Hex and enchants question... a good question...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


If i cast a hex in someone (a hex type >>parasit bond<<), and other party member cast parasit bond to in the same foe...
What happens? The bond over to me at time he cast the spell and i receive the bonus? The timer still working to Me and the other party member and twice receive the bonus?

Are lots of hex of this type like...
Malaise... the twice have life deg?
Shivers of Dread... the twice lose energy?
Mark of Subversion... the twice receive life?
Insidious Parasite... the twice receive life?
lots more...

Same thing to enchants...

Two monks cast the same enchant...

Live Vicariously... the two monks receive life?
Essence Bond... the two monks receive energy?
lots more...

Someone can help me?


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


For a maintained enchantment, I believe both will get the effect, for a hex, I believe the most recent cast takes over.

Easy enough for you to test though in a scrimage. You and two others go in, 1 vs 2 and cast your enchants or your hexes and see what happens in there.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

You can only have 1 of an enchantment or hex on a target. The 2nd one replaces the 1st one.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005


Sixty Second Assassins


DeanBB is correct...otherwise LifeBond x2 pls. Think about it like this if you cast Vigourous Spirit on yourself twice what happens? And if you cast Parasidic Bond on the same target one right after the other what happens?

In both cases the durations are increased but the effect isn't doubled. Also think about this....have you ever had two of the same enchantments/hexes icons on you?

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


If parasitic bond is re-applied before it ends, you dont get the health bonus, so yeah, if you cas PB on someone and then another one in your party also casts PB on the same target, then your ally takes over the hex, but you dont get the benefit from it anymore.

Plain and simple, hexes and enchantments of the same type do not stack.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005


As far as I know, the positive effects of necro hexes stack ( that is to say, both of you would get the +3 from life siphon or whatever ), but the negative effects on the enemy dont.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Two or more people can hold recall and such on one target, though thats alittle different.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

As far as I know, the positive effects of necro hexes stack ( that is to say, both of you would get the +3 from life siphon or whatever ), but the negative effects on the enemy dont.
That should not work that way, the first hex should be replaced by the 2nd, thus ending the regen to the first caster, just as if the hex was removed from the target.

Lord Bishop Stone

Lord Bishop Stone

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

My little happy place



I and a few guildies have tested this. I used Life Siphon I have +2 regen target has -2 degen. my Guildie Mr X we will call him has +3 regen -3 target degen. I cast my LS first on target... She got the - 2 as I got the +2 when Mr X cast it after me she the target went to -3 he got his + 3 and I retained my + 2. When Mr X and I switched and he cast it first Mrs target went from - 3 degen from him to -2 degen from me where both Mr X and I kept the co responding regen his at +3 mine at +2. the target did not ever get a combined degen from the same spell. Her degen was in acordance with the last hex cast on her. We also tried this with Essence bond though both monks cast it on me and recived the benifits... it only showed on me once and if striped it was lost to both of them. So although you can only have and gain benfits from one type of enchantment and only gain the disadvantage from one type of hex the hex/enchantment is not wasted if it benfits from the caster also.
exe. Healing breeze cast on target will only heal for the last breeze cast on them. The caster gets no benfits but the healing from Div Fav will account on the target.
exe. Insid Para cast by 3 necros on same target... all necros will gain health up to up to their max but the target will only lose health once from the max of the 3 necros... necro A gains 23, necro B gains 19, necro C gains 30... target looses only 30.

Well I hope this helps a little... It was an interesting question.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2006


Originally Posted by DeanBB
You can only have 1 of an enchantment or hex on a target. The 2nd one replaces the 1st one.
this is the general rule, although there are a few exception, such as AotL and things like that.

Kale Ironfist

Kale Ironfist

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006


Venatio Illuminata [VEIL]


Originally Posted by Coloneh
this is the general rule, although there are a few exception, such as AotL and things like that.
Technically, NOTHING replaces. They will overlap and only the strongest/latest one is shown. Everything else is the exception.

In Lord Bishop Stones' case, if his guild had killed off the +3/-3 Life Siphon guy, their target would still retain the +2/-2 Life Siphon from himself. This is because his own LS hex has no cause to end, but the other did (the character was killed off).

Originally Posted by Tarkin
Are lots of hex of this type like...
Malaise... the twice have life deg?
Shivers of Dread... the twice lose energy?
Mark of Subversion... the twice receive life?
Insidious Parasite... the twice receive life?
lots more...

Same thing to enchants... Two monks cast the same enchant...
Live Vicariously... the two monks receive life?
Essence Bond... the two monks receive energy?
lots more...

Someone can help me?
Malaise: No.
Shivers: Yes.
Mark: Probably not, since it's a lifesteal. The strongest one, or if they are the same strength, then the latest one will trigger and remove the entire MoS hex stack.
Insidious Parasite: as Mark of Subversion.
Live Vicariously: Yes.
Essence Bond: Yes.

That should not work that way, the first hex should be replaced by the 2nd, thus ending the regen to the first caster, just as if the hex was removed from the target.
It's never worked like that. The actual effect is that the spells overlap, but the effects are only the strongest/latest one to enter the fray. Of course, if the hex is removed prematurely, the entire lot is removed.

Originally Posted by HunterRose
DeanBB is correct...otherwise LifeBond x2 pls
You know, that actually does work. You don't get the 50% damage reduction again though. Hence it's useless. What happens is the 50% damage redirection is split between the monks that used it, which then receive reduced damage from Life Bond.

An example is that a monster physically hits a target which has been Life Bonded twice for 100 damage. They will receive 50, and the two monks 25 (which is then reduced by Life Bond).