Kai Nui
Why not just allow us to un-customize weapons? I don't see a problem with this, you can change modifications and runes extremely easy without any kind of special kit, why not just allow us to go back to the customizer or something. I just find the whole idea behind customizing horrible as it makes all weapons weaker for PVP use or if you want to use them on other charactesr.
When you customize something, it, by definition, should no longer be able to be used by anyone else effectively. Also, by allowing this, why not just make all weapons do 20% additional damage, since you could customize, uncutomize at will.
Also, I don't know how it makes them weaker, unless you want to make pvp chars and use items youve found. If you want to use them on other characters, then don't customize. Simple.
Also, I don't know how it makes them weaker, unless you want to make pvp chars and use items youve found. If you want to use them on other characters, then don't customize. Simple.
add to one of these garbage threads instead of adding to the pile
Thread / Thread Starter Created Replies Views Uncustomize Compromise Kool Pajamas 03:59 16-Jan-06 4 112 When you "uncustomize" a weapon, it is labled as so, and cannot be customized ever again in the future.Not sure how useful it would be, but... uncustomize weapons and usable armors with the same name? Unnamed 17:31 4-Jul-05 5 143 was hoping that arenanet could uncustomize weapons and the crafted armors we have can be used with the same name(what i mean is when a char is deleted the armors that u... Option To Uncustomize A Weapon? Unnamed 15:47 31-Aug-06 15 45 but would it not be better if you could uncustomize your weapon or armor?I know armor is stretching it a bit and that would make the trading get a lot more complicated due to.. ... Un-customize option? Unnamed 11:25 10-Jun-05 3 57 i think we shud be able to uncustomize our weapons, for a fee, like 2k or something, what does everyone else think... Customized Weapons Cs Coldize 08:41 28-Jun-05 4 155 I think that there should be an option or some way to uncustomize a weapon... Customizing and unCustomizing Weapons Unnamed 01:04 21-Apr-06 28 285 What would be nice mybe Pay 100 gold to UnCustomize the Weapon so it could be sold for what its realy worth in game other then like 35 gold..Also would help when you have a guildie... Uncustomizing Addition demon dantes 18:40 23-May-06 15 188 would anyone else like to see an option to uncustomize weapons ... Customized weapons Unnamed 16:54 26-Jun-05 10 260 it wud be nice to uncustomize ur weapons so that you can sell it for some gold if ur short or if u want to get decent stuff should u make new heros... |
Oh yes, because every weapon deserves a free damage +20%.
wow another one, lol i thought it was the same thread i read 3 days ago O-o
Kai Nui
And yet some how people think it's acceptable? That's what disturbs me most of all...
Me And The Henchies
When something is customized it is made to fit your character and your character only. Thats why you have an aditional 20% damage because the weapon is made to fit you perfectly...
Sir Mad
Thanks for posting the list, Loviatar: you've just avoided me to press the search button to post it :P
/not signed for the reasons I gave in a few of the many thread about that I believe.
/not signed for the reasons I gave in a few of the many thread about that I believe.
Sereng Amaranth
Terra Xin
Originally Posted by Kai Nui
And yet some how people think it's acceptable? That's what disturbs me most of all...
What would be the point of customising it in the first place? What's the point of having weapon crafers if this suggestion went ahead? When you're supposed to suggest that all weapons have an inherent +20% mod, you might as well say that the damage range of all weapons should be increased by 20%. Duh.
Numerous explanations about the death of this suggestion have already been done... well done. Before we were just beating threads to the ground, this thread is just a compilation of times gone by.
Originally Posted by Terra Xin
What would be the point of customising it in the first place? What's the point of having weapon crafers if this suggestion went ahead? When you're supposed to suggest that all weapons have an inherent +20% mod, you might as well say that the damage range of all weapons should be increased by 20%. Duh.
People customize for the damage mod. Everyone customizes. Just eliminate customization and give us all the 20% mod.
It's CLEARLY not a Balance issue and it's economical effects are NOT a valid reason for keeping it. So can someone present a valid argument for retaining this 'feature' without simply re-iterating how things work currently?
Terra Xin
Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
People customize for the damage mod. Everyone customizes. Just eliminate customization and give us all the 20% mod.
You could always eliminate customization and NOT have the +20% mod at all, that will put staff and wands back on par with all other weapons. (Use SEARCH, and read the amount of threads that ask for better buffs for caster weapons)
Anyway, just to name a few valid arguments:
Upon your own suggestion, it was to have:
Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
The point is to get the 20% damage bonus, not to prevent resale. That's the reason people customize.
The 20% bonus should cost 10K+ but weapons could be recustomized. |
Originally Posted by Lyra Song
If you raised it to 10k, how do all those newbies in pre-searing afford it?
I remember when i first played i customized my crap weapons because it was the only thing i could afford to make my damage stronger. I never said the point of it was to prevent resale. -.o The reason i emphasized the nature of resale etc is because of the reason this was posted by the OP seems to be about vanity. |
Originally Posted by Defiant
Wouldn't it make sense to keep the cost of customization the same (10g), but have a weaponsmith late in the game that could perform an "uncustomization" for 15 - 25k? That way if you needed to "uncustomized" an weapon you would take a lost in profits in selling it, but you would save money if you were uncustomizing it so you can move it to another character on your account.
Originally Posted by Terra Xin
its impossible to "decustomize" a weapon. what are you gonna do? smash it on the ground so it's slightly bent out of shape??
/notsigned. |
Originally Posted by Undivine
Imagine bringing your bow to a fletcher and saying "I want you to fit this to my hand please." He shapes the haft to your hand, shaving off pieces of wood. You then say "Oh, I changed my mind. Could you make it generic again?" He says "No problem" and then glues the wood shavings back onto the bow..... What?
/not signed. You are missing the whole point of customization. |
Originally Posted by DarkGanni
/not signed
As a weapons collector I Don't customize most of my weapons, when it comes to damage dealing I use a crafter's 15^50 one and customize it. Customizing a weapon with a cool skin is up to you. |
1. Depreciation has also been put across the floor when attempting to uncostomize weapons.
2. Account-Wide customization has been suggested
3. Another suggestion, posted by Carinae suggests:
Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
Allow 'customized' weapons to be equipped and used by other players, but the 20% damage bonus only applies if the original customizer is weilding it.
Basically, YOU have a 20% damage bonus with the weapon and no-one else. However, it can be sold, traded, equipped and used by other players. |
1. PvP characters' ability to decustiomize
Originally Posted by Shadowdragon
/not signed.
then people with the preorder weapons can go ahead uncustomise and flood the market seeing as they can just get them back by typing /bonusitems while in a town or outpost |
I just sold 2 customized expensive greens to merchant, because I deleted the character.
Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
There is no valid reason to not allow recustomization, besides high-end traders not wanting to de-value high-end items (which I suspect is the ONLY reason people are opposed to this)
Originally Posted by Terra Xin
Ignoring the fact that decustomization has nothing to do with the damage mod and has everything to do with the ability to re-sell, I would assume that your own argument is invalid.
I realize the impractability of "recustomizing" a weapon in the real world...I just don't think GW is enough of a RP game to justify not allowing it.
Many of the suggested changes would be improvements, I'm not arguing for any particular one, just for change!
The system now only protects trophy-collectors, and I don't think ANYONE can argue that that is the intended purpose.
Malice Black
Originally Posted by NeHoMaR
I just sold 2 customized expensive greens to merchant, because I deleted the character.