What defines the color of a weapon



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


until today i believe that what defines if a weapon is white, blue, purple or gold is the base dmg/requirement and inherent bonus.

For instance a sword
15-22 dmg
req. 8 swordmanship
+14% dmg while health above 50

will be gold! right? wrong!

i think that +13% +14% and +15% ^50 with max dmg will be always gold, but it seems is not.

So can someone explain me how it works.
I have a sword (fellblade) with those specs and is purple!!!!

Is this a bug or what?




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

White > Blue > Purple > Gold

This indicates the order of a weapon drop having the best chance of having maximum attributes: damage, energy, mods (15^50) and upgrades (sundering, fortitude). You can get max blue weapons from collectors and crafters and the icy dragon swords are max and blue as well.

Greens are always max, except for the Shing Jea ones.

The sell price to merchant also goes up in order of rareness, generally speaking.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

Yes i know all of this, but wouldn't a Fellblade with this stats should be gold?

Max dmg
req. 8 swordmanship
+14% dmg ^50
other insignificant mods

this should be a gold weapon! or no?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

At my computer

Teh Nine [lll]


No, weapons can be 14^50 and be purple.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


in the old days you could get anything like 15^50 in a blue, with blue being most biased to junk, then purple and lastly gold. I _believe_ that the way it works -for newly generated items- is there is a range of possible inherents for each color, 10-12% on blue, 11-14% on purple, and 14-15% on gold roughly.... I dunno if these numbers are accurate, but that roughly how it works now. Items which were generated before this change though can have more wildly fluctuating inherent mods.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


My impression (I could be very wrong here, so don't quote me) is:

White: can be max dmg, will never have any attribute, or mods
Blue: can be max dmg, can have one non-max attribute and one non-max mod
: can be max dmg, can have one non-max attribute and two non-max mods
: can be max dmg, can have one attribute (max or non-max), and two mods (both maxed and non-maxed)
Green: always max dmg, one maxed attribute, 2 maxed mods



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by lennymon
in the old days you could get anything like 15^50 in a blue, with blue being most biased to junk, then purple and lastly gold.
No you couldn't.

Originally Posted by JoJ
My impression (I could be very wrong here, so don't quote me) is:
Yes, you're wrong; it's entirely possible to get more than one modifier/upgrade on a blue or purple. (I thought it worked that way too until I started paying attention to my blue and purple drops. Nobody really notices them after a while.)

Before April 27th (the release of Factions) the ranges for a Damage +xx% (while Health is over 50%) mod were as follows:
White - none
Blue - 10-11%
Purple - 11-12%
Gold - 12-15%

After April 27th:
White - none
Blue - 10-12%
Purple - 13-14%
Gold - 14-15%

The other modifiers follow similar values, though I'm still trying to find the ranges on some of them as on the GuildWiki Weapon modifier and Weapon upgrade pages. Some Wisdom title seekers helping out would be nice.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


What defines the color (white, blue, purple, gold) of a weapon is a combination of the stats of the weapon and the level / type of mob that dropped it.

Each mob has what can be considered a list or table of items that it can drop, some of these items have stats (such as weapons or armor) and some don't (collectable items). The possible ranges for these stats are also in the table. The table also lists a rarity for both the items and stats on the items. When the mob is generated, an item from this list is picked at random and if it should have stats, those are also randomly picked. The commonality of the item thats generated, dropping from the specific mobs it's been generated for is what determines the color of the item.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005


[FaRM] Farm For The Win


Imo it's more like this.

White: can be maxed, low req, no inherent mods nor upgrades
Blue: can be maxed, low req, no inherent mods, one or two upgrades most likely minimum possible attribute of particular upgrade.
Purple: can be maxed, most likely high req, non-maxed inherent mod, 2 non-maxed upgrades but certainly not minimum.
Gold: can be maxed, varying low or high req, possible maxed inherent mod, possible two maxed upgrades.
Greens: always max damage with req 9 apart from some exceptions (Shiro's Blades), maxed inherent mod and upgrades

Sorry if this resembles one of the previous posts

PS: to the OP; can you post a pic of that particular fell?