Rank and Guilds: A Paradox
I've seen many guilds ask for ranked people only. Most ask for r6+, which is a significant investment of time.
However, chances are, most competitive people without a guild seek a guild so that they can play HA. The guild won't accept that person unless they have played HA.
See the problem?
For example, I was once offered a chance to join a Top 200 guild, since I stated in a LF guild post that I could play a Ritual Lord well (since good ones were rare awhile ago). The person guest-invited me to her Guild Hall, I talk with people, I be friendly...
...then I said I had Rank 0. My guest-invite privilages were revoked immediately. That left...a sour taste. (That person is actually a very active poster here at Guru!)
Most importantly, there recent change to HA isn't alleviating this problem. Contrary to the Scribe, many people hate the change to a 6v6 format. Thus, there is a significantly less amount of people willing to do HA. That, in turn, makes it even more difficult to gain fame!
I'm currently Rank 3 now (half from playing Rit Lord, half from playing Crip Shot during Double Fame weekend). I don't think it's possible to get even close to Rank 6.
So, how does your guild handle Rank? Is rank required? Even if your guild is now a GvG guild?
(Or, do you use the Balthazar Faction system?)
However, chances are, most competitive people without a guild seek a guild so that they can play HA. The guild won't accept that person unless they have played HA.
See the problem?
For example, I was once offered a chance to join a Top 200 guild, since I stated in a LF guild post that I could play a Ritual Lord well (since good ones were rare awhile ago). The person guest-invited me to her Guild Hall, I talk with people, I be friendly...
...then I said I had Rank 0. My guest-invite privilages were revoked immediately. That left...a sour taste. (That person is actually a very active poster here at Guru!)
Most importantly, there recent change to HA isn't alleviating this problem. Contrary to the Scribe, many people hate the change to a 6v6 format. Thus, there is a significantly less amount of people willing to do HA. That, in turn, makes it even more difficult to gain fame!
I'm currently Rank 3 now (half from playing Rit Lord, half from playing Crip Shot during Double Fame weekend). I don't think it's possible to get even close to Rank 6.
So, how does your guild handle Rank? Is rank required? Even if your guild is now a GvG guild?
(Or, do you use the Balthazar Faction system?)
I do see the problem. My guild don't care about ranks or fame.
Getting rejected makes no sence at all, some people join a HA guild to start playing, not because they have already done.
Getting rejected makes no sence at all, some people join a HA guild to start playing, not because they have already done.
You could always go the Gladiator route.
I'm in a pvp guild, and usually we look for awesome players that can adapt well to changes. Usually we don't base recruitment on rank, rather if you can play well, and have some humor on vent with out interferring with your game play, and then you're in.
We have no rank requirement to GvG and never will as long as I am running things since I have earned over 1 million faction and still not gotten past rank 1 on my accounts as I rarely HA.
That said we also have a HA training division where anyone is welcome to come and learn the basics, as well as an upper division of HA folks who are all rank 6+
That said we also have a HA training division where anyone is welcome to come and learn the basics, as well as an upper division of HA folks who are all rank 6+
No rank requirement - we're mostly a PvE guild. Rank remains personal and isn't supposed to affect others. We have some ranked people (namely the leader, with her rank 7
) as well as people like me, with 3 fame XD.

-Old 3FL-
Tbh i have always despised the fact people think you suck if you dont have rank.
I have never bothered to get rank, if i HA with guildies/mates fine, if i get a rank, thats fine. but i dont rly care for it
i prefer gvg > ha tbh.
and im happy with the 6v6 format in ha
I have never bothered to get rank, if i HA with guildies/mates fine, if i get a rank, thats fine. but i dont rly care for it
i prefer gvg > ha tbh.
and im happy with the 6v6 format in ha

I know a lot of ppl better than me, and they are not ranked, and pve players mostly, awesome monks come from pure pve background never stopped to amaze me.
Im not so sure about you, but it seems like more people are doing HA, especially henchway. With that said, you can easily get to rank 6 and up if you play easy builds like AoE smite. As for my guild we're very inactive so I found myself mostly doing dual smite with a guildy and 4 pick up. Farming 3 fame per run is quite easy but more than that you need a guild group and at the rate I'm going I wont see my r9 anytime soon
Timeless Logic
We're a brand-new guild at the moment, made up of myself and two friends, but none of us plan to incorporate rank into recruitment. HA isn't even a large part of our game plan. We prefer to focus on TA, and in the future GvG will become a major part of our PvP designs.
