The Artisans are loose


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


Hi Guys/Ladies

I have been playing GW now for about 6 months, and in the process of playing I am also an experienced buyer and seller. I am not fully aware of all prices, but I am well versed on it. My point is recently (over the last few days) been selling some rather high end items like the Urgoz longbow, Kanaxis edge, and a few other items. The prices were fair, no gouging. The Kanaxis I was selling for 80K at kaineg, someone asked to see it and then offered to buy it for 80. Im like ok, sword is already in trade window, but he cancelled. He promptly re opened the window, I put sword up, I saw him put up 80 and almost hit the accept button. It was my experience that stopped me because it wasnt 80K, it was 80 gold period. I said its 80K, not 80 gold....he closed the window and left without a word. A few minutes later another individual did the same thing, I said Nice try.

Alot of people assume they are getting what they ask for and that trades often go that fast, you click without thinking. This is a warning to you newer players, I was lucky, because I noticed it, but there are players out there that when they sell something for 50K or so, and someones buys it, they put up the gold and you click accept. Then you realise it wasnt 50K, is was 50 gold. Then you go after the guy who is probably already gone, and you sit there whining.

Be warned, there are scammers out there and this is an old trick. Always make sure you get your asking price, ALWAYS look at how much gold the player puts up and make sure it meets your asking price. Otherwise, you have just been scammed.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


Go to temple of ages, and look at people who say "WTB ECTO 7K SHARDS 4K" - they're nearly always Mo/W's, never in a guild, and always try to scam.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Another way to pick out bots is if you ask them to say something other than 50/50, gogo, or ok.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Another variant i've seen is when (for example) you sell something for 1.5k and they put 1 platinum and 5 gold in the window instead of 1 platinum and 500 gold. Sometimes its an honest mistake, but not very often... :P



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Righteous Apathy [RA]

Originally Posted by Mournblade
Another variant i've seen is when (for example) you sell something for 1.5k and they put 1 platinum and 5 gold in the window instead of 1 platinum and 500 gold. Sometimes its an honest mistake, but not very often... :P
Yep, tried to sell something last week for 8.5k and was offered 8 plat 5 gold. They tried to tell me that was the correct amount after I called them on it. Eventually, they 'fixed' it and we completed the trade. Not like they weren't getting a good deal, anyhow.

Lilith St Cyr

Lilith St Cyr

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

Had an idiot the other day trying to buy my Kanaxai for 80 gold. When I closed down the trade window, he opened it again with the correct amount though, & the sale went through.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


I've seen this a hundred times or more....seriously...the best advice (even though it's old advice) is to check the details of every price in sale or they say, "The Devil is in the details." and certainly, those unscrupulous few will try and take advantage. I have my own way of dealing with these folks:

My most recent encounter: I was up around Copperhammer Mine or somsuch, trying to buy frosted griffin wings for a collector sheild (just to tide me over, mind you) and a seemingly kind-hearted ranger offered 5 of them for free...but when I attempted to open a trade window, he started running all over the place, with me chasing along, wondering if he was going to stop at storage or something....but nope.

He just wanted me to chase him around...I got a good laugh out of it because my brother used to pull a similar prank on me when I'd try to open the car door....he'd hit the gas and say, "No, really, get in...I won't do it again." but of course, he'd do it until I got pissed and opted to walk home...He'd appologize and say, "Dude, I am so sorry...get in." Then the little bastard would wait til my hand was right on the door and do it AGAIN!

Well...I proceded to tell the guy this much greater detail, of course...and how funny he was...until he asked why I was still talking to him. "Because I think you are SO cool..." I said.

I just kept telling him how cool he was and how much he reminded me of my long-dead brother and all the good times we how he would finish off all but the last few drops of milk and put the carton back in the fridge just to watch me pour a bowl of cerial and realize there wasn't any milk when I grabbed a near-empty carton, then dump the last of his uneaten second bowl in the sink...

I just kept telling him all these great stories and for some reason, he put me on "ignore"....hmmm...go figure.




Join Date: Jul 2006




high end items like the Urgoz longbow, Kanaxis edge
Urgoz and Kanaxai are no way near high end items. And there are millions of threads, stickys and also wiki has a full article warning people about scammers already...

Smile Like Umean It

Smile Like Umean It

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by TwinRaven
I just kept telling him all these great stories and for some reason, he put me on "ignore"....hmmm...go figure.
He put you on ignore? Why? I'm sure those were some very interesting stories.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


If its something important I'll always check.

if its just some collectors items or something..Meh..

Like the other day someone gave me Desert griffon wings (irridescent?) instead of Frosted...Who cares, they cost about the same, and I just farmed up 5 frosts in 1 55 run outside anyway afterwards.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


Vier Reiter [Vier]

Yup, ppl do this EVERY day...haven't fallen for it yet, but that's just my "heightened sense of reality"......ok paranoia :P

oh btw TwinRaven you are my hero of the day that ROCKS im still giggling


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006


For me, the Urgoz longbow and Kanaxis edge are high end items, not something to simply sell for 5 or 10K. I havent gotten to the 100K + ecto items yet, havent found any yet, so for me they are high end items. But still that isnt the point, the point was I was selling for 80K and they put 80 gold hoping I wouldnt notice. It was sooo obvious because when I called him on it he simply left.