Starting to play GW


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Hey everyone, I just bought GW and now I am waiting for it to be delivered to me. I don't have any friends that play it so they can't teach me anything, basically I will start out as a person who knows jack shit about GW, could you guys give me some pointers please? (It's Prophecies btw)

Also I was thinking of making an Elementalist, all help will be really appriciated!

TEX Cougar

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006




My first choice was a warrior, id recommend that.
first thing id recommend is go through the list of scams that are about Here

Emo Fwalm

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Northern Ireland

The Emo's


ya i actually am in his class in college and i have a lvl 12 n/mo but i have absolutely no clue about this game whatsoever so u cudnt help me while ur at it as well i currently am in the snowy mountains doin the mission wer u hav to hijack the explosives and blow up the levers but i wud like to no wats gd fun to do other thn jus missions cus its all i hav done

TEX Cougar

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006




I'm always happy to help people out when im on
If you add me to friends 'Tex Cougar' and whisp when im on ill help you out
Remember to say who you are or i wont remember, have a brain like a sieve lol


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Originally Posted by TEX Cougar
My first choice was a warrior, id recommend that.
first thing id recommend is go through the list of scams that are about Here
oki thanks, but I really want to try an elementalist first, if I dont like it ill try a warrior, I also read the scam guide thanks for that!

does anyone have any other tips that are good to have? also about elementalists?

Riken Chrono

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

around the corner and up the block


Let me tell you this and dont feel down when people do it to you.
You WILL get harassed alot is you ask a newb question ingame. When you get the game, PM me ingame. IGN= Obsidian War. i'll try to answer any questions you have about the game.

Jeremy Untouchable

Jeremy Untouchable

Wow Stole my freetime

Join Date: Mar 2006




My best advice, Do some reasearch, and find a good pve guild. google guildwars guilds, look at there websites and find a good one.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


Elementalist is not a bad place to start... When the time comes you will want secondary mesmer, monk, or necro.

Try not to post your character till you are level 6-9, level 7 is not a bad place to be.

When you start the game the area you will be in is a tutorial, and eventually you will run across a guy willing to take you into the academy, do NOT go unless you have at least most of your skills and are level 6 or you will have a heck of a time later. Once you go into the academy story line then picks up and you cannot go back to the tutorial.

People will yell at you to SKIP THE SCENE NEWB! But don't, you bought the game for your enjoyment not theirs, so don't ruin it by skipping the story line. Just ignore them, they can get over it they always do!

DYE! Don't let people in presear/tutorial area buy dye from you, save it hun, its worth a lot more on the other side. Don't let someone wear your armor, they can't... and you cannot wear thiers, armor is customised.
Beyond that, dont forget your ID kit and Salvage kit, and unless a weapon is better than the one you have you can just sell it, dont be afraid to sell stuff to the merchant, you wont need so much of it in the end ~_^
Get scale fins for your belt pouch, get someone to help you get a rez sig and GO GO GO GO GO GO! Good Luck and happy hunting ^_^

My In Game Names (IGN): Lady Eviance or Kyla Elric

Edit: someone mentioned googling for a guild, better try here:
Up top there are sticky threads that have guilds that are looking for recruits and all the info you need to know, or a thread where you can put your name down and interests and a guild can pick you.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Let's see,
1. Create whatever character you're interested in.
2. Try out 2 or 3 professions to see what you like.
3. You get four character slots, save one for a PvP character
4. Do not sell dyes until after you go through the Acadamy.
5. Do not go to the acadamy until you are at least level 7.
6. Firestorm (elementalist skill)has some pretty visual effects, but is only good for getting enemies to scatter. (sometimes a good thing, more often, not)
7. Do not use a runners services the first time through the game.
8. Before buying things from other players, learn what items are worth.
9. Use the "N" button to bring up your friends list and add all these people who offered to help so you can see when they're online. Feel free to add me, as well - Chanti Beppu.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

The site mentioned above (GW Wiki) also has a nice guide for new players. Well, they actually have guide/info for pretty much everything in GW, I hardly ever use any other site to find out new stuff.

Phaern Majes

Phaern Majes

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Anywhere but up

The Panserbjorne [ROAR]


You'll see a bunch of people advertising runs to different places. I'd recommend NOT getting ran on your first character. You will have a much better understanding of how the game works and most likely be a better player for it. I know its tempting to get ran to Droknar's Forge (last major city in the game) for max defense armor, but the fact is you don't need it. I've beat chapter 1 with several characters using only the armor available to me. You can buy better armor at Ascalon, Yaks, Lion's Arch, Henge of Denravi (I believe not positive on that), collectors armor in the desert, and Droknar's. Thats just my 2 cents, some will disagree but you will be a better player for it, after your first char.

