Choosing A Side In Cantha (Help)


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Manchester, England

The Monstrous Fangs (fang)


First time through Factions, and I believe Im coming close to the time where I have to choose a side.

Now, I have no idea what to do about this...I have no idea of the pros/cons of each side....(or are they equal in this respect?)

Also, once I have chosen one side, does that mean I can never ever go back with that character to complete the other sides missions, go into their outposts and obtain their armour?

And with regards to this "obtaining" outposts, I assume thats via PvP? And how do I tell who is winning this battle, or have I got the idea wrong.

Basically, Im just looking for an overview on the process, and how you guys made your choices....

Thanx in advance,




Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006


Os Cremento


All things considered, both sides are equal. Choosing them is a matter of which visual style you prefer, which areas you like best or even which ideology you can better relate to.
You can always visit the other side to complete their quests and obtain their armor, though it will require you to have more faction from that side than from the other you may have chosen. You can accomplish this by spending your faction and then making a few quests from the other side.
Obtaining outposts is for the PvP realms, though in a different atmosphere.
Hope that answered your questions.

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

We play Isketch in [HoH]


both sides are equal and it doesnt really matter once you finsh one side you can go to the other side :/

- it only helps that you do one side then the next becuase of the faction points you get from quests and the npcs from the other side won't talk to you if you have more faction of the oppsoign side

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


You can do both sides (You dont even need more Faction on their side, thats just to talk to their Merchants, Traders and Crafters. YOu can do Luxon quests/missions/etc even if you have kurzick faction).



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006


The only difference is what armor you're gonna end up with first.

Do you want Kurzick armor or Luxon armor?

Also; take into consideration what side your guild has chosen; if you like them that much. If not; just go Kurzick because the armor is much nicer looking

Lady Ana Stacia

Lady Ana Stacia

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


Beware of our Temper [BooT]


After completing the Sunjiang District Mission Jamei in Maatu Keep will give you the quests Journey to House Zu Heltzer and Journey to Cavalon. In each of those places you can get the quests befriending the luxons/kurzicks. To buy armor tho you only need to have more luxon or kurzick faction then the other.

It really is a personal choice. If you want to complete all missions you will have to complete both befriending quests to open the area's that lead to their respective missions.

As for how to see who is winning the war you just hit m and look at the map. The red/blue line is the divider. If it is farther into Luxon territory then the Kurzicks are winning the war or vice versa.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Florida, USA

Imperial Order of the Iguana [IGGY]


Originally Posted by Lavindathar
Basically, Im just looking for an overview on the process, and how you guys made your choices....
You can do both sides; befriend one, finsih all of its quests, trade in your faction for jade/amber, then befriend the other side and play through its quests.

In choosing which side to join, I role-played it. We own seven reptiles including two turtles, so my ranger went with the Luxon side. MY necro, on the other hand, went Kurzick.

From a purely aesthetic viewpoint, I prefer the Kurzick side and the dark beauty of Echovald. From a social perspective, I find the Luzons more appealing.

In the end, I'm glad I played both sides. ANet has some very interesting quests out there...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

Some elite skills can only be captured in Echovald Forest, while some only can be captured in the Jade Sea as well. Heres my list of checks you may want to go through before choosing.

-Which elite skills are available depending on the territory?
-Which has easier quests and missions?
-Which has my style of PvP?
-Which has my style of Armor?

All of which can be decided by browsing



Sins FTW!

Join Date: Mar 2005


Angel Sharks [AS]

My first character through Factions went with Kurzick because I prefer that armor and was easier for me to get amber and faction so I could buy the armor.

My 6 other characters all went Kurzick because after trying to go through the Luxon side, it is just a lot easier to get groups on the Kurzick side imho. I don't really like playing with henchmen unless I have to, and to be able to actually get full parties for the side quests was a good factor.

I also found The Eternal Grove mission on the Kurzick side a lot easier than the Gyala Hatchery mission on the Luxon side.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005


Kurzick faction is worth more money therefore Kurzick is the better side.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

When going through the story-line, you can go either way. It doesn't make a difference which one you do, as they both eventually lead to the same place. The best thing to do is to pick one side and go through the story-line until the end, then go back and do the other side. This way, when you're in Kurzick territory, you'll have more Kurzick faction and when you're doing the Luxon side, you'll have more Luxon Faction. DO NOT STOCK UP ON BOTH AT THE SAME TIME... Every time you spend Kurzick faction, you'll lose up to an equal amount of Luxon faction, and vice-versa.

Shantel Span

Shantel Span

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Knights of King Thorn [Mad]


Neither one of the two are better than the other, and the faction is really starting to be worthless now. Just go with whichever you find more visually appealing, or whichever has more elite caps for you.

Kool Pajamas

Kool Pajamas

Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005


Mage Elites [MAGE]

I've gone through both sides and I'd say that the Luxon side is a bit easier than the kurzick side when it comes to quests and such if that means anything to you.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

I chose my side in terms of ideology,i am a bit neutral actually,one char fights for the luxon,the other kurzich,another is neutral.