I don't feel that rank has any major bearing on GvG, and since we TA to build teamwork and test builds, there isn't any major significance to rank. I do plan to screen members based on PvP experience and commitment (and in doing so discern whether they are mature enough to be a helpful member of our Guild). My friends and I are all rank 0, but that's not to say we lack PvP experience. And because our guild is new, there isn't much to show in the Guild Rank department.
Rank shouldn't play a role in recruitment unless the guild focuses heavily on HA, and fields multiple teams for multiple situations. If a guild is that intense about taking and holding the Halls, then criteria for rank are understandable. Otherwise, fugghedaboutit.
I don't feel that rank has any major bearing on GvG, and since we TA to build teamwork and test builds, there isn't any major significance to rank. I do plan to screen members based on PvP experience and commitment (and in doing so discern whether they are mature enough to be a helpful member of our Guild). My friends and I are all rank 0, but that's not to say we lack PvP experience. And because our guild is new, there isn't much to show in the Guild Rank department.
Rank shouldn't play a role in recruitment unless the guild focuses heavily on HA, and fields multiple teams for multiple situations. If a guild is that intense about taking and holding the Halls, then criteria for rank are understandable. Otherwise, fugghedaboutit.
because if a pvp guild just recruited any random nice guy, they wouldnt know for sure if they are experienced pvpers, I mean trying out every random johnny wamo isnt fun, and its a waste of time.
Originally Posted by pigdestroyer
because if a pvp guild just recruited any random nice guy, they wouldnt know for sure if they are experienced pvpers, I mean trying out every random johnny wamo isnt fun, and its a waste of time.
We haven't had any johnny wammo's since then.
Sir Mad
^ Again, fame MAY not mean you're a decent player, but at least it means you know the maps.
Juno Onuj
I lucked out when I joined ZERO last Feb. I believe it was. The main idea behind the guild was to take less experienced players and teach them pvp, hence the name of the guild. Our leaders came from a guild you might remember taking Halls quite frequently, Forsaken Sanctuary [FoSa], and one of our officers has been in ZERO while also being in FoSa, iGi, dV/iE, sA, etc. Myself and the first members all joined at rank 0 and now we're all r3-r6 and HA is definitely not our focus, just something we do if we arent able to gvg. (common knowledge that rank does not equal skill)
But I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you look hard enough you'll find a guild that will take you at r0 but you have to understand that some guilds just dont have the time to see if every applicant is a competent player.
But I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you look hard enough you'll find a guild that will take you at r0 but you have to understand that some guilds just dont have the time to see if every applicant is a competent player.
leeky baby
all fame means is that you have played alot of HA and most people with higher ranks know how to read the opposing team build easy and what to do to win which people without rank or havnt played ha wil not Know.
The rank system is pretty usless anyway because of iway/vim players who cant play many other builds.....genrally but not always
The rank system is pretty usless anyway because of iway/vim players who cant play many other builds.....genrally but not always

Recently, SoF Victrix, the pvp sisterguild of SoF, opened its doors for recruitment.
One of the questions we ask is indeed how much fame someone has. However that is only a very raw indication of the experience someone has in HA. I've seen many, many, downright HORRIBLE r6+ players (the other day a r8 player. horrible beyond belief). Experience isn't the same as skill.
If someone shows that he understands the game and has skill, then I really couldn't care less with his rank.
One of the questions we ask is indeed how much fame someone has. However that is only a very raw indication of the experience someone has in HA. I've seen many, many, downright HORRIBLE r6+ players (the other day a r8 player. horrible beyond belief). Experience isn't the same as skill.
