Armor type help
I'm going to buy ascended armor, and as this is quite a large "investment", I was wondering what type of armor to buy. Any ideas?
There is no "best", only what is prefered or best suits a build. This question is asked and answered 1000 times, try a search or browse.
A Leprechaun
i'd go glads or dreadnoughts but other than that its up to you
Itachi Warfang
ya DeanBB is rite the armor shoot's with build.
not so newb
Yes armor does shoot with build or play style,if you are a warrior/elementalist you might wanna go gladiators since it has some extra energy and most elemantilist skills can be energy heavy.Or if you are often times using alot of strength in your builds you would want to go Sentiels.
Depends on your builds, the areas you go and if you pvp or not with this character. If you ever intend to go pvp, I'd suggest glads, anything else will have it tough in pvp since you'll lock out a lot of builds. If you farm alot you might want to look at sentinals, but otherwise I'd suggest glads, dreads or berzerkers for just general pve. Don't go knights unless you only want to farm melee.
I have a set of kurzick sentinels with both an axe helm and sword helm (haven't collected amber for the hammer one yet, too lazy) and a cheap set (based on materials needed) of shing jea gladiators with a couple of helms that I use for various builds.
Glad's or Berzerker's, I'd say.