fow and uw
hi....... i no dat it takes a long time to finish fow and uw.. but i was wondering if u finish it, wot exactly do u special thing or somthing??
Sereng Amaranth
9. Do Not Abuse the English Language This is a message board, not a chat room. Secondly, DO NOT use "Leet-Speak" in our forums. As such, you have all the time necessary to articulate your posts in a coherent matter. "You" is only two more letters than "u." It will not kill you to type them. Completely illegible posts are subject to moderation - and I can not guarantee their accuracy of 'translating' the author’s original message. Additionally, when one punctuation works instead of 10 (example: ? instead of ?!?!), use one. |
No you do not get any special reward from the game for clearing Fissure of Woe or The Underworld. Take screenshots and post them here and you'll get some accolades.