This thread is concerning the difficulty (or, at the very least, perceived difficulty) of pricing items fairly.
Now, I know we have an auction house here, and hopefully, someday it will be in the game. But there really seems no easy way to price an item based on the demand/supply/fair market value.
I propose 2 ideas.
The first one is based on an assumption- as I am kind of new to this 'portion' of MMO's. The assumption is that the in-game economy is dynamic and is accurate _thru_the_ merchants_. *IF* that is the case, this idea should work.
1. An application could be written to allow you to:
choose an item
choose the 'color' or rarity
choose a mod (or 2)
choose a damage
choose a requirement
Each selection would contain an 'incremental' price adjustment.
Then you would have to plug in a 'going' rate from a merchant of a known item. For instance, I could go to a merchant to purchase a weapon. *IF* that weapon's price is dynamic, and the stats stay the same(which I believe they do *shrug*) then you could plug in the item into the ap and get a 'fair' price.
Now- this is tough to pull off as things like 3X green drop weekend would throw off the supply and demand, but it could give a nice starting point.
2. More out of curiosity, what is GWG doing with the auction house data? Is this data being stored? Couldn't this data be used to help determine fair market value? And much more reliably then suggestion #1.
It could have a 'sold for as low as...' and 'sold for as high as...'. With the players determining the fair market value, this could be very handy.