aggro feature or bug?




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


is it a bug or a feature that on some groups if you aggro them once.. then run away till they de aggro.. they re aggro onto you next time withought the aggro circle even comming close to them.

they are re aggroing at about 4 times the distance of the aggro circle



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Delaware, USA

Error Seven Operators [Call]


It's intended. The coding is sort of...weird...with the de-aggro of monsters. Even if they deaggro, if you stop running away, they may come after you again. This is to prevent people from getting away easily then stopping to heal.

Just run until the enemies are back to their normal patrol, stationary, or area-based programming and you should be fine.



Sins FTW!

Join Date: Mar 2005


Angel Sharks [AS]

Yes, some groups lock aggro on you and though they back off for a bit, they will keep coming back over and over. It's been like this since Beta.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


I rationalize it by saying they have your "scent", so if you come back within range on them again (like 3-4 aggro circles) - they'll come back after you because they reconize your scent.

I know, I made up something to rationalize something in logical terms like beasts having scent. But thats just me.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Gui1d War스 P01ic트 [Pr으]


I've noticed this happening most often with enemies that have spirits. They won't back off and stop aggroing you until their spirit dies.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

I attributed it to mobs queueing up a spell and not being able to cast it, so they keep trying to get in range until their queue clears.

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



I like the way the enemies re-aggro after breaking off their attack. It helps a lot when you're using henchmen. Often only about half of the group you're engaging will re-aggro, therefore making it easier to pull them away from the main group.

This is what I do with henches: I slowly back into the group until my aggro bubble triggers their attack, then I run forward until they stop attacking. Then I ease back towards them. Normally, only a few of them will re-aggro. I then pull those few away and kill them. This method really helps in some of the more difficult areas.



Sins FTW!

Join Date: Mar 2005


Angel Sharks [AS]

Originally Posted by Trvth Jvstice
I like the way the enemies re-aggro after breaking off their attack. It helps a lot when you're using henchmen. Often only about half of the group you're engaging will re-aggro, therefore making it easier to pull them away from the main group.

This is what I do with henches: I slowly back into the group until my aggro bubble triggers their attack, then I run forward until they stop attacking. Then I ease back towards them. Normally, only a few of them will re-aggro. I then pull those few away and kill them. This method really helps in some of the more difficult areas.
Good point. Generally it isn't the full group that keeps aggroing, allowing you to kill off the over aggressive ones. Then while you are battling with those, the others come but usually arrive just in time to see the last of their friends being killed. Makes a large group an easy kill.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Another thing to remember is patrols have a larger de-aggro time. A lot of people keep running back too soon. Instead sit back and relax for 5 mins, let the patrol not just return to its original location, but return to patrolling. Then it will forget you.

Something that I do think is an aggro bug is this: Lay down a load of traps for a group to walk onto, then stay at a safe distance waiting. As soon as a trap damages them, they magically know it was your trap and run towards you, as if you had shot them with a bow.

Monkey Blonde

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Siege Turtles (ST)


Originally Posted by Trvth Jvstice
I like the way the enemies re-aggro after breaking off their attack. It helps a lot when you're using henchmen. Often only about half of the group you're engaging will re-aggro, therefore making it easier to pull them away from the main group.

This is what I do with henches: I slowly back into the group until my aggro bubble triggers their attack, then I run forward until they stop attacking. Then I ease back towards them. Normally, only a few of them will re-aggro. I then pull those few away and kill them. This method really helps in some of the more difficult areas.
QFT. I love this. This is how you control aggro with henches and breakup huge groups.