Gray Giant Mini pet Question



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006


I bought the pc gamer magazine and used the code in it for the mini pet, now when the preview event is over, I deleted the character with the mini pet on it. Will I get my mini Gray Giant back once Chapter 3 is out even though I used the code?

Help most needed.




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Cheshire, UK

I believe you'll be able to re-do the quest to get the Gray Giant, once Nightfall is released. Even if you hadn't deleted your character, all inventories of characters created during the preview, will be wiped before release, so the mini-pet would have gone by then anyway.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


If you read the magazine, you'll notice that the quest will be available to you should you buy nightfall.

Cow Tale

Cow Tale

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ocean Shores, Washington

Last Sun Rise


i have a question related to this! i bought that mag today for the pet, the mag is very vague about the use of the code, can i add the code right now, or do i have to wait untill nightfall is installed on my comp to use it? will the code show up on account add on screen? im really confused!

My Green Storage

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


My Blue Storage


enter code as new account

type /bonusitems in game (*IN* NightFall)

get a broken toy and a new quest(*IN* NightFall)

do quest, get mini pet(*IN* NightFall)

I'm not sure if entering the code now and saving it until NF will still work in 3 weeks. Should, I would imagine people have already entered the code. So I would say it's ok to enter it.

But as mentioned, you need NF to get the mini pet.

(For the record, I'm waiting .. No difference now or 3 weeks from now..)