fow and uw



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

crusaders of cantha


hi....... i no dat it takes a long time to finish fow and uw.. but i was wondering if u finish it, wot exactly do u special thing or somthing??

Sereng Amaranth

Sereng Amaranth

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Amazon Basin [AB]

9. Do Not Abuse the English Language

This is a message board, not a chat room. Secondly, DO NOT use "Leet-Speak" in our forums. As such, you have all the time necessary to articulate your posts in a coherent matter. "You" is only two more letters than "u." It will not kill you to type them. Completely illegible posts are subject to moderation - and I can not guarantee their accuracy of 'translating' the author’s original message.

Additionally, when one punctuation works instead of 10 (example: ? instead of ?!?!), use one.

No you do not get any special reward from the game for clearing Fissure of Woe or The Underworld. Take screenshots and post them here and you'll get some accolades.