Garrett OneEye

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

Warrior is, no doubt, the easiest profession to start out with while learning the game. However, if you are willing to hang in there with it, there is nothing wrong with the elementalist profession. For PvE, my favorite character is an Ele/Mes (I've tried them all); in PvP the primary Ele is more of a support character than the high-damage dealing character you probably think he should be. In PvP, the damage dealers are almost always Warriors. I have found that Elementalist has all sorts of interesting skills that come in handy for different situations: Point-Blank AOE damage (PBAoE) in the Earth or Fire attribute line, single target spiking in the Air attr line, some good defensive skills and slowdowns in the Water attr line, the Fire attr line is good for ranged AoE, and last but not least, WARDs!! (in the Earth line) are a unique set of skills that no other profession can invoke and can really help a team out, defensively. If you play with henchmen alot, the Wards can be a godsend. Oh, one more thing, the Ele has a lot of skills/spells that are meant to foul up warriors; that can be pretty fun. Don't underestimate the power of the Air attribute's 25% armor penetrating damage spells.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

wow, you guys are really nice and thanks for all the help. I cant wait until I get the game, it seems so much cooler now

Emo Fwalm

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Northern Ireland

The Emo's


ya i offered him to come into my guild and all if he wants and does the fact tht i went through the academy at like lvl 2 really matter or will be seriously screwed towards the end


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Hey again, just wondering, do I need factions at the start? Or can I wait until I get like 15 or so before I will notice anything different?

Also my brother decided he wanted the game aswell, he is going to be a warrior, could you give some pointers about them aswell please? Once again thansk for all your help guys!


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Sunny ol' Manchester

The Trumpet Blowers


Emo: doesn't matter what level you went through at but it does help if you're new to the game to go through at lvl 7 or 8 - it's easier on the other side to survive.

Itachi: if you have prophecies, you won't be able to get into factions unless you have that as well. I'd hold off buying that until you have a better idea of the game. As for starter chars, I found Ranger was a good one to start with - very versatile. But then I don't like warriors so that's just my opinion lol

Emo Fwalm

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Northern Ireland

The Emo's


ya hes bought factions special edition same as me and ok i got the main spell resurrection ting and ty


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Originally Posted by Emo Fwalm
ya hes bought factions special edition same as me and ok i got the main spell resurrection ting and ty
^ he just admitted on xfire that he didnt even know what game we bought, it is prophecies special edition not factions



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


You guys are funny XD

There isn't much to learn about a warrior till later on and their skills are just not that complex to be honest. Later when it comes to holding agro or being a "tank" he will need to know how to keep a mob just so for the rest of his team, but that shouldn't be an issue till at least the 3-4th mission.

As taffette said it wont hurt anything if you go through the academy at a lower level, it's just a LOT harder to stay alive -_- I went through on accident at lvl 3 with my ranger and had only a few of the skills I was supposed to have... It just made life harder, but I managed. Although my husband and brother were not at all happy to see that I didn't get a rez sig either -_-

If you love story then Prophecies is great. Factions is more for those who like fast paced and pvp (Player vs Player combat). Factions story line will seem short after playing Prophecies. You don't have to have Factions but if you decide to get it, you will need to link it to your account in order to take your Prophecies characters over there and vise versa.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by itachi89
Hey again, just wondering, do I need factions at the start? Or can I wait until I get like 15 or so before I will notice anything different?
You don't need to get factions at all. But there are 3 things that you can get from factions that you can't get with Prophecies & Nightfall. 1. Assassin & Ritualist professions, Alliance Battles, and expanded storage for your materials.

Also my brother decided he wanted the game aswell, he is going to be a warrior, could you give some pointers about them aswell please? Once again thansk for all your help guys!
For PvE purposes, go with an axe or sword as your primary weapon. (Hammer sucks in PvE, but is used in PvP) Monk is the most popular secondary profession for Warriors. Even the best Monks in the game cannot save a warrior who rushes from one battle to the next and/or aggros every enemy in sight. As a Warrior, you should be up in the front of the battle, but you need to keep an eye on what's going on with the rest of your party, in case you need to come to the rescue of your teammates (Don't do that if you've got 2 or more enemies attacking you - they'll follow you and make matters worse for the back line folks)

Emo Fwalm

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Northern Ireland

The Emo's


ya im dumb very dumb

i got this like special boss ting tht can be turned into a material but its worth like 38 gold before i salvage it because i identified it sud i use the expert salvage tool r jus normal




Join Date: Jul 2006




PM Paladin Daniel if you need a guild and some help ^^.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


The difference between salavage and Expert Salvage kits is pretty easy. With a normal salvage kit u only get regular materials like wood, iron, tanned hides etc. With an Expert kit you can get rare materials like steel, fur squares etc.... also with an expert kit say u get a "furious long sword" and when u id that sword it has a 10% chance to get double adrenline per hit. IF u use an expert salavage kit on that U MIGHT get the upgrade "10% chance" or u might get standard steel/iron . IF u get the "mod 10%" thing then u can double click it and put it on a different sword...


