Melandru's Hope Nerfed Chests?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2006

Rise From the Ashes [phnx]


I've heard from a few different sources that chests, at least in Melandru's Hope, have been nerfed. A lot of people have been seeing a lot more purples than usual there. Anyone know if this is true, or just a rumor?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Yeah same here and it definately isnt the code. I have completed atleast 10 missions, Some a few times for my Canthan protector title and a few for tyrian.

Not sure if it was a nerf or just bad luck, But the purple rate is horrible

Ulivious The Reaper

Ulivious The Reaper

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Shadowed Assassins


just a rumor, they weren't nerfed, just farmed so much now all they seem to give is purples


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Fellows of Mythgar


I'm wondering if it's not the spawn location of the chest... I farm Chkkr Brightclaw and can tell pretty well what the chest will have by where it spawns... at least in his cove.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


if an area is over farmed by a lot of players it will give lesser drops to all players usaly


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2006

Netherlands, gelderland

none yet


its defenitly not the good, because i mostly pvp and when i went chest running wich i normally don't do i only get puples in that area and not in other area's so its definitelly done in a update, we just need to find a new good spot for chest running



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Florida, USA

Imperial Order of the Iguana [IGGY]


Originally Posted by Randvek
I've heard from a few different sources that chests, at least in Melandru's Hope, have been nerfed. A lot of people have been seeing a lot more purples than usual there. Anyone know if this is true, or just a rumor?
I clean out Melandru's Hope once or twice every day. By clean out I mean: my ranger kills all the monsters and open all the chests, usually starting from Lutgardis and leaving at Bauer or Jade Flats when I'm done.

I have seen *no* reduction in drops. At all. Last run, this morning, found six chests, half gold, one containing a very nice gold Dual Goth Axe worth about 50-60k (if I don't keep it myself.) Sometimes, I get all purples, sometimes I get mostly golds. Usually, it's about 60-40 purples-to-golds.

The chests are *random*. It's quite possible to get a streak of purples, which doesn't mean a darned thing; the next run, you may get mostly golds.

The most over-farmed creatures in Cantha are the Vermin, which I farm a couple of times a day with my Ritualist. Two days ago, I got a gold Crenellated Sword from one of the vermin, which I sold for 40k. That was right after two runs where I only saw white items.

People will tell you lots of conspiracy theories about how chest drops depend on other players' farming and such... and I've seen no evidence of that at all.