Newb needs help!
Hello, I'm pretty new to this, in fact, I decided I might try GW just today.
Anyone got any tips about what classes (is that what it's named in GW?:D Yes I previously played WoW) I should choose? I am no newbie to MMORPGS in general so please don't suggest a newbie-friendly/boring class combo ;).
I thought a Mesmer would be cool.
Any kind of tip is appreciated!
// Nemithur
Anyone got any tips about what classes (is that what it's named in GW?:D Yes I previously played WoW) I should choose? I am no newbie to MMORPGS in general so please don't suggest a newbie-friendly/boring class combo ;).
I thought a Mesmer would be cool.
Any kind of tip is appreciated!
// Nemithur
Lilith St Cyr
Originally Posted by Nemithur
Hello, I'm pretty new to this, in fact, I decided I might try GW just today.
Anyone got any tips about what classes (is that what it's named in GW? ![]() ![]() I thought a Mesmer would be cool. Any kind of tip is appreciated! // Nemithur |
Depends what you want. I've got characters of most professions, and I enjoy them all.
Necro/Me is a nice combo I think. Good de-gens. Also have Mo/Me and Ele/Me. I've never tried Mesmer as main profession though.
They're called professions.
Have a look at this link for information on the professions. You can click each one for a more indepth decription.
Mesmer is generally regarded as the toughest profession to pick up first. Having said that, if you're a quick learner, you'll have no problems.
Have a look at this link for information on the professions. You can click each one for a more indepth decription.
Mesmer is generally regarded as the toughest profession to pick up first. Having said that, if you're a quick learner, you'll have no problems.
Find a good guild and stick with it!
Mesmers are cool, theres like 1 mesmer for every 1000 warriors lol.
Mesmers are cool, theres like 1 mesmer for every 1000 warriors lol.
well mesmers as a primary class arent that useful perse in pve compared to the other classes. there IS a reason that there are 1:1000-mesmer
ther ratios.
i mean if you want to pvp, its one of the most powerful classes in the game but in pve its mainly used for support...e/me, mo/me(monk needs energy management...blahblah) i always tell people to use a war/ele/ranger when they start out so they get the feel for the game which is what i did.
also dont do drugs and dont sell black dyes in presearing
pm me if you need any help in game. i wouldn't mind if im not busy...

i mean if you want to pvp, its one of the most powerful classes in the game but in pve its mainly used for support...e/me, mo/me(monk needs energy management...blahblah) i always tell people to use a war/ele/ranger when they start out so they get the feel for the game which is what i did.
also dont do drugs and dont sell black dyes in presearing