If someone shows that he understands the game and has skill, then I really couldn't care less with his rank.
i guess it's just the matter of luck and timing.
a reason i said "luck" is, you might find a high rank guild that is willing to train r0 - r2 people or no GvG experience people.
guild i am at is mainly a GvG guild. our alliances are one of the top well known GvG guilds to date that a lot of you guys heard. usually these type of guilds don't recuit someone who doesn't have any GvG or HA experience whatsoever.
i happened to apply when they were opened to the public (which i had no clue they were). they accepted me, started teaching me GvG (while guild season ended).
basically, search, tried to be open minded. i am sure you will get yourself a guild that you wanted. good luck
a reason i said "luck" is, you might find a high rank guild that is willing to train r0 - r2 people or no GvG experience people.
guild i am at is mainly a GvG guild. our alliances are one of the top well known GvG guilds to date that a lot of you guys heard. usually these type of guilds don't recuit someone who doesn't have any GvG or HA experience whatsoever.
i happened to apply when they were opened to the public (which i had no clue they were). they accepted me, started teaching me GvG (while guild season ended).
basically, search, tried to be open minded. i am sure you will get yourself a guild that you wanted. good luck
Meow Meow
I think it depends who you play with, because I usually play with Leeloof Esp...that is probably how fame was so easy for me to get :|
In my guild, we do regulary HA, if we find good ppl, we ask if they wanna join, regardless of their rank. A rank doesnt determine a players ability to play pvp, i got proven this when i was in a rank6 group where the leader asked: How did you guys get r6? myself I played dualsmite all during the doublefame weekend, and IWAY and VIMWAY after that, was really easy!....
rank ftl..
rank ftl..
If it's a GvG guild and they denied you because of your lack of HA experience, they're not worth it.
Rank is little to no indication of skill. I've played with some rank 9 people who are absolutely horrible at the game. The only thing it shows is time invested in the game, regardless if that time is spent learning how to play balanced or IWAYing.
Rank is little to no indication of skill. I've played with some rank 9 people who are absolutely horrible at the game. The only thing it shows is time invested in the game, regardless if that time is spent learning how to play balanced or IWAYing.
hyro yamaguchi
< see guild name ^^
Oceans Fury
Rank is an indication of general knowledge and experience, yea there are exceptions with some very, very stupid people, but generally the people who are r6+ seem to have a better understanding of tactics and the HA experience in general
Not A Fifty Five
eh.. I'm starting a new guild and am accepting anyone I don't see why not o.O. Guild have 100 member limit, I bet less than half of even the greatest guilds are in the 90s. So why not have them join? I can see people not allowing low rankers/less skilled players to gvg since you have to work to rverse screwups... but HA? HA is just to screw around and have fun

Higher ranked guilds have a lot of people trying to get into them. Thus they'll ask for rank ect. as a filter. A lot of people try to apply to top 50 guilds with little to no PvP experience. When a guild is recruiting they usually need someone with experience. Any player worth their salt knows that rank, glad points, and champ points mean next to nothing, however they do show that someone at least played PvP before.
People always assume that having a high rank means the ability to play every possible character build combination and to adapt easily to a team. Most of the time, that's not the case.
It all depends on a guild. If a guild want to build a solid, cohesive team from scratch, having a decent rank wont even be a requirement. But people are impatient and want to win asap so yea, rank at least helps them weeding out players.
In defense of rank, it doesn't matter the build you got your rank from coz the pvp basics/theories and the tactics are always the same.
It all depends on a guild. If a guild want to build a solid, cohesive team from scratch, having a decent rank wont even be a requirement. But people are impatient and want to win asap so yea, rank at least helps them weeding out players.
In defense of rank, it doesn't matter the build you got your rank from coz the pvp basics/theories and the tactics are always the same.
Originally Posted by Not A Fifty Five
Guild have 100 member limit, I bet less than half of even the greatest guilds are in the 90s.
Almost all of the good PvP guilds have less than 20 members. Obviously, I can't tell for certain since I haven't sampled the top 100 of the ladder myself, but if you were to do that, I bet you'd find the average of a top guild to be about 15.
Why? You don't need a lot of people to win GvG or HA. You only need 8 that play at the same time. In fact, having a lot of people would be counter-productive because you wouldn't have a constant team of 8, and if you did have an "alpha-team" in a guild of 50, the other ~40 people would feel excluded and really have no reason to be in the guild.
l Artemis Entreri l
Sometimes a high rank means that you can play multiple roles ,though. I got my Rank 4 from hopping from Incoming Paragon to Thumper to Warder to Monk to Searing Flames. i consider myself good at all of these roles too, although im not the best monk.