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by Emo Fwalm
ya im dumb very dumb

i got this like special boss ting tht can be turned into a material but its worth like 38 gold before i salvage it because i identified it sud i use the expert salvage tool r jus normal
Is it a green weaopn? Or is it a piece of armor? IF it's an armor piece, and it's blue, purple, or Gold, it's got a Rune in it. If it's PURPLE, just sell it to the merchant - because if you expert salvage it, you'll get the rune, which will be worth less than 38g. If it's Gold or Blue, ID it & check the RUNE TRADER'S sell prices, that will give you an idea whether to Expert Salvage it or not - if the trader is selling the rune for 150g or less, Expert salvaging it will reduce it's value. If you find that it's a rune that you want to use yourself, go ahead and Expert salvage it & apply it to your armor.

If it's a green weapon, check the Price Check forums here in Ventari's Sell section - there's a sticky for baseline prices for both Prophecies and factions green weapons.

Emo Fwalm

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Northern Ireland

The Emo's


ok thanks i will go check now but it is armour its like beastmaster hammer mastery r sumting not sure ill do tht ty


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

since fwalm cant post when he is in-game here is the name:

beastmaster harness of major hammer mastery
armour 31 hammer mastery +2



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


What u can do with that IF u use a expert salvage the rune out of it and put it on an armor piece. IT will raise your hammer attribute lvl by 2 but at a cost of -35hps. Honestly at lower lvs the only runes I would use are minor runes unless it is a major/superior rune of vigor. Personally I would just sell it to the merchant and not waste a use of an expert salvage kit.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

Originally Posted by Coridan
What u can do with that IF u use a expert salvage the rune out of it and put it on an armor piece. IT will raise your hammer attribute lvl by 2 but at a cost of -35hps. Honestly at lower lvs the only runes I would use are minor runes unless it is a major/superior rune of vigor. Personally I would just sell it to the merchant and not waste a use of an expert salvage kit.
I concur 100%. The 35 HP is a huge chunk, especially for low level characters.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Legion of Avalon


I recomend looking around in the commonly asked questions formum. Theres a lot of good stuff there.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Hey guys, I got the game now and I have started my elementalist, level 3 right now almost 4. Where should I put my attribution points? Also which second profession would be good? Thanks

Garrett OneEye

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

As someone earlier said, Mesmer, Necro, or Monk are all good choices as a secondary to Ele. I like Mesmer, myself, as there are missions in the game where good interrupts are important. Also, Mesmer can eventually give you some ability to prevent your spells from being interrupted, which you will come to appreciate.

As for attributes, you do realise that you can adjust them up or down anytime you are in a town/outpost; you can't adjust them down while in a mission or explorable area. So, pick attributes that maximise your skills/spells that you put on your skillbar. Spreading your points around, initially, is a good idea since you have limited access to skills early in the game; you can only use the skills you have obtained, so pick the best ones and match the attributes accordingly. Later on in the game, most people tend to only spend points in 2 or 3 primary attribute lines and maybe one more attribute line, either primary or secondary; the attribute lines that are picked can move around based on the mission and what mobs you are expecting to face. These are not hard rules, however.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Originally Posted by Garrett OneEye
As someone earlier said, Mesmer, Necro, or Monk are all good choices as a secondary to Ele. I like Mesmer, myself, as there are missions in the game where good interrupts are important. Also, Mesmer can eventually give you some ability to prevent your spells from being interrupted, which you will come to appreciate.

As for attributes, you do realise that you can adjust them up or down anytime you are in a town/outpost; you can't adjust them down while in a mission or explorable area. So, pick attributes that maximise your skills/spells that you put on your skillbar. Spreading your points around, initially, is a good idea since you have limited access to skills early in the game; you can only use the skills you have obtained, so pick the best ones and match the attributes accordingly. Later on in the game, most people tend to only spend points in 2 or 3 primary attribute lines and maybe one more attribute line, either primary or secondary; the attribute lines that are picked can move around based on the mission and what mobs you are expecting to face. These are not hard rules, however.
Oki thanks, didnt realise you could respend your attributes freely

I have been playing for 2 hours now and I am absolutely LOVING it!

Emo Fwalm

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Northern Ireland

The Emo's


tht 1 was expert salvged tht itachi said so jus sell it to a merchant thn