pm me if you need any help in game. i wouldn't mind if im not busy...
Originally Posted by y3ll0w
well mesmers as a primary class arent that useful perse in pve compared to the other classes. there IS a reason that there are 1:1000-mesmer
![]() |
Whispering Siren
Mesmers are awesome, but not everyone knows this - so it is hard to get in groups for PvE. Mesmer was the last of the core professions that I made, for difficulty and because I had a great guild to go through the game with at that point.
I would suggest:
ranger (moreso if you have Factions - they start out pretty slow/boring in Prophecies),
elementalist (massive damage, but not extremely versatile),
necromancer (my favorite offensive class),
or monk (although it is a good idea to know your foes offensively before you try to heal versus them, imo).
warrior (imo) is boring, and mesmer is difficult to start out as. if you have factions: i would still suggest playing a core class before ritualist or assassin, but that's just my opinion.
Necros are pretty versatile and can be rather self-sustaining. You can make simple or complicated builds, as you learn.
Whatever you choose, work on your own build and don't let people say you can only be one thing (i.e. most people want a minion master for necro... but blood necros are really great to go through the game as too; or fire-nuker for ele, etc).
I would suggest:
ranger (moreso if you have Factions - they start out pretty slow/boring in Prophecies),
elementalist (massive damage, but not extremely versatile),
necromancer (my favorite offensive class),
or monk (although it is a good idea to know your foes offensively before you try to heal versus them, imo).
warrior (imo) is boring, and mesmer is difficult to start out as. if you have factions: i would still suggest playing a core class before ritualist or assassin, but that's just my opinion.
Necros are pretty versatile and can be rather self-sustaining. You can make simple or complicated builds, as you learn.
Whatever you choose, work on your own build and don't let people say you can only be one thing (i.e. most people want a minion master for necro... but blood necros are really great to go through the game as too; or fire-nuker for ele, etc).
I have a Necro, a Monk and a Ritualist.
Have to say, I love my necro to bits :P
Have to say, I love my necro to bits :P
Mesmer/Ranger would be a good class for PvE . Use the healing and evasive skills from the ranger. Mix the offensive skills example (Conjure Phantasm / Apply Poison)
Mesmers are probably the most misunderstood Profession on the PvE side of the game. There's foolish notion out there that "Mesmers are useless in PvE." Nothing can be further from the truth!
It takes quite a bit of skill & knowledge to play Mesmer. You have to know which skills work best on which enemies - not something you have to worry as much about with other professions. (Don't use empathy on a Monk, for example, it's a waste.)
Anyways, welcome to GW! Try out several professions - you get 4 character slots - so take advantage. Most people leave one slot free for creating PvP characters.
It takes quite a bit of skill & knowledge to play Mesmer. You have to know which skills work best on which enemies - not something you have to worry as much about with other professions. (Don't use empathy on a Monk, for example, it's a waste.)
Anyways, welcome to GW! Try out several professions - you get 4 character slots - so take advantage. Most people leave one slot free for creating PvP characters.
Personally I suggest you don't start with a mesmer, at least not if you're planning on playing with henchies. Monsters tend to always target mesmers first, meaning they'll butcher you immediately if you play with all henchies. Even monks get less aggro from monsters then mesmers do.
I think any of the other five core professions make a good start, although the warrior and elementalist are the easiest to begin with. Don't be fooled by having played lots of RPGs before, GW is very different.
I think any of the other five core professions make a good start, although the warrior and elementalist are the easiest to begin with. Don't be fooled by having played lots of RPGs before, GW is very different.
you gotta hate the mesmers huh =\
Actually when Factions came out mesmers enjoyed a (e-)surge in popularity in pick up groups, and a goodly number of folks feel that when Nightfall opens this will happen again. Mesmers have much less trouble to get into a group today than a year ago, and in a month it will be easier. The general populations understanding of support classes has increased a fair amount I'd say. Now, that said: mesmers rule, BUT I still play my ranger 9 times out of 10... the reason is simple: they are a TON more flexible and molded to any situation than any other profession. YES it's easier to get into groups with a monk, but in no way does that enhance my fun. Monk's are like child actors grown up: while they ARE flexible and can dish it out with smite, they are too strongly typecast and almost invariable need to be healers.
Crystal Alice
Originally Posted by Nemithur
Hello, I'm pretty new to this, in fact, I decided I might try GW just today.
Anyone got any tips about what classes (is that what it's named in GW? ![]() ![]() I thought a Mesmer would be cool. Any kind of tip is appreciated! // Nemithur |
1. everyone needs monks for missions and quests, enabling you to find groups easily and get through the games quickly.
2. monks are used for basically any type of farm imagineable, including 2 man UW, urgoz 3 mans, many farms at deldrimor war camp, and various farms in factions, which will be a main source of income.
3. it is partially challenging to start with a monk because most people expect you to be good. you are the main source that keeps the team alive and is depended on. you also have to choose what skills are best for you and a good skill combo to be a decent healer.
right now, i am working on a mesmer, but it is the 4th character i have made.
with previous caster experience it is so much easier to play as a mesmer then when i first wanted one (when i started gw).
just some things to think about

