Over 5000 hours, am I addicted?? HELP!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Sheffield, England, UK

Super Cute And Fluffy [scF]


I thought I wasnt that much of an addict, I thought nothing when I hit 3000 hours, then 4000 hours, and 5000 hours, and so-on...

But then a recent discussion on IRC made me think,

They were talking about people who have logged over 180 days on GW, and over 200 days on WoW etc... and i thought that wasnt much, they said i was nuts...

I told them i had logged over 230 days on GW alone, (over 580. hours) and they diddnt believe me, so i took a screen shot..


this has made me think, am i playing too much? am I addicted??

(P.S. I left the screenshot as .bmp, (3.09Mb) as thats how GW saves them, it was a screen shot and upload in the space of about 2 minutes (including upload time) so people cant say I edited/modified it)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


If you go out and go to school then NO you are not addicted.

If you werent playing GW you would be watching T.V.

Hope it clears.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006


La Legion del Dragon [LD]


here's a jpg thumb

lets round up some numbers... 6k hours and 510days that would do 11.74 hours a day, IMO you got some problems


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

That is quite a lot. I have 676 (over 17 months), and people say I play much. I don't know if you're addicted just because of that... but you should think about taking a break.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


I seriously hope that most of that time was spent logged in but afk...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006

holy shit,what else is there in your life besides GW?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006


Yeah, many ppl leave Theyre PC's on when they go to school.. If thats the case, i really think that arent a problem. altought that i in 15months have played 900hours.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Somewhere over the rainbow

Devil Me [DEvM]


If you played those 6k hours, then your computer probably is dying inside...
If you afked those hours (much like my friend, ~3000 hours afk overnight), then you're good and you can play more.



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



We can't tell you you're addicted or not. You're addicted when there is no possible way of doing the thing you're addicted to, and because of that you feel bad. I've played nearly 2,400 hours myself, which is quite alot already, and alot of people say I'm addicted too, but I really don't think I am. I like playing Guild Wars, and there aren't many alternatives for me. If I got some other hobby that was more fun then Guild Wars, I'd quit immidiatly, and start doing that, but I just haven't found anything yet, so I just continue playing Guild Wars.

So unless you feel addicted, you're not.

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


I have played this game for about 16 months. My total hours is only 1100 and 49 minutes. I hope i won't get as addicted as this person.

Los Hectorlos

Los Hectorlos

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


Redemption With Revenge [RwR]


Originally Posted by Ghozer
this has made me think, am i playing too much? am I addicted??




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


1800 hours in 11 months myself, during that time, also 400+ hours of bf2 (14 months), and a few other games (oblivion, ut2k4..)

Play other games

I got average rounded up of 6 hours a day.. but I do occasionaly sleep and forget GW is still running.. also eat and do stuff while its still on.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



I've got 2 GW accounts and 3700 hours played

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



I've seen several players that are in an area day after day dancing or just standing around afk. There was this one monk in THK that you could always find dancing in the middle of town. She was there for months.

Odds are, for someone to average almost 12 hours a day, that's what they were doing.

Tookis Elite

Tookis Elite


Join Date: Jan 2006

Chuck Norris Is The Only True [God]


holy shit. dude u have 12.34 total hours average per day

(ur hours divded by 17 divded by 4 divided by 7)

dude, if u arent afk for at least 8 of those hours per day u r one addicted mofo



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


I need a life...2300 hours in 13 months.....(I was out of the country until august last year)......but I do find I am spending more time on this forum and guildwiki ....mostly because of the slow load times for these forums! Still need to get a life......yep I say addicted. (dang keyboard)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006



13 months and 300 hours. oh yeah, most sane person here (very rare that i get to say that). Yeah, I have other hobbies, like Ultimate and Sailing, but GW is still my most faveorite hobby/thing. I play around two hours a night, but sometimes not at all. I have taken several breaks and feel that I have a healthy relasinship with computer games. I think i have 750 hours total for about 14 months over all computer games (ty Xfire) and i would seriously consider taking a brak/trying something new if I had 1000+ hours of GW on my account.



Popcorn Fetish

Join Date: Dec 2005



I know some of the hours I have where spent afk during the events. Other wise I am sure I wouldn't have as that many hours.

The Omniscient

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2006


I don't get what there's so much to do in guild wars for that long. The only time I've stayed on for more than 5 hours was a very good HA group.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006



Originally Posted by The Omniscient
I don't get what there's so much to do in guild wars for that long. The only time I've stayed on for more than 5 hours was a very good HA group.
Some people have good HA groups all the time (i.e guild groups...)

Jizzy Jizztastic

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

great white North

Knights of the Blazing Phoenix


Sorry, newb question: how do I access that information in-game?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Hundreds of thousands of people are addicted to WoW and this site has helped a lot of them and will give you encouragement to beat your addiction.

http://www.wowdetox.com/ Go here now!

