Buying GW '06 edition item key only. Possible?



on a GW break until C4

Join Date: Feb 2005

In your shadow

Servants of Fortuna

I'd like to buy the bonus key of the '06 edition of GW:P, but I don't need the game itself and $40 for bonus items is too much. Any idea where I could buy the bonus key only?

Note: buying/selling real life items in a *public* thread is against the forum rules.

Sereng Amaranth

Sereng Amaranth

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Amazon Basin [AB]

Maybe try eBay? This would be a legitimate purchase.
Request it to be offered in the Official Store. Although I seem to recall Gaile talking about not having an a la carte system in the store.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


I hope they don't introduce that in the stores... the game would be ruined because whats not to say they will introduce a item named "Crystalline Sword" for you to purchase (insert other weapons in there) because everyone demands it.




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

re above: hopefully it won't happen... but apparently that's what some of the free (really free, ie don't even need to pay the software purchase) is doing... you use real cash to buy items...

state of trading is rather bad as it is already, having ebay'ers selling ingame gold for real money.... really don't like to see you can actually buy a good item in the ingame store

edit: but also, the 06 edition unlocks a special item... so that should be ok...



on a GW break until C4

Join Date: Feb 2005

In your shadow

Servants of Fortuna

ANet has stated that they won't mess with item/gold purchase at the online store. I think it does include bonus items (preorder, '06 edition, coke...). Unfortunately I couldn't find any shop/auction where I could buy this key.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Underworld

Leader of Grenth Gaming Inc [GG]


Grr I hate it when ANET does this. Its so lame. I mean all these item keys SHOULD be purchasable...............

Maybe ebay like everyone says? I'll check it myself.........

Oh a GW forum

Oh a GW forum


Join Date: Oct 2006


I have '06 edition and this is no bonus key. It only came with one key, which had the items "built in", along with full access to prophecies campaign.



on a GW break until C4

Join Date: Feb 2005

In your shadow

Servants of Fortuna

You mean this edition has only one key? Bummer.

So I guess the question becomes: how do I buy Coke Items? You can't (not even on ebay). Sigh...



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Originally Posted by Oh a GW forum
I have '06 edition and this is no bonus key. It only came with one key, which had the items "built in", along with full access to prophecies campaign.
Yeah I was about to say that.
There is only one key in the package.
Gives you access to the game and adds all the weapons that the package advertises.

There is not a seprate key for each weapon in the package.
Just like when you bought the factions pre order or the nightfall bonus disk, it came with 2 weapons but only one key.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Exit 9 NJ Trnpk

The Roaming Gnomes[roam]


Coke items were exclusive to Korea distribution I bellive. I have seen them on Ebay once or twice, just on of those really rare things to find (lmited distribution and one country, etc). Set was going for like $60US for the set of 4or6 I think



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


Originally Posted by Oh a GW forum
I have '06 edition and this is no bonus key. It only came with one key, which had the items "built in", along with full access to prophecies campaign.
I have the '06 version too and my version came with an extra key for the bonusitems... But i think i have read somewhere that only European versions have an extra key. Other versions probably have it integrated in the normal key...

Guinevere Ac

Guinevere Ac

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by boxterduke
Yeah I was about to say that.
There is only one key in the package.
Gives you access to the game and adds all the weapons that the package advertises.

There is not a seprate key for each weapon in the package.
Just like when you bought the factions pre order or the nightfall bonus disk, it came with 2 weapons but only one key.
the package comes with the game card with the code to unlock prophecies, and a sheet or paper with the bonus items cdkey. at least the european 2006 edition is like this. not sure about the u.s. goty edition.

basicly all u need to do is to find someone that buys the 2006 edition in europe and can't care less about weapons (no idea why btw. shield bow and hammer are just the best possible. max dmg and max armor in presearing FTW)

Originally Posted by Honor
Coke items were exclusive to Korea distribution I bellive. I have seen them on Ebay once or twice, just on of those really rare things to find (lmited distribution and one country, etc). Set was going for like $60US for the set of 4or6 I think
not possible, for 2 simple reasons: coke keys were allowed to be merged only with korean accounts. use it with a u.s. or european guild wars edition = err, key not acceptet.
in case u were referring to actual ingame items sold, then no again, items cant be dropped to the ground nor even put in a trade window

Deadly Panda

Deadly Panda

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006




You can buy it on Ebay

Deadly Panda

Deadly Panda

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006




You can buy it on Ebay
*Edit, sry for the double post..



