Need Price Chech on Some Items

Miami Hero

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Forever United


I need a price check on these items.

(1) Hale Staff Head (Blue Item off of Gold Staff)
Health +30

(2) Aegis Shield (Gold Item)
Armour 16(Requires 9 Tactics)
Reduces Physical Dmg By 2 (While under the effects of an Enchantment)

(3) Ebon Piercing Axe Of Fortitude (Gold Item)
Earth Dmg 6-21 (Requires 8 Axe Mastery)
Damage +16% (While Health is Below 50%)
Health +24

(4) Tahkayun's Pincers (Green Item)
Piercing Dmg 5-10 (Requires 5 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +10% (While Health is Below 50%)
Armour Penetration +10% (Chance 10%)
Dagger Mastery +1 (20% chance while using skills)

(5) Feng's Focus (Green Item)
Energy +7 (Requires 4 Divine Favor)
Halves Skill Recharge of Spell (Chance 10%)
Health +10

(6) Poisonous Plagueborn Daggers of Fortitude (Gold Item)
Piercing Dmg 6-13 (Requires 6 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +20% (While Hexed)
Lengthens Poison duration on foes by 33%
Health +29

(7) Fiery Plagueborn Daggers (Gold Item)
Fire Dmg 6-15 (Requires 10 Dagger Mastery)
Damage +14% (While In A Stance)

Please Post Some Feedback

Also If You Want To Buy One of These Items Just Post And We Will Meet Up In GW
My Xfire is : sassoldier05




Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

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