Seriously, you need to get some sunlight because you will end up looking like the Kurzicks soon. A balanced lifestyle with job/school, family, girlfriend and GW in spare time is so much more fulfilling than grinding your life into a game that might not exist in 2 years.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Jizzy Jizztastic
Sorry, newb question: how do I access that information in-game?
type /age

Jizzy Jizztastic

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

great white North

Knights of the Blazing Phoenix


Thanks perfect. You also make a very good point.
Thousands of hours is pretty steep, but if you can play GW and the rest of your life doesn't suffer for it, then more power to you. But you're right about the game being a thing of the past in a few years. Then it's on to another game. And for what? haha. Different people will find different ways to blow off steam. But balance isn't always easy to achieve.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Sheffield, England, UK

Super Cute And Fluffy [scF]


Well i could make things worse, I have 2 accounts, and my other has something like 600 hours on it also...

i'll admit that on the ODD night i left it AFK for a few hours (never over night whilst I slept) and no, i dont work or go to school, im 24, and im a carer for my disabled mother

I play other games, and run various other online things, working it out, its not that much... ((24 * 30) * 17) = 12,240
(for thoes not mathematically minded, thats 24 hours (1 day), Multiplied by 30 (30 days average in a month) multiplied by 17 for 17 months played)

so almost 6000 hours, out of over 12000 doesnt seem too much to me, it equates to about 6440 hours not played,

which is.. ((6440 / 17) / 30)) = 12.62 hours (6440 hours, devided by 17 months, by 30 days,) which is 12.62 hours NOT played.. which is 11.3 hours per day...

out of thoes 11 hours per day, i'd say 2 were spent AFK (at MOST)

so thats 9 hours true.. which would still ammount to 4,590 hours over 17 months, actual PLAY time.. (none AFK)

any ways, I have give up GW for a few weeks, I got sick of the noob HA groups..

I used to have a group all the time, but got bored of the same FOTM builds, should start playing again (not played for almost 3 weeks) now its on 6 v 6
again xD



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

I would say that you play far too much, and are probably addicted, although I can't tell - playing too much and being addicted are two different things, but the latter is often the cause of the former.




Join Date: Jul 2006




my ign is paladin daniel pm me if u need some company, im a addict aswel lol,

bout 1300 hours in 3 months




Join Date: Dec 2005




Ghozer I remember you going AFK alot. How about (your current time * (2/3))? That would be more accurate.

Being addicted means not being able to stop for 2 days, without going mental. Try it?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

If you can put the game down for a month and do something else, and it not be that big of a deal, then you're not addicted. Then it's just an activity you really enjoy doing and investing time in, like any sport or hobby.

If you can't put the game down for more than a few days, or doing so causes serious pyschological or physiological stress, then yes - you're additcted to it.

ad·dic·tion (-dkshn)

Habitual psychological and physiological dependence on a substance or practice beyond one's voluntary control.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005




Addiction (as defined by me) is when you know you're doing something that is detrimental to other aspects of your life, yet you can't stop even if you wanted to.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Remnants of Ascalon, KT alliance


what about getting a life?

you probably just leave gw on whole the time while beeing afk, if this isn't true then you should think of some kind of job/hobby/girlfriend?...

there is more in life then videogames, don't want to sound arrogant but thzts just plain truth



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


I got over 3000 hours and I know I am not addicted more so to gaming forums.I know I go afk a lot to do this or that even have dinner and watch the news while logged in.I even talk to family member on the phone.You might have your screen minimized and not be aware of it.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Equal Opprotunity Employers


peopel call me addicted, and i have 709 hours in 14 months. i dont think i am only because i do go out, and alot of parties and not just GW. i als have about 50 hours of BF2 over the past 3 months (only play when my bro is on)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



If you can't stop playing, get anxious if you're not playing, constantly think about playing and GW has caused a severe detriment to your quality of life then yes you may be addicted.

If you are hurting your body - by sitting too much, rsi from the mouse or keyboard, gaining weight and becoming unhealthy by lack of exercise, have an unhealthier diet or eating habits due to not spending the time to eat right because of GW, becoming lax in your own hygeine, not getting enough sleep, being tired all day while driving, or hurting others (not socializing w/ friends, wife, girlfriend, not giving enough time to care for your mother, children, pets), then you have a bad addiction.

Unrelated to addiction - If you take a look at your life and ask, is this where I want to be/to do and is this going to help me get where I want to be in 5 years and then ask if some of your time could be better spent in other efforts then yes you could be logging too many hours in gw.

Having had spurts of time wasted on games like BF 1942, HL2, and other such things when I should have been sleeping sometimes it can be hard to do something a bit more productive w/o just uninstalling the darn thing. I'm sure everyone has experience that "just one more game" feeling.

See if you can uninstall the game, seal up the discs and not play guild wars until nightfall will tell you how addicted you might be, and how in control of your own urges you are =)

Sol Is Pyrrhus

Sol Is Pyrrhus

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Spearmen [치치치치]


Well, I'm at about 1,700 hours over the past 8 months, and my friends tell me all I do is play Guild Wars. That's 71 straight days all together; i.e. more than three of the last eight months have been spent playing Guild Wars. I don't go afk, either.

Tbh, I play Guild Wars during the week when I'm blowing off homework, and then when I can't get home to see my girlfriend over the weekend, I'll play pretty much all weekend.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Currently residing in ToA dis 1


what are the gray icons in the bottom right of your screen?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

All Senses Failed [aSF]


I don't know... ARE you addicted?

Being addicted to something means giving an object a higher importance in your life than other things.

If you honestly think that there are still MANY things that you find more important than GW, I'd say you're ok. If not (and be honest), you might want to consider taking a break for a bit and getting things together.



Raged Out

Join Date: Sep 2005

i think its time you start going to meetings where you state your name and your addiction...

Sli Ander

Sli Ander

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Deep in Maguuma, by the Falls

Liberators of Agony


Originally Posted by cosyfiep
I need a life...2300 hours in 13 months.....(I was out of the country until august last year)......but I do find I am spending more time on this forum and guildwiki ....mostly because of the slow load times for these forums! Still need to get a life......yep I say addicted. (dang keyboard)
Try not leaving the computer on when you're out of the country. j/k



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


There is a difference in addiction and if you are obbessed by the game.The addiction part is easy to overcome but obbession is not.