a few and it truly boils down to what you like. Your the one who has to play the char constantly.
Personally my warrior has no 15k armor as I dislike them all. So she got 1.5k luxon.
*shrug* no one can answer this but you
Armor is a personal choice. My rit has 15k luxon but that is because that is the one I like. I have multiple 15 on all my chars except a few and it truly boils down to what you like. Your the one who has to play the char constantly.
Personally my warrior has no 15k armor as I dislike them all. So she got 1.5k luxon.
*shrug* no one can answer this but you
and try to also remember, its your character choose what looks best to you.
keep in mind, armor combinations do exsist and some are much better than the original sets. you have options, be original
if you want the "best" for you, maybe the best lies within more than one of the sets?
keep in mind, armor combinations do exsist and some are much better than the original sets. you have options, be original

if you want the "best" for you, maybe the best lies within more than one of the sets?
Loki Seiguro
lol well first of all if you like 1.5 luxon armor then get that and be happy and spend the 60k+ that you save on an awsome weapon or armor for another char but imo female 15k imperial armor caught my eye.
and yeah armor is a personal choice
my war have 15k glads with fow helm
monk has 15k kur and 15k tats (1 for 55 and 1 fornormal)
sin - 1.5k kur armor
ranger - 15k studded leather from prophoices because i liked the skin
necro - 15k tormentors from prophocies (first ever 15k armor
mesmer - 1.5 droks atm as i don't really like any mesmer male armors :/
2nd ranger - 1.5 kur armor (idk just wabnt to show my kur loyalty)
2nd necro - 15k canthan
ele - 15k hydromancer armor form prophoices for skin only
rit - 15k kur dyed red :P
all male btw as i don't think sex changes are normal lol but hey some female armors look better then male and vise ver
ah yeah thnx for reminding me floppinghog
- im about to mix 15k imperial and 15kluxon armor or maybe it was 15k luxon and 15k exotic........
ill post pics later if you want but as i said they are all maes so it might not help lol
and yeah armor is a personal choice
my war have 15k glads with fow helm
monk has 15k kur and 15k tats (1 for 55 and 1 fornormal)
sin - 1.5k kur armor
ranger - 15k studded leather from prophoices because i liked the skin
necro - 15k tormentors from prophocies (first ever 15k armor

mesmer - 1.5 droks atm as i don't really like any mesmer male armors :/
2nd ranger - 1.5 kur armor (idk just wabnt to show my kur loyalty)
2nd necro - 15k canthan
ele - 15k hydromancer armor form prophoices for skin only
rit - 15k kur dyed red :P
all male btw as i don't think sex changes are normal lol but hey some female armors look better then male and vise ver
ah yeah thnx for reminding me floppinghog
- im about to mix 15k imperial and 15kluxon armor or maybe it was 15k luxon and 15k exotic........
ill post pics later if you want but as i said they are all maes so it might not help lol
I like the ascended imperial rit the most, I have it on mine.
nothing special
I'm working my Rit towards 15k Kurzick (dyed either red or gold), I love that armor a lot, and it was one of the major reasons in creating her.
What's with the term "Ascended Armour"?
It's not like there's an actual ascending going on in Factions and you didn't have to ascend to buy the armor in Prophecies anyway.
It's not like there's an actual ascending going on in Factions and you didn't have to ascend to buy the armor in Prophecies anyway.
Its the term they use, it makes much more sense then nameing it buy how much it costs
Luxon and Seitung.
Jas D
I like the 15k imperial the most..
Originally Posted by Exoudeous
it makes much more sense then nameing it buy how much it costs
Sarevok Thordin
The Rit FoW armor is probibly the best, but you know......costs >_>
Lol, I know its a personal choice, and I have in my mind what I like (I think).
But I want to see what other people like...
But I want to see what other people like...