Its as simple as this:
VwK Ritualist with visages.
* Bonder monk hero
* Healparty/Agegis Spamming monk hero
* Famine/EoE Ranger hero.
Usage is simple: Since Bonds, HP/Oders and EoE/Famine work when character is out of range and in noncombat which means uses of theese thing dont get drops unless they are involved in combat any other way, you can solo areas with this distant support and enjoy all the drops that soloers would get.
This allows you to be either faster or safer, and even conquer hard places that would otherwise be unreachable.
Every solo build out there surely can benefit from taking 3 heroes along with you.
Any Bonder/Oders necro can tell you that they have to do somethign extra to get drops, like cast support spell directly on teammmember in combat.
Maybe now Oders/Bonds/Damage spirits will be modified so that they grant drops to their users, who knows ...
There are lots of ways heroes can help you indirectly...
Even if you dont use thnem for this, imagine entering fow/uw to solofarm and parking 3 your heroes at start of area - you clear area without their presence interfeering with drops, and you either
a) use them as rescue rangers should you die
b) call one or two witch specific build to help you conquer area you wouldnt have change to get past otherwise, and then let them sit near flag again untill needed.
4-man hero farming team, 1-man teams drops?
Originally Posted by zwei2stein
Even if you dont use thnem for this, imagine entering fow/uw to solofarm and parking 3 your heroes at start of area - you clear area without their presence interfeering with drops, and you either |
to my knowledge the heroes will not be able to get into fow/uw because they can not ascend. at least not in GWP they would not be able to.
however this is still a wise idea, and who knows maybe anet will lets us take them into fow/uw via a GWF or GWNF acension.

I think they pickup items too.
Heroes can only go where henchies are available.
Horseman Of War
aside from the Heros' ability to get into the underworld/fissure- it would defeat the purpose of solo farming... which I thought was to get the most possible loot out of the place. How often do you see a 55 monk asking for a noob to stand at the beginning of the level so they can rez if 55 dies...?
lol too right.
correct me if I'm wrong, but enchantments cease being maintained when you leave the area of about radar range. I don't think Life Bond would have any special immunity to this, as far as I'm aware (then again I'm not a bonder). And if a character is just barely within radar range, they will still recieve a portion of the drops on creatures you kill.
Spirits on the other hand, you could have the NPC lay down and then tell them to run out of radar range... That I suppose could be interesting...
Spirits on the other hand, you could have the NPC lay down and then tell them to run out of radar range... That I suppose could be interesting...
Former Ruling
Any Bonder/Oders necro can tell you that they have to do somethign extra to get drops, like cast support spell directly on teammmember in combat. |
I know this after Powerleveling Countless people >_> (its why Powerlevelers often say "must give me all drops")
Nightfall's flag system DOES make solo farming Easier though, Since you can clear the area and the bosses mobs with the henchie/hero support then Flag the henchies off of your radar and proceed to solo the boss with them out of the range of getting drops. Several people were doing this during the weekend event.
But mind you those builds you made wouldnt be good for this, the spells are quite useless to you when they are that far away.
Indeed heroes will make green farming easier
- You tailor your build to take the boss on, clear everything using the heroes, flag them to a side and solo the boss.
- Your solo build would need a spirit like famine to work, no problem just take your hero ranger with you, have him cast famine then flag him outside of your range which allows you to farm no famine areas with a famine relying build
This said all those methods have to use the heroes as indirect support, using your heroes as direct support would have them both share your experience gain and your loots.
Some examples of heroes used for farming :
- Unwaking waters explorable area, after you've cleaned the shirokens at the start use your heroes to clean the mobs up to that second group of shirokens, flag them to the side and clean that second group, again clean up with heroes, when getting to the assassin boss have famine cast flag the heroes to the side and get to the boss yourself.
- Troll or Gryphon farming using a ranger hero with famine
Other uses of heroes in likeminded settings:
- Create a farming monk hero, remote control him to an area and start to use his skills in his stead, get in range and powerlevel yourself with a character absolutely not tailored for this
- You tailor your build to take the boss on, clear everything using the heroes, flag them to a side and solo the boss.
- Your solo build would need a spirit like famine to work, no problem just take your hero ranger with you, have him cast famine then flag him outside of your range which allows you to farm no famine areas with a famine relying build
This said all those methods have to use the heroes as indirect support, using your heroes as direct support would have them both share your experience gain and your loots.
Some examples of heroes used for farming :
- Unwaking waters explorable area, after you've cleaned the shirokens at the start use your heroes to clean the mobs up to that second group of shirokens, flag them to the side and clean that second group, again clean up with heroes, when getting to the assassin boss have famine cast flag the heroes to the side and get to the boss yourself.
- Troll or Gryphon farming using a ranger hero with famine
Other uses of heroes in likeminded settings:
- Create a farming monk hero, remote control him to an area and start to use his skills in his stead, get in range and powerlevel yourself with a character absolutely not tailored for this
Has any of the people here ever played an orders necro for Tombs?
If you have, you will know that you do have to be closer than the range of the spells (or at least did when i went). What this means is that as long as the heroes are slightly further than the dropp range, but still within the range their spells effect, you would be fine.
Has any of the people here ever played an orders necro for Tombs?
If you have, you will know that you do have to be closer than the range of the spells (or at least did when i went). What this means is that as long as the heroes are slightly further than the dropp range, but still within the range their spells effect, you would be fine.