I think about half of us just have deer, the rest wolves. I might be the highest with around 2k fame, most of it from ~18 months ago when HA was actually somewhat competitive. We prefer to GvG, and for the most part, rank means shit there.
sage tank
Well, rank does matter, but not that overwhelming that you would just barr out a entire population of player. Chances are, if you randomly chose a rank9 guy and a rank 0 guy, the rank 9 guy would probably be likely to be more experience. But still, rank system is pretty inaccurate in general, I played for almost a year and half now and still I'm rank 1. I never bothered to go HA because guild I been in are just GvGers, we either TA or GvG. I hate farming, thats why if I know that if I can't hold the hall, why would I want go farm rank points.
Almighty Burritos
Originally Posted by pigdestroyer
because if a pvp guild just recruited any random nice guy, they wouldnt know for sure if they are experienced pvpers, I mean trying out every random johnny wamo isnt fun, and its a waste of time.
Conclusion: sure, you got your nut-cases that can never be taught a thing, but out of all those random characters, you'll find a real gem, and you'll never find this gem unless you go out and sift through the rocks.
And I agree with the rank problem. I am just as good as the guy with 3 rank, but he gets into a group instead of me, cause the group thinks he's all that. Well, sucks for them, they are the ones getting screwed. lol
Priest Of Sin
My alliance had a massive discussion on this, and it was quite funny, really.
Me: Man, rank discrimination blows...
Guy1: maybe YOU blow :P
Me: pshh, I dont blow, I suck.
Guy1: that's what SHE said! Lawl.
(get's a little perverted here, so i'll edit some of it out)
Guy2: Wtf is wrong with you people? And why are you complaining about rank, Priest?
Me: Because I just got booted out of a R3 group because i'm R2...
Guy2: Lawl, R3 groups are just as bad as Pugs, man. They blow and never win halls.
Me: I want to win halls...
Guy2: let's go win halls then. FORMING POKEWAY, SYKO HALL!
and so we ran pokeway, and let it be known throughout the land that I got 45 more fame xD
in any case, I don't respect a R3 player more than a R0 at all... R6+ is when it starts to show that you know your crap.
Me: Man, rank discrimination blows...
Guy1: maybe YOU blow :P
Me: pshh, I dont blow, I suck.
Guy1: that's what SHE said! Lawl.
(get's a little perverted here, so i'll edit some of it out)
Guy2: Wtf is wrong with you people? And why are you complaining about rank, Priest?
Me: Because I just got booted out of a R3 group because i'm R2...
Guy2: Lawl, R3 groups are just as bad as Pugs, man. They blow and never win halls.
Me: I want to win halls...
Guy2: let's go win halls then. FORMING POKEWAY, SYKO HALL!
and so we ran pokeway, and let it be known throughout the land that I got 45 more fame xD
in any case, I don't respect a R3 player more than a R0 at all... R6+ is when it starts to show that you know your crap.
Originally Posted by Priest Of Sin
R6+ is when it starts to show that you know your crap.
I've also played with rank 7s who say "who takes ghost?" on Unholy Temples, and once we win on Scared Temples say "aww hallskip" when we go to the Hall of Heroes...
Basicly, rank doesn't mean you know anything. It just means that you have a better chance of knowing somthing than a guy who isn't ranked/as high ranked...
Rank, like every single other title, shows time spent before everything else. Champion, Fame, Cartographer, it's just a matter of time needed to achieve the titles. On our application format I do ask about rank/fame, but to be honest the only thing I honestly check on that big ole' app is previous guilds, Balth Faction, and reason for leaving said guilds. In HA I've pugged some ridiculously bad R9+ Monks, and pugged some very good R5 Monks. But high rank does indeed sometimes make a difference, I definitely get a lot more fame when I play with Forgot The Ghostlyyy than I would a R6+ PUG. In conclusion...
Rank/Titles=Mostly time spent, the addition of any skill whatsoever is solely up to the person and their background as a player.
Rank/Titles=Mostly time spent, the addition of any skill whatsoever is solely up to the person and their background as a player.
some guy
I recently joined a HA guild, the people are friendly (they don't care about rank, as long as you are good), and we do HA a lot every night.
Another thing is, new players are discouraged from trying HA (and many of them are good pvpers) because of rank discrimination, when the old HA players quit, who will carry our territories to hoh?
Another thing is, new players are discouraged from trying HA (and many of them are good pvpers) because of rank discrimination, when the old HA players quit, who will carry our territories to hoh?