


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

FL (from Long Island NY)

Rage Against The Dying [RAGE]


What amount of money do you consider enough to call yourself "rich"?
Mid Class?
Sorry to ask but I want to know about where I stand I think Im mid class but not really sure. Thanks



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

We are all pretty [Ugly]


Poor: 1-20k
Middle: 20k-350k
Rich: 350k+

But, thats just what I think ^_^

Chilly Ress

Chilly Ress

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

Kinetic Fusion [kF]


its all relative



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Poor < 10k
Middle 10k < 1000k
Rich 1000k +

Actually those just are based on how I felt at the time when I had those amounts. I got my first two characters through GW Prophecies and had about 10k between them. Then I made a necro... and the rest is history.

In this game there are people who are far more rich than I will ever be. However, I'm satisfied with my current amount of cash. I'm comfortable because I can farm any amount of gold/items I need.

One thing to note: I don't go overboard. I'm pretty much a miser so I typically farm what I need and only buy when I see an opportunity for a good deal.

P.S. I don't eBay.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


My friends list is full...I'm rich!!!

Monetarily speaking, I find if I set a goal, I can easily reach it in short order...usually these goals are less than 100k. I currently have 90k but don't feel rich because of it. I've had a lot more, and I've had nothing...been said before: It's relative. If you have 90k but need 100k+5 ectos for a cool weapon, you're poor. If you have the weapon you want and have 10k to buy the black dye you want to use on it, you're rich!

Personally, I'll stick with my friends list and the good people of my guild as a measure of wealth...corny? Maybe...but whatever I need, I can get; if not on my own, then with a little help from my friends.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Exit 9 NJ Trnpk

The Roaming Gnomes[roam]


see above yeap it's all relative repeat. if you cant afford storage or the upgrade your poor If you can get the Obsidian armor without wincing and a lot of farming your rich I prefer to be happy so No obsidian armor for me just yet and out of 8 characters only one has 2 pieces of 15k. But I have friends, guildies and fun playing the gamee



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005




Poor- 10K <
Middle- 20-50K (I'm in middle)
Rich- 50K >



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

poor - 50k<
middle - 100k-500k
rich - 1 million and above

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Depends how you play the game.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


i cant say i ever felt really poor, even when i had less that 1k in storage (it happened when i was busy crafting fow armor for 2 chars btw ) but i'm in such a great guild, even if i dont have smth and i feel like i really need it all i'll have to do is to ask over the guild chat or post it in our forums....

i think that as pve player u might feel rich when u have enough gold to buy all skills and unlock new 2ndry prof for ur old chars, for me it means less than 500k - i have only 1 account with 6 pve chars... some ppl have 2 accounts so they'll need more... plus u'll need new armors, not nessesarily 15k, but with diff stats, such as mm armor or tempest or battlemage, or w/e, add 50k-150k... u might want new weapons, so add alittle bit more, like 30k if u can live with modded collectors weapons, or considerably more, if u want to have all new greens the 1st day they were discovered

after u got all skills for all chars and all new armors/items u might feel rich w/o having any gold in storage, till nightfall of cos

I love coffee

I love coffee

Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

NC ( Noob City)


Poor= can't afford anhting have to beg
Middle Class= Don't have to beg, and can buy stuff and sometime have to farm

Rich= standing in ToA and Spamming " WTB ECTO AND SHARD"



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

If it aint expensive, it aint worth buyin'.

Leading/Co-leading Bretheren Of Chaos [Dark]


its 100% subjective.

though, ive come up with a graduated system, with more than 3 categories, simply because its more accurate. i plan on giving the whole spectrum, from the bottom, to the top (or close to it). note, that i'm speaking on terms of NET WORTH.
by this i mean, if you totaled up every gold coin youve ever spent/accumulated and piled it into 1 big lump sum, this is what you'd be worth.

0-50k as the poor class, this probably makes up the vast majority of the GW player base (to be fair we dont know how often they play).

51-100k not exactly poor, but not quite middle class yet either. these players proabably have 1 set of 15k, or are considering getting a set of it. they may posses a higher level green or two. the average guildwars player who plays regularly and consistently is probably in this or the next category.