my first serious character, and still my favorite...Necro. I went thru all of prophecies with it, and into Cantha. When I started, I henched everything as a mixed blood/curse/death necro, and just tossed off damage whereever I could. Loads of fun, though. I find necros to be tremendously versatile--batteries, minion-makers, serious degen-providers, and more.
My second major one was ranger, and that too is fun, for the roles within a team--interrupter? barrager? and so on.
Have fun, whatever you play, and welcome to our world.
My second major one was ranger, and that too is fun, for the roles within a team--interrupter? barrager? and so on.
Have fun, whatever you play, and welcome to our world.
If you want to be practical, make a warrior or a monk.
You ask ten people this you will get ten different answers..that being said.
Personally I don't like Mesmer or Elementalists. Not that there's anything wrong with them, they just don't suit my play style. So you need to figure that out first, What is my (your) play style? Once you know that you can narrow the selection down.
Here are my choices...
Necro - Ranger - these two classes are head to head for my appeal
Ritualist - Monk - these two are tied.
Assasin - I love assasins, and they would be above the Warrior, but the community doesn't.
Personally I don't like Mesmer or Elementalists. Not that there's anything wrong with them, they just don't suit my play style. So you need to figure that out first, What is my (your) play style? Once you know that you can narrow the selection down.
Here are my choices...
Necro - Ranger - these two classes are head to head for my appeal
Ritualist - Monk - these two are tied.
Assasin - I love assasins, and they would be above the Warrior, but the community doesn't.
First off welcome to Guild Wars, I hope you enjoy it.
Secondly I'm sorry this is so long but you simply must read it.
A good friend of mine put this on our former guilds forums and it was frightening how well it fit everyone on our team
Every profession has different qualities and played well can be equally effective in game so the only real choice is which one of these are you???
It’s time for some serious personality profiling. The following conjecture is pseudo-scientific, arbitrary, and derived largely from the writings of Freud and this disturbed kid named Freddy who talked to his rocket-shaped eraser in the back of my 7th grade History class. What does your choice of primary profession reveal about the innermost workings of your mind and soul? What are your avatar’s obsessions? What are your obsessions? What can you do to avoid becoming a predictable stereotype? I’ve been communing with the spirits and abnormal psychology books all day in an attempt to find out.
You good-natured soul, you. You are a caring nurturer who believes the universe should be an ordered place in which everything happens for a reason. Monster hurt friend because monster is evil; you heal friend because friend is good. Everybody is happy and you feel no moral ambiguity about the positive power of healing, even when the guy you just saved speaks l33t and sexually harasses female NPCs. Yours is a black-and-white world, healer, divided between the hurt and the unhurt, and you’ll suspend fair-handed judgment in order to keep doling out that golden, sparkly elixir of life. Sometimes it’s better to just let folks die. An overzealous monk can suffer from a variety of disorders, including Compulsive Do-Goodery, White Robe Syndrome, and My Energy Supply Is More Important Than Your Marriage or God Disorder. To avoid falling prey to the psychological pitfalls of your profession, refuse to rez every once in awhile, and wantonly kill creatures that are ten levels lower than you. It’s called raging bloodlust; embrace it.
The warrior’s world-view is similar to a monk’s in terms of one-dimensionality; a warrior just approaches the matter from the opposite end of the spectrum. If a creature is of sound body and mind, it must be bashed immediately. In real life, warriors may or may not be prone to road rage, stuffing pre-pubescent foundlings into lockers, or wrestling any errant form of larger-than-average wildlife, that happens to wander into the backyard, into yelping submission, but in game, they are fascistic wielders of atom-smashing destruction. A bad day at the office? A decades-past dodge ball fracas that went horribly awry? Suburban daydreams of smiting the dragon/annoyingly erratic mailman with the spatula/sword of absolute smiting? A state of abject, existential disillusionment? What can generate such rage in the bosoms of men? Alas, we may never know. But, the over-stressed, adrenaline-junky warrior can avoid devolving into a jutted-cranium, uni-browed, monosyllabic cretin simply by letting the fancy Ranger kill something every once in awhile, or listening to Gwen play soothing, poetic melodies on her badly-damaged flute.
Buddy, you've got problems. Life is not a Cure concert. The earth doesn’t revolve around Trent Reznor’s fingernail polish. A little bit of rosy around the cheeks ain’t a bad thing.
Dead stuff should stay dead. Enough said. Any further exploration of the matter would result in horribly unnatural consequences for all involved.
Mr. I’ll-Stand-Way-Over-Here-and- Kill-You. Rangers have commitment issues. They fear intimacy. Often abandoned in the woods at a young age and raised by wolves, they distrust the human world and the curious workings of polite society. Therefore, they abandon civilized concepts such as honor and fair play and rain gankage from the margins of the map, just as their lives skulk in the margins of existence. Ah, lone wolf, get over yourself, talk to people every once in awhile, lock eyes with a warrior and embrace the death that you so liberally deal out. It’ll be a “growing” experience for you. In real life, rangers throw popcorn from the back row in movie theatres and take one too many after-dinner mints from the complimentary bowl at Howie’s Diner. On alternate Tuesdays, near the Ides of March, they often howl at the moon.
Narcissistic personality disorder all the way. They take, take, take and never give. Look at me. Look at my fancy green shirt. Look at my dapper eye-mask. I’m a hypnotic reveler astride the time/space continuum, robbing you of every inner resource and ability that you so dearly cherish, and I look like I’d be really easy to kill because I’m so fancily, hypnotically energetic, but I’m not! Look at my fancy green shirt. Look at my dapper eye-mask! There is no help for these kinds of people.
Robert Frost wrote:
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Elementalists are stricken with the Ultimate God Complex. Wielding absolute control over the very materials that comprise our physical universe, they believe that there is no boundary that can stop them, no obstacle that can’t be reduced to ashen rubble or transformed into an impotent popsicle. As children, they set cans of Roach Spray on fire, buried their younger siblings under bucketfuls of earth in the sandbox, and peed in the tub. Something is always EMANATING from these people. Their needs for total domination and to bring the world to the edge of utter apocalypse makes them less-than-ideal Jenga partners. In an office setting, they should be given their own cubicle, way down the hall, past the janitor’s study, past the long-unused Foosball & Mr. Pibb Machine Memorial Break Room. For Elementalists wishing to curb their megalomaniacal and destructive tendencies, several hours of burning ants under a magnifying glass is recommended. At least that’s not as bad as what they really want to do.
So, there you have it, dime-store psychological perspectives, helpful hints for diversifying your lives and overcoming your obsessions, and radical insights into the minds of your valued group members. Just remember, sometimes a pipe is just a pipe, but a sword is never just a sword.
Secondly I'm sorry this is so long but you simply must read it.
A good friend of mine put this on our former guilds forums and it was frightening how well it fit everyone on our team

