Originally Posted by WPCTimCarnage
Some people are going to just be dicks regardless, but knowing what kind of guild you want is a good way to start. I always look for Gvg oriented guilds, and those will generally have fewer Whammos.
Interviews are key as well, although definately not fullproof. For example, Im mature, active, typically helpful, and at least have general background knowledge of pvp and pve things. Unless they are other requirements, I don't have much trouble getting into most guilds because of that..but Ive still been in far too many, which means I am a guild hopper.
Really, I think itd be easier to have more guilds that were strictly pve and pvp, if you want to do both thats fine, but I really almost never want to do things in pve..but the guilds that only want to gvg or HA ever are the ones with r3+/glad reqs. :/