101-500k now we're the middle class, probably at least 1 or 2 characters in 15k armor, though some in this level tend to be conservative with funds. may have a perfect gold or two, if not, certainly a number of greens. chances are they've done some lower level farming, trading or green hunting.

501-1000k. we're now exiting the middle class and entering the foothils of the wealthy.
this category has increased percentage wise considerably over the past year and a half, most people in this category did not get here by accident. they've done soem degree of farming, trading, or HA. though, a few in this level got there by "lucky drops," but thats by far not the norm.

we're now entering the body of the wealthy.
not many players get to the 5 million net worth, though there are a higher percentage of people here than there have been in the past. most people in this area got there by farming, or some trading. unfortunatly, many of the people in this category didnt use legitimate means (an intelligent person can usually tell by talking to them for a while).

in reality the normal categories stop here, as past this point, there are exponentially fewer players. mostly because to get into the upper 3 levels of wealth, is not easy.

5001k+. now you're hitting the area of wealth where VERY few people reside. across over a million or 2 players, probably only a few hundred are at this point. whether or not most of them got here legitimatly is a matter for debate, but chances are most have been playing for a long while and own at least 1 or 2 higher level golds.

10,001k+ most of the "older wealth" players are here. very, very, very few of the people at this stage who got here legitimatly, have been playing less than a year. to get to this point requires a considerable penchant for trading or farming.

and once you hit people with 15,000k-20,000k+ in net worth its a whole different ballgame. probably less than 100 people have accumulated this kind of wealth. most people in this range are powertraders, or very successful PvPers with a number of valuable drops. people at this level, usually posses item collections, stacks of ecto, or vast material storages. they almsot certainly have multiple accounts. so very, very few people are this far though, at this point and above, the percentage drops almost daily, as the ability to get this far is not easy, and most people who do get this far, end up getting bored and quitting. most of the older, popular, wealthy guru members fall in this area or the one below.
heck, i'd hazard a guess at less than 50 people have gotten this far, and further than this, i will not go. since past this point we're talking about wealth classes so beyond most peoples comprehension its ridulculous, but with people numbering in the half dozens, its such a small amount of players that the absurdly wealthy dont warrant a classification to be honest.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


Vier Reiter [Vier]

Meh....repeat for the Nth time : it's all relative baby!

I have enough to get what I want in game and that when one of my "poorer" guildies says "dang, I really need/want xx" I can get it for them, which I totally love doing (I'm a big believer in pressies )

I mean let's is GAME GOLD. You use it for GAME LOOT...why not have fun with it?

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

i have im middle?

but i have 4 15k sets, and endless number of perfect weapons that i use that would round up to 1000k....

but AM i ritch?...




Join Date: Jul 2005

Who cares? Really, what's with the infatuation of in game wealth? If you play the game and enjoy it, you're much better off than the idiot that does nothing but farm or chest run in hopes of getting "rich".

Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
i have im middle?

but i have 4 15k sets, and endless number of perfect weapons that i use that would round up to 1000k....

but AM i ritch?...
No, but you're certainly vain enough to pose as being rich.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ladies Rhythm and Movement Club [MOVE]


Originally Posted by I love coffee
Poor= can't afford anhting have to beg
Middle Class= Don't have to beg, and can buy stuff and sometime have to farm

Rich= standing in ToA and Spamming " WTB ECTO AND SHARD"
lol i like it



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Righteous Apathy [RA]

Don't consider myself rich...but I've got 175k in storage, most I've ever had. No 15k armor, too expensive, but all my lvl20s have the non-15k max armor variants. Don't like dropping below 150k, makes me all twitchy. But I've bounced between 170k and 130k more times than I can remember. Earn some, spend some, rinse, repeat.

I gave up on 15k armors and other high-end items long ago.

I might consider myself rich if I ever hit 500k.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005




I used to consider myself rich when I had like 6K in my storage (this was a long time ago). But then this guy told me I was a noob and that he had 60K. That's when I looked at myself and thought "Man i'm poor :/". Now I have like 30K though so i'm good .