Every profession has different qualities and played well can be equally effective in game so the only real choice is which one of these are you???
It’s time for some serious personality profiling. The following conjecture is pseudo-scientific, arbitrary, and derived largely from the writings of Freud and this disturbed kid named Freddy who talked to his rocket-shaped eraser in the back of my 7th grade History class. What does your choice of primary profession reveal about the innermost workings of your mind and soul? What are your avatar’s obsessions? What are your obsessions? What can you do to avoid becoming a predictable stereotype? I’ve been communing with the spirits and abnormal psychology books all day in an attempt to find out.
You good-natured soul, you. You are a caring nurturer who believes the universe should be an ordered place in which everything happens for a reason. Monster hurt friend because monster is evil; you heal friend because friend is good. Everybody is happy and you feel no moral ambiguity about the positive power of healing, even when the guy you just saved speaks l33t and sexually harasses female NPCs. Yours is a black-and-white world, healer, divided between the hurt and the unhurt, and you’ll suspend fair-handed judgment in order to keep doling out that golden, sparkly elixir of life. Sometimes it’s better to just let folks die. An overzealous monk can suffer from a variety of disorders, including Compulsive Do-Goodery, White Robe Syndrome, and My Energy Supply Is More Important Than Your Marriage or God Disorder. To avoid falling prey to the psychological pitfalls of your profession, refuse to rez every once in awhile, and wantonly kill creatures that are ten levels lower than you. It’s called raging bloodlust; embrace it.
The warrior’s world-view is similar to a monk’s in terms of one-dimensionality; a warrior just approaches the matter from the opposite end of the spectrum. If a creature is of sound body and mind, it must be bashed immediately. In real life, warriors may or may not be prone to road rage, stuffing pre-pubescent foundlings into lockers, or wrestling any errant form of larger-than-average wildlife, that happens to wander into the backyard, into yelping submission, but in game, they are fascistic wielders of atom-smashing destruction. A bad day at the office? A decades-past dodge ball fracas that went horribly awry? Suburban daydreams of smiting the dragon/annoyingly erratic mailman with the spatula/sword of absolute smiting? A state of abject, existential disillusionment? What can generate such rage in the bosoms of men? Alas, we may never know. But, the over-stressed, adrenaline-junky warrior can avoid devolving into a jutted-cranium, uni-browed, monosyllabic cretin simply by letting the fancy Ranger kill something every once in awhile, or listening to Gwen play soothing, poetic melodies on her badly-damaged flute.
Buddy, you've got problems. Life is not a Cure concert. The earth doesn’t revolve around Trent Reznor’s fingernail polish. A little bit of rosy around the cheeks ain’t a bad thing.
Dead stuff should stay dead. Enough said. Any further exploration of the matter would result in horribly unnatural consequences for all involved.
Mr. I’ll-Stand-Way-Over-Here-and- Kill-You. Rangers have commitment issues. They fear intimacy. Often abandoned in the woods at a young age and raised by wolves, they distrust the human world and the curious workings of polite society. Therefore, they abandon civilized concepts such as honor and fair play and rain gankage from the margins of the map, just as their lives skulk in the margins of existence. Ah, lone wolf, get over yourself, talk to people every once in awhile, lock eyes with a warrior and embrace the death that you so liberally deal out. It’ll be a “growing” experience for you. In real life, rangers throw popcorn from the back row in movie theatres and take one too many after-dinner mints from the complimentary bowl at Howie’s Diner. On alternate Tuesdays, near the Ides of March, they often howl at the moon.
Narcissistic personality disorder all the way. They take, take, take and never give. Look at me. Look at my fancy green shirt. Look at my dapper eye-mask. I’m a hypnotic reveler astride the time/space continuum, robbing you of every inner resource and ability that you so dearly cherish, and I look like I’d be really easy to kill because I’m so fancily, hypnotically energetic, but I’m not! Look at my fancy green shirt. Look at my dapper eye-mask! There is no help for these kinds of people.
Robert Frost wrote:
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Elementalists are stricken with the Ultimate God Complex. Wielding absolute control over the very materials that comprise our physical universe, they believe that there is no boundary that can stop them, no obstacle that can’t be reduced to ashen rubble or transformed into an impotent popsicle. As children, they set cans of Roach Spray on fire, buried their younger siblings under bucketfuls of earth in the sandbox, and peed in the tub. Something is always EMANATING from these people. Their needs for total domination and to bring the world to the edge of utter apocalypse makes them less-than-ideal Jenga partners. In an office setting, they should be given their own cubicle, way down the hall, past the janitor’s study, past the long-unused Foosball & Mr. Pibb Machine Memorial Break Room. For Elementalists wishing to curb their megalomaniacal and destructive tendencies, several hours of burning ants under a magnifying glass is recommended. At least that’s not as bad as what they really want to do.
So, there you have it, dime-store psychological perspectives, helpful hints for diversifying your lives and overcoming your obsessions, and radical insights into the minds of your valued group members. Just remember, sometimes a pipe is just a pipe, but a sword is never just a sword.
Gotta love it! I am that ranger and sometimes that mesmer too... split personalities are great 
From the point of view of the OP, I'd say try something different before trying a mesmer - yes, they are a fantastic class if you can get the hang of them but blimey, they are not good first chars!
If you like the caster class, go ele first I reckon...

