Well, I'm in need of a upgrade. atm i have some pos intel p4 2.2ghz, 512gb and a fx5500 .
My budget is roughly 700$ max
I was looking for an AMD processor but my friend showed me these new intel conroes instead?
Basically, I'm looking at these..
Ram: (will get another of the same to put in dual chan)

The Zalman 9550
I have everything else, mouse+pad, keyboard, monitor etcccc..
And for video card.. my friend has connections and can hook me up with a x1900xt or something for less than 250 later on.
Anyways, will this setup be an excellent multi tasker? I usually run WMP 10, mIRC, 2 firefox windows, msn, Bitcomet/Limewire? CS/WC3 Minimized and some other background programs, i.e anti virus, firewall.
But with my pos p4 it's like lagtron 64. takes up to like 600mb in PF Usage.
The setup I'm currently working with is very baad. I only get 20-fps~ in guildwars @ 1024x768
So yeahh.. I should expect this setup to run EVERYTHING smoothly right? and more