I was more attracted to the luxons at first due to there strength and there beliefs of the strongest survives,they dont take sh*t from noone

And i love a nomadic lifestyle.

Basicly just see with side appeals more for you,on all terms.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Kurzick.They are the best team to join economically.You get Kurzick ABs for Kurzick faction and Fort Aspenwood for Luxon faction



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


It's don't have to choose a side until you've finished the game. You can do all of the Kurzick quests and all of the Luxon quests.

Just make sure that you don't waste any of that faction - my recommendation is to do all of the Kurzick quests first, get your 10,000 faction and talk to zu Heltzer to get the quest reward, the cash all 10,000 in for amber (you don't have to be Kurzick allied to do this!). Then go do all of the Luxon quests and do the same.

The only reason you need to pick a side is to have access to the Alliance battles later on - but I didn't start doing those until I finished the game.

Electric Sky

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

if you choose to be kurzick, then you can do the kurzick side quests, and also at the same time be able to do the luxon quests. And vice-versa. So it doesnt really matter what side you end up with since they are equally the same really.

Giga Strike

Giga Strike

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006

stranded in vabbi this time

None [N/A]

if ur a kurzick you can get a black moa bird for a pet.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


It really doesn't matter which side you pick because you can switch it unlimited of times.Differences are mainly in graphics theme and quests/missions are different of course. You can complete everything from both sides.

Commander Ryker

Site Contributor

Join Date: Jun 2005


You can get the black moa regardless. I've got one on my warrior and he's lux. You can do both sides, in fact if you are going for a title, you have to. Also, there's elites on the kurz side that you can't get anywhere else. However, our guild Luxon to align with because the Kurzick forest is very dark and it's hard to see. Also, they are baby turtle killers. But really, you can do both and still be aligned with one of them.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Manchester, England

The Monstrous Fangs (fang)


Ok thanks guys, I think I'm gonna make my choice on what armour I want to get.

Then I'll replay through the other side...

Monkey Blonde

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Siege Turtles (ST)


To the OP: I understand your question, as it is basically what everyone wanted to know before we became familiar with Factions.

What I don't understand is so many responses talking about choosing one side or the other. The fact is, unless you are a guild leader looking to align your guild with one side or the other, or someone looking for a guild and want to know if you should join a Luxon or Kurzick guild, there is no "decision" to make, really. The only aspect affected by your guild alignment is which side you fight for in alliance battles. Other than that, you have to remember only one thing. The NPC's of either side will only talk to you if you have more of their faction (if you have equal amounts, only the side your guild is aligned with will talk to you) and you can only use the res shrines in outposts if you have more of their faction (unless you kill the NPCs at the shrine). But the current amounts of your faction change as you do quests, AB's, Ft. Aspenwood, etc.

So, you really don't have to make a choice, just play both sides if you want. If you only want to play through on one side, then read the descriptions of the Eternal Grove and Gyala Hatchery missions on Guildwiki and decide which you would rather do. You are never prevented from doing quests or missions depending on which side you have more faction for, or even to whom your guild is aligned, with the exception of ABs.

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



@OP Are you in a guild? Most guilds are on one side on the other. My guild voted to side with Luxon well before Factions came out. I'm pretty sure your guild (if you're in a guild) would want you to choose the same side they did.

Many guilds don't farm faction, so they may not care. Ask one of your guild officers.

NOTE: You didn't say if you're in a guild or not, so if you're not, ignore my post.

Monkey Blonde

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Siege Turtles (ST)


Originally Posted by Trvth Jvstice
I'm pretty sure your guild (if you're in a guild) would want you to choose the same side they did.
Could you please tell me exactly how an individual goes about choosing a side ? Because I've been playing Factions since it came out, and I've never chosen a side. My guild is Luxon, but I have never individually chosen squat.

Originally Posted by Trvth Jvstice
Many guilds don't farm faction, so they may not care. Ask one of your guild officers.
What is there to ask ? What impact does this mysterious "choice" have on your guild ? You can only donate Luxon faction to a Luxon guild, and vice versa, but a Luxon can farm Kurzick faction for Amber just like any Kurzick, at any time. So, what is this "choice" ?

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



Originally Posted by Monkey Blonde
Could you please tell me exactly how an individual goes about choosing a side ? Because I've been playing Factions since it came out, and I've never chosen a side. My guild is Luxon, but I have never individually chosen squat.

What is there to ask ? What impact does this mysterious "choice" have on your guild ? You can only donate Luxon faction to a Luxon guild, and vice versa, but a Luxon can farm Kurzick faction for Amber just like any Kurzick, at any time. So, what is this "choice" ?
My guild is Luxon, therefore I choose to only farm Luxon faction. Other than that, the choice is strictly from a role playing perspective.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Manchester, England

The Monstrous Fangs (fang)


My guild is slightly Kurzick, it's only a very small guild with 10 members or so of close friends...

And we have about 1.5k of Kurzick faction. But I like the Luxxon armour, so thats what Im going for.

I'll then donate like 5k Luxxon faction to the guild, so we can be a Luxxon guild :P If they let us!