Vinegrower - I kept trying to find you and couldn't! :P Or did I talk to you and not even know it?

I was the short blonde chick (brown shirt) with the redhead guy. I'd be totally embarassed all to hell if I talked to you and didn't know it was *you*. Separating fans from ANet staff wasn't easy so I never knew where to start a conversation. :: snicker :: "Hi, I'm Kelli, I'm one of the Super Fans, what are you?" Heh. Not so graceful.
I spent the first half hour kind of staring and trying to decide who to talk to. Finally I just started finding random people and starting random conversations. My husband and I looked for people who looked as lost as we did and chatted with them, or started conversations over random things like pomegranate martinis (subsequently went and acquired one myself, but only one because I'm a cheap date). Huge thank yous to everyone who took the time to chat!
Someone was playing a level 20 char, probably an employee; the later stuff looks really sweet.

The staff is very excited about Nightfall and about upcoming projects (which they were understandably mum about - all they will say is that it's exciting stuff!).
We thought the belly dancers were a brilliant idea, too; take a room full of geeks that are primarily male and add belly dancers?

You can't go wrong with that.
Gaile runs around a lot, but she seemed willing to stop for a fan. She was very friendly and immediately herded us off to the bar. She has the rare honor of being one of the few people who actually remembered how to spell my first name (which makes her the goddess of amazing memory in my mind). She was very gracious and SO friendly (I can't say this enough - for someone who puts up with as much stuff as she does, she is such a sweet person, and her love for the fans shows).
I enjoyed the making of video, too - I have a feeling that some people are going to get interesting nicknames as a result of some of their quotes! Everyone was really excited to talk about what they did, and the video really shows that enthusiasm.
Watching the video and talking with the people, one thing is very obvious - these people are NOT just making "good business decisions so they can make money". Unless you count being insanely passionate for their work, for the game, and for the fans a good business decision. Yes, ANet is a company, and yes, they have to make money, but the driving force is their passion for Guild Wars. THAT is why ANet employees get up and go to work in the morning, and it sounds like it's the number one qualification to work there. They love this game so much, and they want to put so much into it. They want it to be great for the sake of it being great.
My husband and I really appreciated the chance to attend the event; it was an honor to be able to share in the festivities. Thank you!!!
I came home last night so wired that I didn't want to sleep!
PS: My husband actually told at least one person that our 10 year anniversary from the day we started dating falls on the release date of Nightfall. We're taking the day off. There well be at least SOME geekiness that day I'm sure.