Hotkeys for new heroes

Blackest Rose

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Just wondering - I drive GW a lot using only keys.
Cycle next target, activate skills etc...

So my questions...
Will heroes have any hotkeys? For skill activations? For movement?

I mean I'd love a key combination that would activate Koss's 4th skill for instance.
And I'd love to be able to hit a key and get the place flag view to get heroes/henchies to move (especially for this as the area you have to hit on the compass is quite small)

Anyone got any thoughts on this?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

Screwston, Tejas



If we were given that sort of control of heros, I could imagine a whole new world of botting sprouting from these roots. Not necessarily PVE, but what is Hero Vs Hero going to get us, Balthazaar faction? Imagine complete "botted" hero's dominating in that aspect of Nightfall. Fear that, I'm not saying it's not going to be possible with the current system, just that keystrokes could be more easily bound I think.

Imagine, the only people who succeed consistantly in HvH combat being people with henchies that were essentially botted players? That would be a real drag, although I think Anet would be banning those that could be proven to use such garbage to control their heros...

Where you'd be using hero micromanagement personally, they'd have a distinct advantage over players like you who used the system legitamately.

Blackest Rose

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006

Yeah I see your point about botting but the average PVE player needs to work close to the speed of light if (s)he's really going to be able to effectively control their toon and 3 heroes ....

It's faster to press a key than move a mouse and click.
I know I'm going to get tired of going to the radar to move heroes/henchies pretty quickly....

Especially that one needs hot keys and that wouldn't really have a botting impact/implication.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

Screwston, Tejas



I controlled myself with my hotkeys, and focused on controlling whichever hero needed the most constant attention during the wpe