Sundering String or Vampiric String?

Kael Beowulf

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Purest Guild


Pretty simple questions, count out on your opinion!

1)About barrage builds and longbow/hornbow , what do you think would fits better for the build?

2)Witch of them does more damage? The Sundering of the Vampiric?

3)When equiped, the sundering gives a 20% chance to the barrage skill gives armor penen on all enemies, or it gives 20% chance for each arrow that hits an enemy?

Thanks for your time looking over here! (Btw thats my last question about barrage stuff, no need to curse me =P)

P.S: In case sundering doesnt goes good for barrage builds, where would you suggest to use them?

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




vampiric, as always

gene terrodon

gene terrodon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Maryland/DC Area

Farmers Unite [FU]


The mods are per arrow.

Old man is right...Vampiric FTW

5 armor ignoring damage always and health gain, possible +30 hp per barrage.
Zealous also works well with barrage build

Sundering is overrated and pretty useless, IMHO never use it.

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



I think Most people advise putting a vampiric mod on a half moon or short bow.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


1) Vampiric. You do more damage and you'll even get some healing.

2) Vampric. It does alot more damage than Sundering.

3) No clue. Either way though, Vampric is going to be much better.

Deadly Panda

Deadly Panda

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006




Vampiric is better.




Join Date: Jul 2006




Go vampiric but dont forget to buy the godly sundering for 30k...


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Sorrow's Furnace Hot Tub



Vampiric is better in almost all cases. They are also much cheaper. Someone several months ago did a very detailed analysis of this, so you may want to try searching.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

The Last Sacrens


I personally hate vampiric due to the down time and the health management but when your working with barage vampiric is the best way to go

just a test

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by TheOneAndOnlyX
I personally hate vampiric due to the down time and the health management but when your working with barage vampiric is the best way to go

just a test
F1-F4. Theres your downtime.

Vampiric wins hands down.

Vamp even wins against 1 opponent, with Barrage there shouldnt even be the hint of a question about which is better :\



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Delaware, USA

Error Seven Operators [Call]


Oh no! This is turning into another Vamp Vs. AP thread! (I'm sure most of you remember it)

Here were the points made:

Vampiric does a higher overall DPS
The healing from Vampiric offsets the health degeneration
Sundering does NOT get any better during a spike
It would take a good three minutes to die from vampiric health degeneration
If, as a monk, you ever need to heal vampiric health degeneration, something is wrong.
Sundering, while not very damaging, has the benefit of no health degeneration.

The thread is filled with a bunch of debates, arguments, and flames, so I would only recommend reading it if you want to see the evidence firsthand.

However, the thread is titled "Vamp vs. AP" if you want to search for it.

Kael Beowulf

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Purest Guild


Thanks a lot guys! You just saved me 30k(lol!) i'll give it a look at the Vamp vs. AP !!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


Heh... this old topic always comes up on here... I say lock before it gets any worse.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Relambrien
Oh no! This is turning into another Vamp Vs. AP thread! (I'm sure most of you remember it)

Here were the points made:

Vampiric does a higher overall DPS
The healing from Vampiric offsets the health degeneration
Sundering does NOT get any better during a spike
It would take a good three minutes to die from vampiric health degeneration
If, as a monk, you ever need to heal vampiric health degeneration, something is wrong.

Sundering, while not very damaging, has the benefit of no health degeneration...
Im not that interested in having the highest DPS possible, damage offset is only while attacking, so you have to equip when in battle, then unequip while traveling, and Id prefer to not have to switch back and forth. Well, how much difference does it make? If its some insanely huge difference, then I could see it, otherwise, Id use the sundering. Id rather have no possibility of dying because of my eqipped weapon.
Like someone not switching it out? Have seen it happen a few times.
Always my preference...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Underworld

Leader of Grenth Gaming Inc [GG]


What this guy wants to know is which one for a barrager. And as everyone knows (even the sunder hoggers) Vampiric + Barrage = Goody. Now please take your AP-VP debate somewhere else...........


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


Originally Posted by Gorebrex
Im not that interested in having the highest DPS possible, damage offset is only while attacking, so you have to equip when in battle, then unequip while traveling, and Id prefer to not have to switch back and forth. Well, how much difference does it make? If its some insanely huge difference, then I could see it, otherwise, Id use the sundering. Id rather have no possibility of dying because of my eqipped weapon.
Like someone not switching it out? Have seen it happen a few times.
Always my preference...

Ok, it takes one key stroke and less than one second to switch weapons. It's also going to take absolutly FOREVER to die degening from a Vampiric Weapon. We'll say you have a fairly low amount of health, 455 for example. It's going to take you 227 seconds to die from a Vampiric Wepaon. That's almost 4 minutes(Ok, so it's closer to 3 and a half, but that rounds up!). If your Monks are so imcompetent they don't notice you're dying and heal you out of combat, your team is standing around doing nothing for that long, or you don't realise you're dying durring that period of time and use a self heal or switch weapons, there's somthing VERY wrong, and everyone involved should get a brain transplant.

Yes, it is an insanely huge difference. Oh, and Vampiric even heals you...

As for not wanting to switch, fine. That just means you're lazy, and are paying alot more for alot less benefit, simply because you are unable to hit a single button.

Like I said, if you ever die from a Vampiric weapon, you need a brain transplant...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

@Pan: Yes, I know its for Barrage, neer said Sundering was better for that, and it was more of a self-debate, not saying anything that makes Sundering sound better than Vamp. It was an opinion, NOT a statement.

@zui: You said, "...If your Monks are so imcompetent they don't notice you're dying and heal you out of combat, your team is standing around doing nothing for that long, or you don't realise you're dying durring that period of time and use a self heal or switch weapons, there's somthing VERY wrong, and everyone involved should get a brain transplant." Well, I said that! Ive had to heal people before because of it. Was the first time I was partied with someone with vamp, he couldnt switch (like I asked, " If it causes degen, why not switch weapons? "Too much loot in inventory"). Paying? Paying for what? Ive never/have no intention of buying weapond from players, as I often disagree with what is considered a "fair" price(meaning general knowledge, not whats in PC thread, or stated in-game). Rare skins, "perfect" weapons meaning much more money, .... Ill pass on buying weapons from people.
This should continue in PMs if at all(Id rather not)