The Uncommon Common Rune
Sorry if this has already been posted (search function is not being friendly today)
Anyways today I decided to salvage my really old knight's armour to make space for more loot.
So I salvaged it and received a _common_ major vigor rune.
Tried to sell it to the rune trader but the comment "The trader refuses to buy this item" pops up when I try to request a quote.
Here is an SS to go along with my little story:
Any thoughts?
Anyways today I decided to salvage my really old knight's armour to make space for more loot.
So I salvaged it and received a _common_ major vigor rune.
Tried to sell it to the rune trader but the comment "The trader refuses to buy this item" pops up when I try to request a quote.
Here is an SS to go along with my little story:
Any thoughts?
The rune it self looks like minor vigor not major although it says major.
A few months back, they changed the -hp on major runes, and before that, they changed the icons for the runes. Your rune is from early after prophecies was released and thus hasn't undergone either of the changes, the rune trader simply doesn't recognize it as a valid rune anymore, just use it yourself, or find a player who wants to buy it, be warned though that many players will probably think it's a scam due to having the wrong icon for what they are expecting.
He is aware that you scammed the rune from a Poor Little Ele in Lions Arch. Word spread quickly that the said rune was travelling the continent in the guise of a piece of knights armor and would soon resurface to once again be the point of controversey and epic tales of misdeed and misery for the Poor Little Ele Of Lions Arch.
As the tale spread far and wide rumors of curse and evil attatched to the Rune Of the Poor Little Ele Of Lions Arch penetrated the normally mundane lives of the very traders who deal in such artifacts rare and common. Those traders were in the majority filled with dread but some secretly wished they a moment of excitment would fall upon them with the Rune Of the Poor Little Ele Of Lions Arch gracing their trading tables.
Obviously you found one of these fearful traders..
I'm sure someone would love it.
Maybe a Poor Little Ele In Lions Arch could use it
I know it doesn't answer your question.. I just couldn't help myself
As the tale spread far and wide rumors of curse and evil attatched to the Rune Of the Poor Little Ele Of Lions Arch penetrated the normally mundane lives of the very traders who deal in such artifacts rare and common. Those traders were in the majority filled with dread but some secretly wished they a moment of excitment would fall upon them with the Rune Of the Poor Little Ele Of Lions Arch gracing their trading tables.
Obviously you found one of these fearful traders..
I'm sure someone would love it.
Maybe a Poor Little Ele In Lions Arch could use it

I know it doesn't answer your question.. I just couldn't help myself

Dargon has it right. When they made changes to the rune icons and later hp modifiers, the "old" runes ceased to be valid as far as the rune traders are concerned. Only the new and improved runes are open for trade.
Good thing it's a vigor rune and not one of the other Majors.
Good thing it's a vigor rune and not one of the other Majors.
Feminist Terrorist
I think the regular merchant will buy it.
I have a blue Superior Inspiration Magic rune. I keep it just for novelty value. It has the right icon, though, and I believe traders will accept it.
I have a blue sup vigor! But I'm using it.
blue major smite here, saved it for ages hehe
I like to collect oddities like this, I have a self found Sup Axe Mastery rune that looks like a minor - the icon is of a minor rune and text is blue, thats how all runes looked like just after the release of Prophecies.
I think my original char (ranger) still has the old style runes on her armor.
*pines for the old days*
*pines for the old days*
Priest Of Sin
I've got 3 Blue Sup Vigors.... I <3 them, my guildmates are like "WTF is wrong with your runes!??!" when I show them off
There are still many copies of the old run avatars on old characters. They have not been replaced by the new avatar and the rune trader doesn't buy them (the merchant will though).
Yeh, keep it because you'll remember it chapters down the line. I msyelf have a blue sup rune that I still keep.
The traders will not buy them, most players will not either b/c of the icon.
The traders will not buy them, most players will not either b/c of the icon.