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


I feel like I'm poor, but there's nothing I want to buy. Thus, I win for just enjoying the game.

shaolin mind trick

shaolin mind trick

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Aequitas Deis [AD]


Again, it's how you play:

Poor: Lots of items you need but can not afford
Middle: Fairly satisfied with your equip/cash supply
Rich: Have everything you want.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

South west UK

Iztrian Guild [IZ]


Originally Posted by TwinRaven
My friends list is full...I'm rich!!!
My feelings exactly ,when i read the first post .
I enjoy the game , playing & helping , being helped , with my friends.
Playing the game like this the gold soon mounts up and I always seem to have enough for the special things I want .
I am rich I have friends

Electric Sky

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

I have around 150k, so i guess thats kinda in the middle between rich and poor. I havent felt the urge to buy anything recently.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


I have everything I want in the game (except FoW for my ranger, which I don't have the energy to farm for) so rich or poor has no bearing to me anymore. I just try to have as much fun as I can. =)


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Sorrow's Furnace Hot Tub



I agree that wealth is determined not by the items you have collected, but by the quality of your Guild Wars experience, which is probably best measured by the size of your friends list.

Solo farming is the best way to make money, but also the most boring. Group farming, like in Sorrow's Furnace or Tombs, is a blast and will earn you lots of money and friends. That's how I've made my cash, and also how I've kept up my interest in the game long after I've completed all of the PvE material that Anet has thrown at me.

So do the quests, then when you're done go to Tombs, SF, the Deep, etc. You'll not only make friends, but also have fun, get lots of cash, and have a decent challenge to boot.

New Buddha

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Poor=not satisfied with what you have
Middle=satisfied with what you have
rich=never satisfiesd with what you have

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Poor=Having to struggle with money to be able to buy anything including highest armor (droks) and max dmg crafteble weapons,this is when you have to do a whole lot to be able to get anything decent.Being so poor that you cant even buy a cap sig (1K)Having to use Collector armor not because y ou want to save money or it looks cool , but because you have no other choice.

Middle class=Having enough money to buy what you NEED and still have some spare cash for a rainy day,this is when you have enough money to buy 1 set of max armor be able to craft the weapons you NEED and never really worried about small things,like cap sigs or a sup salvage kit etc.

Rich=When you have so much money you dont even know what to do with it.This is when you have so much money that when buying from peopel you almost dont even ask how much and just overpay.This is when you have to look for something to do with money, youll probably end up buying fow armor for all your characters plus 15K plus 4 sets of normal armor (then go pvp)
You go cap every elite in the game not cause its handy or its good to have in pvp, but just to use your money.

I didnt mention amount cause 10K can mean nothing to you but for me it might mean im rich.
I myself am in middle class if i follow what i just said.

Monkey Blonde

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Siege Turtles (ST)


I think the answer depends greatly on whether you are interested in pursuing titles. If you have a million gold, you are rich... unless you want to max out a treasure hunter title, or drinking title, or games of chance title, or wisdom title, etc...

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

We play Isketch in [HoH]


Originally Posted by shaolin mind trick
Again, it's how you play:

Poor: Lots of items you need but can not afford
Middle: Fairly satisfied with your equip/cash supply
Rich: Have everything you want.

thats what you measure by not money guys....

then again there will always be something you want i geuss lol...

- atm i have 500k+ but only becuase i don't spend money on perfect items lo as all mine are req 10 ^

Insuscient Ranger

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Pluto-We miss you

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


I probly got 500k or so in items on my secoundary account. I consider my main account rich. I got it from a lucky drop :P

Poor: 10k or lower
Middle:100k or Lower
Rich: 1000k+ (AkA Ebayers) J/k



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Dawn Treaders [DAWN]


Unless you want to become hacker bait, I suggest you all stop telling people how much you have on your accounts. This thread isn't about how much you have, its about what amount you think makes you 'rich'. :P



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


Originally Posted by Xenex Xclame
Poor=Having to struggle with money to be able to buy anything including highest armor (droks) and max dmg crafteble weapons

Middle class=Having enough money to buy what you NEED and still have some spare cash for a rainy day

Rich=When you have so much money you dont even know what to do with it.
This is a pretty good summary. Stratifying players based on the value of their items is really short-sighted, as values change drastically from day to day.

