Bug or a little payback?
This weekend during the Battle in the Sewers quest I noticed a bug. The second group of afflicted you come across when leaving from Maatu Keep did not move. They stood around while I whacked on them one by one. I checked it 2 more times before completing the quest and they did not move once. It was just a group of warriors and assassins. Anyone else notice it? Maybe Shiros buddies are experiencing a little lag.
Originally Posted by Painbringer
Maybe Shiros buddies are experiencing a little lag.

They never move - and there's other places where that happens too.
Sometimes I wonder if certain groups have a "trigger" that the developers were expecting a party to hit and have the critters waiting for it. If the party then does something that bypasses that trigger then the monsters just stand there while you abuse them. Examples:
A group of Charr outside Fort Ranik runs up and attacks the NPC guards that hang out there when you leave the fort. If you approach the fort from Ascalon instead the Charr don't move and you can walk up and just wand them to death.
Some Jades in one of the Fire Islands missions stay still until a fleeing Jade Monk gets to them and then they spring into action. If you kill that monk so it never gets there then they can just be hacked to death while they stand daydreaming.
A group of Charr outside Fort Ranik runs up and attacks the NPC guards that hang out there when you leave the fort. If you approach the fort from Ascalon instead the Charr don't move and you can walk up and just wand them to death.
Some Jades in one of the Fire Islands missions stay still until a fleeing Jade Monk gets to them and then they spring into action. If you kill that monk so it never gets there then they can just be hacked to death while they stand daydreaming.