From the point of view of the OP, I'd say try something different before trying a mesmer - yes, they are a fantastic class if you can get the hang of them but blimey, they are not good first chars!

If you like the caster class, go ele first I reckon...

Bloodied Blade
I personally love my monks... It's nice to know that the team is still standing because of what I do. One really important thing to note though is that monking can be HARD. There are those less-enlightened who believe that a 60-70 AL class is fine taking a bath in a mob of monsters because "hey, you're a monk, heal me". You will have highlights and really crappy points, but you'll enjoy it.
Piece of advice- on 8-man teams, you need more than 1 monk to keep a team standing. It's also fairly easy to learn to monk, just hard to master.
Piece of advice- on 8-man teams, you need more than 1 monk to keep a team standing. It's also fairly easy to learn to monk, just hard to master.
@ sixdartbart
Fabulous stuff dude!
Fabulous stuff dude!

Thanks for all the awesome replies guys! Really appreciate it 
I think I'll go with Ranger, the second prophecy I'm not sure of yet, but I'll figure something out :P.
Think anyone could tell me the differances between a PvP-only character and a RP character? Can they reach the same level, and what is the highest level?
(Oh, and Mesmers, can they learn a skill that makes you control another Player? Like Mind Control in WoW for those who knows what I'm talking about.)
// Nemithur

I think I'll go with Ranger, the second prophecy I'm not sure of yet, but I'll figure something out :P.
Think anyone could tell me the differances between a PvP-only character and a RP character? Can they reach the same level, and what is the highest level?
(Oh, and Mesmers, can they learn a skill that makes you control another Player? Like Mind Control in WoW for those who knows what I'm talking about.)
// Nemithur
PvP Characters are automatically level 20, and you can give them whatever skills you have "unlocked." They are limited in their game play to PvP areas.
As for Mesmers, no, they don't have any means of controlling other players. The only thing I can think of that comes close is the ability to slow other players down - but most professions have a skill or two that does that. Mesmers can do health & energy degen, buffs for their allies, and cause enemies to hurt themselves when they attack, among other things.
As for Mesmers, no, they don't have any means of controlling other players. The only thing I can think of that comes close is the ability to slow other players down - but most professions have a skill or two that does that. Mesmers can do health & energy degen, buffs for their allies, and cause enemies to hurt themselves when they attack, among other things.