Gold is a good measure, but once you hit the maximum (roughly 2 million with 10 character slots), you run out of categories to classify them in.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005


[FaRM] Farm For The Win


My main character has three armor sets.. (2 of which are 15k)
My secondary has 2 as well and my third has one...
My three others all have droks armor.
All my casters have all 4 one-handed SF weapon setsfor their profession. my warrior has all shields, some perfect golds + various greens etc... etc...

BUT i don't have ANY gold on ANY of my characters...
Does this make me rich or not?
Not sure. I don't feel the need for having a horseload of gold in my storage and i do still enjoy the game after 16 months of playing

Water Angel

Water Angel


Join Date: Mar 2006



i cant say im rich...not im said akhileus despit i dun have millions im a point game no more much interess...

5 caracters,4fow, 6 15k sets...and 150k storage and some nice wepons as cristlinne......ya some people may cal lthis reach cause of the 4 fow armos i have,but what's the use of being rich if u cant share this with friends....or no have friends...any...u just play 80% less time as i do and keep hope get some goal...

so i dun even understand ankh how u do for keep your level of wealth, i would prolly lose all will to play...

better be poor and have a goal than be rly wealthy and no more pleasure..



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Hell's Precipice

The way I've always seen it is:

0 to 59.9k is poor. You either blew all of your money on something silly or you are new to the game. Either way, you don't have much flexibility when it comes to finances. You probably have to farm when you decide you want to buy something.

60k to 500k is the middle class. You can afford at least one set of 15k armor (one must look appropriate for their financial status!). You buy dyes, materials, and armor pieces almost at will. You do not worry too much about your money but you also do not want it to drop too low.

500k to 1000k is rich. You've either farmed away precious days of your life or you are so cheap that you never buy anything and just stockpile. Either way, go nuts with your money.

1000k+ and you're a millionaire of course. Buy whatever you want you pig!

skreet preacha

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006



i only got about 200k left. :-P but i've spent about 4-5 million in uber weapons, many of which i salvaged or gave away and started a new collection, lol. :-P all legitimate of course, been playin only 9 months, averaging 1-2 hours a day.

skreet preacha

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006



i only got about 200k left. :-P but i've spent about 4-5 million in uber weapons, many of which i salvaged or gave away and started a new collection, lol. :-P all legitimate of course, been playin only 9 months, averaging 1-2 hours a day.... oh, never PvP/GvG before either. :-P got rich from farming and trading, never had a drop worth over 75k.

Tenragan Clan

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006


Currently guildless though a good PvE guild would be nice!


Does it really matter?

There is always someone who has more...just as in life. Am I rich, by some standards no, but by others yes...It doesn't matter though because I'm content with what I have and will be content with what I get.

I gave someone 50g the other night for storage, they said I must be rich...I said yes I am, they asked how much money I had and I told them (34K for those wondering), they said that's not rich...I said by some standards I'm poor, but I enjoy what I have and the game I play and therefore I'm rich...remember it's just a game, I reminded her that she was the one asking for gold (which I freely gave) and wished her good luck...and went on my way, feeling even more richer because though I may not be "rich" I helped someone out who asked!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006


Martyrs to the ether [ZeaL]


i only got 800gold in storage andi dont feel poor for that


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Shingletown Slayers


According to all your definitions, you would classify me as 'poor.' Blah blah. I have about 7k atm, I've been playing for well over a year, and I've don't feel the need to hoard money. If I'm saving up for something, I'll spend some time earning money to buy it. I play for the enjoyment of the game, and considering a vast majority of gamers are 'poor' according to these standard, I would guess they play to enjoy the game too. I'm not interested in 'vanity' items like fow armor or collectors items
If you all want to debate what is poor and whats not, I think you're missing the point, and taking it all too seriously.



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



I'm not rich, but I don't need to be. I only play Monk, and I don't like the FoW armor, so I just gives my friend 15K armors when I earn money as long as I don't need anything myself.