is there a problem on guildwiki?
is there a problem with the build section on guildwiki .... can't seem to view the tested section and some other sections

Lbs Cold
I'm having a similar type problem with guildwiki right now as well. Some of the features(pages) are displaying nothing at all and my firefox is just saying done loading but nothing is showing up on page. I would also like to know if there is more people experiencing(sic) this as I have recently installed a program and was hoping the install has not hampered my internet page viewing pleasures. This is only happening on guildwiki for me though , started in the last 24 hours I do believe.
Ive been having it to, but for the last couple of days... i cant see any of the information on praticly anything :s
Kez Taqir
I've also been unable to access the builds section this morning. A few other pages are also coming up blank like some for individual skills, though I got around that by going to the proffesion skills page.
Tetris L
Yes, GWiki has been acting funky since yesterday. Supposedly the PHP server hit the disk space limitation. It's currently being worked on and hopefully resolved soon.
For further info see the Errors sticky in the GuildWiki forum.
For further info see the Errors sticky in the GuildWiki forum.
I couldn't get the armour pages to display, it just kept showing a blank white page. However, I found that if I log-in they display as per normal.
some of the pages work, others are just a blank screen......glad I had some of them in my history since the main page wont load for me.....hope they get it fixed soon.....need to know the locations of the bosses for this weekend!
wikis been weird today
now all pages seem to work fine again. I haven't found one that didn't work.