Will my char be deleted if....
Will my char be deleted if it's name is Im A Knee Grow? I don't really think that's offensive, but I thought I would check, just in case it got banned the second I really got into it. I just thought it was very funny.

Well, if you hadn't asked, I bet it would have gone unnoticed for a long time. If you get reported, you will most likely be prompted to change that character's name before you can enter with it ingame.
Originally Posted by Massacre
Will my char be deleted if it's name is Im A Knee Grow? I don't really think that's offensive, but I thought I would check, just in case it got banned the second I really got into it. I just thought it was very funny.
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Hahahahaha That's Hilarious Have You Ever Considered Standup???
Either way, your character won't get deleted/banned. You will just be forced to change your name if you get reported. Most likely though, you won't.
If you have to ask if it's inappropriate, it probably is.
Meh, I thought it was creative. If anybody does think that, that is insensitive to the point where they would report me, I have no problem changing it. I just thought Anet would delete the character. Thanks for the help.
I predict you will be asked to change that name within... 48 hours.
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by xiaotsu
If you have to ask if it's inappropriate, it probably is.
At any rate, you won't be outright banned for a bad name, you'll just have to change it.
Originally Posted by xiaotsu
If you have to ask if it's inappropriate, it probably is.
Btw, if you think that's creative, you must have a pretty twisted sence of humour.
Former Ruling
Anet to this point has been EXTREMELY Lenient on Offensive names (Both for Characters, AND Guilds, especially guild names...) - I have only cited 2-3 times where they have EVER deleted a guild or character over its name :\
That doesnt mean they won't change though..I personally dont risk it
That doesnt mean they won't change though..I personally dont risk it
Originally Posted by xiaotsu
If you have to ask if it's inappropriate, it probably is.
Moist Muffin
It doesn't offend me. I chuckled when I read your post. At least its not "X I Pwn U X". It could be taken as a compliment or not. I have been insulted because of my name, do you think I care. I say express yourself however you wish untill some magot takes away that right, its not real life its a game and every day I play I have to read alot worse on the (all chat). If you see a Paragon running around with the name "Ima Crack Her" say hi.

ive seen worse as far in the game as thunder head keep it was
phuk phat ho :O
phuk phat ho :O
I cant see why you would want it other than the term which it sounds like, so you probably would get reported.
But then it would be a forced name change and a 72 hour ban or soemthing silly.
But then it would be a forced name change and a 72 hour ban or soemthing silly.
Sort of like whats been said before, the best rule is, if YOU question it, it might be a good idea to think of another.
Poison Ivy
BTW, you have a big chance of getting banned if you make another one of those names (and get reported).
Riken Chrono
Just dont make it. As stated above, you would've gone unnoticed for a while if you didnt make a thread about it.
Monkey Blonde
I was under the impression that we could not change names, only delete characters and create new ones. Is there some exception to this if ANet determines they won't allow your chosen name ? I was going to respond that he risks losing whatever progress he makes on that character so it's not worth bothering with, but is there some exception where ANet allows you to change a name and keep the existing character ?
Insert Cool Name Here
I had a character named Faq U Up and I had to change it's name. It will not get deleted, but you will have to change it. I think I was suspended for like 2 days also.
ANET never bans anybody. I've reported loads of scammers, seen far worse names (somone called: Go To Hell F@#kers) and people who swear spam the LA trade chat. Like I said, I've still seen these people online............