Do monsters from quests affect chest drops?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


Hi, i noticed that when you do chest runs in say, an Am Fah populated area you get Am Fah items from the chests.. so i was thinking if i was to do a chest run in Perdition Rock with "Final Blow" quest active would i get items from chests that the White Mantle would usually drop (like a White Scythe).


The Pointless

The Pointless

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Stuck in the UK

Rage International [RAGE]


I doubt it. I think chest contents are purely based on area (as well as being some degree of random). In Am Fah-controlled areas of Kaineng City, the chests will be more likely to hold Am Fah items, but in Luxon explorables, chests there contain Kurzick armour pieces, for example.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


It IS dependent on what mobs are in the area, not just "what the area is known for" Like the Pointless was implying.

This was tested by a few of the highest levels of Treasure Hunters and reported to the forum.

Using the Luxon Silent Surf territory for his/her example, he/she concluded (and made videos) that chest contains ARE effected by what monsters are in the explorable, and further more are impacted by what monsters are OVER the chest at the time of it being opened (which seems to imply that chest contains are NOT selected upon entering an explorable, but are randomly genereated upon opening the chest).

The main example was one chest spawn location where the ONE group of Afflicted in that explorable are. After over ~4000 (dont remember exact number) chests opened in that area, he/she concluded that the ONE chest that sometimes spawns near that afflicted group is had a very good chance of being a "Plagueborn" (afflicted drop) weapon, where NO OTHER CHEST in that explorable ever dropped a "Plagueborn" weapon in over ~4000 chests.

Another example that everyone is aware of is Undead chest drops in Hell's Pre. mission, Where because of the 3 Portal Wraths at the end of the mission (whom are Undead), the chests near them specifically have a chance of dropping "undead" skinned weapons like a Dead Bow.

There are cases where I have (over 600chests myself in a Kurzick area) found some patterns in what drops from chests, but my numbers pale in comparison to that.

I dont know if that relates specifically to Pet Rock and the few mantle spawned by Final Blow because I haven't tested and I dont evne know that there are even any chests near that side of the island..



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005


Former Ruling is right, i got my warrior to Ember Light Camp and did two chest runs with "Final Blow" activated.. the first run i got a very nice Shining Maul and the second run i got a priests robe (which is exclusivly a white mantle item).

Guinevere Ac

Guinevere Ac

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by Former Ruling
It IS dependent on what mobs are in the area, not just "what the area is known for" Like the Pointless was implying.

This was tested by a few of the highest levels of Treasure Hunters and reported to the forum.

Using the Luxon Silent Surf territory for his/her example, he/she concluded (and made videos) that chest contains ARE effected by what monsters are in the explorable, and further more are impacted by what monsters are OVER the chest at the time of it being opened (which seems to imply that chest contains are NOT selected upon entering an explorable, but are randomly genereated upon opening the chest).

The main example was one chest spawn location where the ONE group of Afflicted in that explorable are. After over ~4000 (dont remember exact number) chests opened in that area, he/she concluded that the ONE chest that sometimes spawns near that afflicted group is had a very good chance of being a "Plagueborn" (afflicted drop) weapon, where NO OTHER CHEST in that explorable ever dropped a "Plagueborn" weapon in over ~4000 chests.

Another example that everyone is aware of is Undead chest drops in Hell's Pre. mission, Where because of the 3 Portal Wraths at the end of the mission (whom are Undead), the chests near them specifically have a chance of dropping "undead" skinned weapons like a Dead Bow.

There are cases where I have (over 600chests myself in a Kurzick area) found some patterns in what drops from chests, but my numbers pale in comparison to that.

I dont know if that relates specifically to Pet Rock and the few mantle spawned by Final Blow because I haven't tested and I dont evne know that there are even any chests near that side of the island..
wow this guy must be truly smart