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Exit 9 NJ Trnpk

The Roaming Gnomes[roam]


Originally Posted by Guinevere Ac
the package comes with the game card with the code to unlock prophecies, and a sheet or paper with the bonus items cdkey. at least the european 2006 edition is like this. not sure about the u.s. goty edition.

basicly all u need to do is to find someone that buys the 2006 edition in europe and can't care less about weapons (no idea why btw. shield bow and hammer are just the best possible. max dmg and max armor in presearing FTW)

not possible, for 2 simple reasons: coke keys were allowed to be merged only with korean accounts. use it with a u.s. or european guild wars edition = err, key not acceptet.
in case u were referring to actual ingame items sold, then no again, items cant be dropped to the ground nor even put in a trade window

My understanding was that the Coke keys where ONLY good for Korean accounts, BUT the cans themselves would make nifty collector items for some one in the states who was into that kind of thing. Collecting GW memorabilia or exclusive Coke memorabilia, etc...



on a GW break until C4

Join Date: Feb 2005

In your shadow

Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by Deadly Panda
You can buy it on Ebay
Nope. No auction for these bonus keys. No shop selling them either.

Guinevere Ac

Guinevere Ac

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by FrogDevourer
Nope. No auction for these bonus keys. No shop selling them either.
why should they sell those keys? they sell the 2006 edition, which is sealed and contains that bonus key. wont find a lone key on ebay for there weapons



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


Well, when someone has such key and doesnt want to use it, then that person can try to sell it on ebay (i dont know if that is allowed). Imo that is just risky as you only get the key after paying for it. But nobody can garantuee you that this key hasnt already been added to an account...

And as stated above: there are only 2 useful items: the bow and the hammer... imo the rest is crap.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Are you guys getting the items purely for the skin or the stats?

Guinevere Ac

Guinevere Ac

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by jimmy_logic
Are you guys getting the items purely for the skin or the stats?
me? basicly because are max dmg items that can be used in presearing.



on a GW break until C4

Join Date: Feb 2005

In your shadow

Servants of Fortuna

Originally Posted by jimmy_logic
Are you guys getting the items purely for the skin or the stats?
Although their skin is nice, I want them because you can summon these items with a simple /bonusitem command. Good default item, good for testing, good to equip a couple of heroes... In a few words, there're far from exceptional but they can be handy for weird players like me. Enough to buy them with ingame gold or even $10/15, but not enough to spend $25/40 on the full '06 edition (I'm not even sure you can merge the '06 key with a standard account).



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands


Originally Posted by FrogDevourer
Good default item, good for testing, good to equip a couple of heroes...
Is this possible?? Those items are automatically customized to the player... Can NF hero's use them anyway??


Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006


Duality Of The Dragon

Originally Posted by FrogDevourer
ANet has stated that they won't mess with item/gold purchase at the online store. I think it does include bonus items (preorder, '06 edition, coke...). Unfortunately I couldn't find any shop/auction where I could buy this key.
Difference being that bonus items like the cokeplay items, can't be trasnfered or anything. So technically if ANet did it with bonus items it wouldn't effect the economy.

Originally Posted by GODh
Is this possible?? Those items are automatically customized to the player... Can NF hero's use them anyway??
If you had the character selected using the new system then use /preorder or /bonusitem. I'd assume the items would be generated for that hero. Just a guess.

Caelus The Fallen

Krytan Explorer

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Voice of the Darkness


Heroes were able to equip items customised for the player that owns them in the preview, thus were able to equip /preorder items. This should continue to be true in the retail release.